BCTCS15 Open General Meeting - Provisional Agenda

Provisional Agenda for the Open General Meeting of the BCTCS

BCTCS15 University of Keele April 14th 1999

a) This arises from the interim position accepted at the St. Andrews' meeting (Item 4(b) in BCTCS14 Minutes).

Paul E. Dunne

Secretary: BCTCS Organising Committee

Minutes of the Open General Meeting of the BCTCS, 1998

BCTCS14 University of St. Andrews April 1st 1998

The Treasurer (Chris Tofts, Leeds) supervised the elections to posts due for renewal. The incoming President moved a formal vote of thanks for Alan Gibbons' work during his two terms as BCTCS President which was unanimously approved by the meeting. In a brief address, Alan Gibbons thanked the several individuals who had assisted during his terms of office.