Argumentation in A.I. and Law - Provisional Schedule

Argumentation in A.I. and Law

ICAIL'05 Workshop

June 10th 2005 - Bologna, Italy

Provisional Schedule

Session 1: Argumentation Schemes (9.30-11.00)

Critical Questions in Computational Models of Legal Argument
D. Walton, T.F. Gordon

Levels of Reasoning with Legal Cases
K. Atkinson, T.J.M. Bench-Capon

Outline of a Multi-agent System for Regulated Information Exchange in Crime Investigations
P. Dijkstra, F. Bex, H. Prakken, K. de Vey Mestdagh

COFFEE BREAK (11.00-11.30)

Session 2: Agents and Learning (11.30-13.00)

A dialectics system in which argumentative agents play and arbitrate to reach an agreement.
M. Morge

Argument Based Machine Learning Applied to Law
M. Mozina, J. Zakbar, T. Bench-Capon, I. Bratko

Constructing Theories of Case Law through Argumentation
A. Chorley, T.J.M. Bench-Capon

LUNCH (13.00-14.30)

Session 3: Applications (14.30-16.00)

eGanges epistemology and case reasoning
P.N. Gray

CADRAL: a Procedural Agent for Processing Family Allowance Applications.
T. Tamisier, F. Feltz, Y. Didry

Values and Argumentation in Environmental Risk Regulation
P. McBurney

TEA BREAK (16,00-16.30)

Session 4: Formal Models (16.30-17.30)

A Computational Model of Argument for Legal Reasoning Support Systems
T.F. Gordon

A Value-based Argument Model of Convention Degradation
P.E. Dunne

Concluding Remarks