Deterministic broadcasting in unknown radio networks Andrzej Pelc, University of Quebec at Hull, Canada. We consider the problem of distributed deterministic broadcasting in radio networks of unknown topology and size. The network is synchronous. If a node $u$ can be reached from two nodes which send messages in the same round, none of the messages is received by $u$. We assume that nodes are completely ignorant of the network: they know neither its topology, nor size, nor even their immediate neighborhood. The initial knowledge of every node is limited to its own label. We study the time of deterministic broadcasting under this total ignorance scenario. Previous research has concentrated on distributed randomized broadcasting algorithms working for unknown networks, and on deterministic off-line broadcasting algorithms assuming full knowledge of the radio network. Ours are the first broadcasting algorithms simultaneously distributed and deterministic, that work for arbitrary totally unknown radio networks. This is joint work by B.S. Chlebus, L. Gasieniec, A. Gibbons, A. Pelc and W. Rytter.