README The script is called You do not need to edit the script. Prepare a text file in which the first line is the radius of the area of influence. After the first line, each line has one pair of x,y coordinates separated by a comma. An example file is provided called coords.txt The units are the same for the radius and for the coordinates. For example pixels or mm. It does not matter how the coordinates have been generated. The occupancy area computed is the area of all regions of influence taking into account the overlap. This value is written in the output and also saved in a file called result.txt. In the file the first column is a timestamp, the second is the occupancy area. The program has been tested on a Mac, not on Windows. For copyright and reference see the top of the script. Known issues: Remove any blank lines at the end of your text file. For number of elements above 50 the program is slow and exponentially more so as the number increases. For information contact: Marco Bertamini Michele Zito