Algorithm Design Paradigms - Introduction

Techniques for the Design of Algorithms

The first part of this course is concerned with:

Algorithmic Paradigms

That is: Such methods are of interest because: Over the next few lectures we shall examine the following paradigms: Although more than one technique may be applicable to a specific problem, it is often the case that an algorithm constructed by one approach is clearly superior to equivalent solutions built using alternative techniques.

The choice of design paradigm is an important aspect of algorithm synthesis.

Basic Algorithm Analysis


1. Count the number of basic operations performed by the algorithm on the worst-case input

A basic operation could be:

Simple Example:

n := 5;
    n := n -1;
until (m=0 or n=0)
Worst-case: 5 iterations

Usually we are not concerned with the number of steps for a single fixed case but wish to estimate the running time in terms of the `input size'.

    n := n -1;
until (m=0 or n=0)
Worst-case: n iterations

Examples of `input size':


n == The number of items to be sorted;

Basic operation: Comparison.

Multiplication (of x and y):

n == The number of digits in x plus the number of digits in y.

Basic operations: single digit arithmetic.

Graph `searching':

n == the number of nodes in the graph or the number of edges in the graph.

Counting the Number of Basic Operations

Sequence: P and Q are two algorithm sections:

Time( P ; Q )  =  Time( P ) + Time( Q )


while < condition > loop
end loop;

for i in 1..n loop
end loop

Time  =  Time( P ) * ( Worst-case number of iterations )


if < condition > then
end if;

Time  =  Time(P)   if  < condition > =true
         Time( Q ) if  < condition > =false

We shall consider recursive procedures later in the course.


for i in 1..n loop
    for j in 1..n loop
       if i < j then
          swop (a(i,j), a(j,i)); -- Basic operation
       end if;
    end loop;
end loop;

Time  <  n*n*1
       =  n^2

Asymptotic Performance

We are usually concerned with the growth in running time as the input size increases, e.g.

Suppose P, Q and R are 3 algorithms with the following worst-case run times:

1000210005 million100,000

If each is run on a machine that executes one million (10^6) operations per second

51 millisec0.5 millisec1 millisec
100270years0.05 secs0.01 secs
10002970years5 secs0.1 secs


The growth of run-time in terms of n (2^n; n^2; n) is more significant than the exact constant factors (1; 5; 100)


Let f:N-> R and g:N-> R. Then: f( n ) = O( g(n) ) means that

There are values, n0 and c, such that f( n ) < = c * g( n ) whenever n > = n0.

Thus we can say that an algorithm has, for example,

Run-time O( n^2 )



To express the concept of an algorithm taking at least some number of steps


can be used.

Again let, f:N-> R and g:N-> R. Then: f( n ) = OM ( g(n) ) means that there are values, n0 and c, such that f( n ) > = c * g( n ) whenever n > = n0.


Again let, f:N-> R and g:N-> R.

If f(n)=O(g(n)) and f(n)=OM(g(n))

Then we write, f( n ) = THETA ( g(n) )

In this case, f(n) is said to be asymptotically equal to g(n).

If f( n ) = THETA( g(n) ) then algorithms with running times f(n) and g(n) appear to perform similarly as n gets larger.

Manipulating O- and OM-notation

f(n)=O(g(n)) if and only if g(n)=OM(f(n))

If f(n) = O(g(n)) then

f(n)+g(n)=O(g(n)) ; f(n)+g(n)=OM(g(n))

f(n)*g(n)=O(g(n)^2) ; f(n)*g(n)=OM(f(n)^2)


Suppose f(n)=10n and g( n )=2n^2

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