BCTCS Office Holders - 1985-2001

The formal composition of the BCTCS Organising Committee was instituted in the Constitution of the BCTCS as adopted in its present form at BCTCS14 (1998).

Prior to this, however, an elected organising committee of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, additional members (together with past, current, and future Local organisers) had been in effect since BCTCS5 (1989), and formally agreed at BCTCS8 (1992). The post of Postgraduate Student representative was created at BCTCS11 (1995). The title `President' replaced that of `Chairman' following the adoption of the BCTCS Constitution at BCTCS13 (1997).

Chairmen/Presidents of the BCTCS 1985-2001

John Tucker (Leeds, Swansea) 1985-1992
Alan Gibbons (Warwick, Liverpool) 1992-1998
Iain Stewart (Leicester) 1998-1999
Paul E. Dunne (Liverpool) 1999-2001
Chris Tofts (Hewlett-Packard Labs) 2001-

Secretaries of the BCTCS 1989-2000

Mark Jerrum (Edinburgh) 1989-1992
Paul E. Dunne (Liverpool) 1992-1999
Julian Bradfield (Edinburgh) 1999-

Treasurers of the BCTCS 1989-2000

David Rydeheard (Manchester) 1989-1991
Iain Stewart (Newcastle, Swansea, Leicester) 1991-1996
Chris Tofts (Swansea, Leeds, Hewlett-Packard Labs) 1996-2001
Faron Moller (Swansea) 2001-

Postgraduate Representatives 1995-2000

Savita Chauhan (Swansea) 1995-1997
Billy Duckworth (Liverpool) 1997-1998
Richard Gault (Leicester) 1998-1999
Mei Lin Hui (Leicester) 1999-2000
Paul Sant (Liverpool) 2000-

Elected Additional Committee Members 1992-2000

Julian Bradfield (Edinburgh) 1992-1998
Achim Jung (Birmingham) 1998-2001
John Stell (Keele) 1995-1998
Simon Thompson (UKC) 1998-2001
Chris Tofts (Swansea) 1992-1995

Committee Members 1985-1992

Before the institution of the current Organising Commitee structure at BCTCS8 in 1992, several people had contributed to the acting BCTCS Organising Commitee in capacities other than Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or Local Organiser. The following list includes most of those who were involved at some time between 1985 and 1992, but may not be complete.

Alan Gibbons (Warwick)
Kevin McEvoy (Leeds)
Mike Paterson (Warwick)
Harold Simmons (Aberdeen, LogfIT/SERC)
Rick Thomas (Leicester)
Ben Thompson (Swansea)
Stan Wainer (Leeds)

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