Monday 20 September 19999

  1. Present Nigel Kirkwood, Frans Coenen, Martin Beer.
  2. Apologies for Absence. None
  3. Minutes of previous preliminary meetings Verified.
  4. Matters arising from minutes None.
  5. Recruitment Update
  6. Monitoring Officer FC Report on contact with monitoring officer. FC to continue trying to fix a date for the inaugural meeting.
  7. Program Facilitator: Confirmed NK as programme facilitator.
  8. Local Management Committee (LMC): Confirm membership of committee:
  9. Project plan: NK reported that the project has been progressing since the initial proposal and that we are now some 6 months into the project plan as originally conceived. We therefore need to revise the plan in the light of current activities. NK to carry out necessary revision.
  10. Project monitoring: NK to include appropriate mile stones in revised work plan.
  11. Associate Induction Programme: MDB to produce an appropriate programme.
  12. Associate Training Programme.
  13. Associate Mini-Project (between modules 1 and 2). Nature of this to be discussed with Fiona Nightingale.
  14. Associate Appraisal: Confirmed that associate appraisals will be carried out as per the supervisors handbook.
  15. Finance Report: Confirmed that financial control arrangement and invoicing procedure will be handled by the University Research Office, and that FC (as the lead academic) will produce a financial report at each LMC.
  16. Collaboration Agreement:
    1. Copy of proposed agreement passed to NK.
    2. Confirmed that Barry Hewitson will sign on behalf of the University.
  17. Confidentiality: Agreed that Tachograph Analysis Consultants Ltd. would encourage the production of academic papers provided that reasonable precautions will be taken to avoid "giving to much away".
  18. Next meeting 10:30 Tuesday 28 September 1999 in G33.

Created and maintained by Frans Coenen. Last updated 12 April 2001