BCTCS - Invited Speakers (chronological order)

Invited Speakers BCTCS 1988-2001

Chronological Order - by Conference

BCTCS4 - University of Edinburgh, 1988

S. Abramsky A Cooks Tour of the Finitary Non-Well-Founded Sets
F. Honsell The Edinburgh LF - a Framework for describing logical systems
R. Milner What use are Process Algebras?
L.G. Valiant Computationally Feasible Learning
C. Yap Grobner Bases: Complexity and Applications

BCTCS5 - Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, 1989

A. Apostolico Parallel Algorithms on Words
R. Backhouse Making formalism work for us
R. Cole A promising approach to complexity measures for computation over splay trees
J. Dixon Computations in Galois Theory
J. Goguen Object Oriented Programming as a natural extension of functional programming
R. Hindley The Coppo-Denzani Type System
J. Lloyd Current Theoretical Issues in Logic Programming
M. Smyth The thesis that computable functions are uniformly continuous

BCTCS6 - University of Manchester, 1990

H. Barringer The future of imperative logic
P. Flajolet Some recent trends in the average-case analysis of algorithms
S. Goldwasser Zero Knowledge Interactive Proofs
J.M.E. HylandSynthetic domain theory - the story so far
C. Lengauer Systolic design and systolising compilation
U. Martin What can you do with an equational reasoning theorem prover?
L. Wallen From proof theory to proof search: some remarks on the design of proof procedures

BCTCS7- University of Liverpool, 1991

H. Barendregt Feasible Full Formalisation
A. Bundy Automatic generation of Program Synthesis Proofs
M. Dyer Volume and related computational problems
J. Hughes Naturality, Polymorphism and Compile-time analysis
C. Jones Interference resumed
C. O'Dunlaing Computational problems in geometry
C. Sturtivant Some issues in algebraic complexity
B. Vallee Algorithms for integer factorization

BCTCS8 - University of Newcastle, 1992

J.L. Balcazar The structural approach to complexity theory
A.M. Gibbons Implementing P-RAM algorithms on distributed memory models of parallel computation
Y. Gurevich Evolving algebras
W. Hodges The logical background to specification
T.S.E. Maibaum Design Structures: configuring specifications
J.E. Savage VLSI analysis, synthesis and theory
C.P. Stirling Verification via model checking

BCTCS9 - University of York, 1993

M. Atkinson The capability of priority queues as data transformers
J. Lloyd Declarative Logic Programming
G. Plotkin A logic for parametric polymorphism
J. Steyaert On the average complexity of rewriting systems
B. Tennant Correctness of data representations in Algol-like languages

BCTCS10 - University of Bristol, 1994

R. Bird Relational program derivation
D. Bree The semantics of natural language temporal prepositions and conjunctions
R. Cori Building automata with time stamps
P.E. Dunne Introduction to Boolean Function Complexity (Tutorial)
M. Holcombe X-Machines - What are they? (Tutorial)
M. Jerrum The computational complexity of counting
P. Spirakis Paradigms for fast parallel approximations to problems that are hard to parallelise

BCTCS11 - University of Swansea, 1995

J.W. de Bakker Metric Semantics
J. Heering Algebraic specifications and proofs by induction
M. Hennessey Higher--Order Processes and Their Models
J.R. Hindley Counting the Inhabitants of a type
F. Moller The Computational Complexity of Bisimilarity
I.A. Stewart Descriptive Complexity Theory (Tutorial)
D.E. Rydeheard Category Theory and Game Semantics
J.V. Tucker Synchronous Concurrent Algorithms

BCTCS12 - University of Kent at Canterbury, 1996

P. Aczel Formalising abstract algebra in constructive type theory
G. Birtwistle Specifying and verifying AMULET in CCS
E. Brinksma Formal models for testing: an interaction between theory and practice
K. Hanna Reasoning about digital systems
U. Martin The princess and the plumber, the role of mathematics in computer science
M. Smid Spanners: approximating the complete Euclidean graph
J. Toran On the complexity of the graph isomorphism problem
D. Turner Total functional programming

BCTCS13 - University of Sheffield, 1997

M. Amos The Complexity and Viability of DNA Computation (tutorial)
T.J.M. Bench-Capon Machines Can't Think
P.E. Dunne An Overview of Lower Bound Techniques in Monotone Boolean Function Complexity
J. Esparza Model-checking Pushdown Automata
M. Fairtlough Abstraction, constraints and the lambda calculus (tutorial)
M. GordonEvent and cycle semantics of hardware description languages
E. Robertson Combinatorial and decidability questions in semigroups of words
E. Robinson Logic and logical relations
C. Tofts Ants, Shrimps, and other asynchronous hardware

BCTCS14 - University of St. Andrews, 1998

R. Burstall Teaching Logic to Programmers
J. Davenport Is Computer Algebra the same as Computer Symbolic Mathematics?
A. Edalat Exact Real Number Computation Using Linear Fractional Transformations
I. Gent Two Become One: Theory and Experiment
L. Goldberg Contention Resolution in Mulitple-Access Channels
A. Macintyre Connections between model theory and volume estimates
L. Ong Game Semantics
R. Thomas Syntactic Monoids - a Survey

BCTCS15 - Keele University, 1999

W. Fokkink Within ARMs Reach: Compilation of Rewrite Systems
M. Hofmann Linear Types and non-size increasing polynomial time computation
W.F. McColl BSP Computing
I. Pratt Qualitative Spatial Reasoning and the Semantic Knife-edge
D. Pym Reasource Semantics, Bunched Logic and a Relevant Logical Framework
G. Winskel Linearity in Distributed Computation
M. Worboys Computing with Geospatial Data: Challenges to Theory

BCTCS16 - Liverpool University, 2000

P.E. Dunne Computational Problems (Some Directions but no Solutions)
G. RozenbergDNA Computing in vivo - gene assembly in ciliates
L.G. Valiant Robust Logic
K. Weihrauch Computable Analysis
M. WooldridgeThe Verification Problem for Agent Communication Languages
X. YaoSome Theoretical Issues in Evolutionary Computation

BCTCS17 - Glasgow University, 2001

Muffy CalderA Day in the Life of a Spin Doctor
Ursula MartinComputational math: the new challenge for computational logic
Farron MollerTechniques for decidability and undecidability for bisimilarity (Tutorial)
Joachim ParrowAn introduction to the pi-Calculus (Tutorial)
Mike PatersonGetting your message across, but nicely: an introduction to contention resolution
Simon Peyton-JonesAsynchronous Exceptions in Concurrent Haskell
Alexander RabinovichTemporal Logic over Branching Time: Expressiveness and Complexity

Alphabetical Ordering

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