COMP284 Scripting Languages
Lecture 15: JavaScript (Part 2)
Ullrich Hustadt
Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science
University of Liverpool
1 Primitive datatypes
2 Arrays
Array functions
3 Control structures
Conditional statements
Switch statements
While- and Do While-loops
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Primitive datatypes Numbers
Integers and Floating-point numbers
The JavaScript datatype number covers both
integer numbers 0 2012 -40 1263978
floating-point numbers 1.25 256.0 -12e19 2.4e-10
The Math object provides a wide range of mathematical functions
Math.abs(number) absolute value
Math.ceil(number) round fractions up
Math.floor(number) round fractions down
Math.round(number) round fractions
Math.log(number) natural logarithm
Math.random() random number between 0 and 1
Math.sqrt(number) square root
There are also some pre-defined number constants including
Math.PI (case sensitive) 3.14159265358979323846
NaN (case sensitive) ‘not a number’
Infinity (case sensitive) ‘infinity’
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Primitive datatypes Numbers
Numbers: NaN and Infinity
The constants NaN and Infinity are used as return values for
applications of mathematical functions that do not return a number
Math.log(0) returns -Infinity (negative ‘infinity’)
Math.sqrt(-1)returns NaN (‘not a number’)
1/0 returns Infinity (positive ‘infinity’)
0/0 returns NaN (‘not a number’)
Equality and comparison operators produce the following results
for NaN and Infinity:
NaN == NaN ; false NaN === NaN ; false
Infinity == Infinity ; true Infinity === Infinity ; true
NaN == 1 ; false Infinity == 1 ; false
NaN < NaN ; false Infinity < Infinity ; false
1 < Infinity ; true 1 < NaN ; false
Infinity < 1 ; false NaN < 1 ; false
NaN < Infinity ; false Infinity < NaN ; false
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Primitive datatypes Numbers
Integers and Floating-point numbers: NaN and Infinity
JavaScript provides two functions to test whether a value is or is not
NaN, Infinity or -Infinity:
bool isNaN(value)
returns TRUE iff value is NaN
bool isFinite(value)
returns TRUE iff value is neither NaN nor Infinity/-Infinity
There is no isInfinite function
In conversion to a boolean value,
NaN converts to false
Infinity converts to true
In conversion to a string,
NaN converts to 'NaN'
Infinity converts to 'Infinity'
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Primitive datatypes Booleans
JavaScript has a boolean datatype
with constants true and false (case sensitive)
JavaScript offers the same short-circuit boolean operators
as Java, Perl and PHP:
&& (conjunction) || (disjunction) ! (negation)
But and and or cannot be used instead of && and ||, respectively
The truth tables for these operators are the same as for Perl and PHP,
taking into account that the conversion of non-boolean values to
boolean values differs
Remember that && and || are not commutative, that is,
(A && B) is not the same as (B && A)
(A || B) is not the same as (B || A)
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Primitive datatypes Booleans
Type conversion to boolean
When converting to boolean, the following values are considered false:
the boolean false itself
the number 0 (zero)
the empty string, but not the string ’0’
Every other value is converted to true including
objects, in particular, arrays with zero elements
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Primitive datatypes Strings
JavaScript supports both single-quoted and double-quoted strings
JavaScript uses + for string concatenation
Within double-quoted strings JavaScript supports the following
escape characters
\b (backspace) \f (form feed) \n (newline)
\r (carriage return) \t (tab) \ (backslash)
\' (single quote) \" (double quote)
JavaScript does not support variable interpolation
JavaScript also does not support heredocs,
but multi-line strings are possible
documen t . writeln ( " Your \
name is " + name + " and \
you are s tudying " + degre e + " \
at " + un ive rsity );
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Arrays Definition
An array is created by assigning an array value to a variable
var arr ayV ar = []
var arr ayV ar = [elem0 , elem1 , ... ]
JavaScript uses
arr ayV ar [ index ]
to denote the element stored at position index in arrayVar
The first array element has index 0
Arrays have no fixed length and it is always possible to add more
elements to an array
Accessing an element of an array that has not been assigned a value yet
returns undefined
For an array arrayVar, arrayVar.length returns the maximal index
index such that arrayVar[index] has been assigned a value
(including the value undefined) plus one
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Arrays Definition
It is possible to assign a value to arrayVar.length
if the assigned value is greater than the previous value of arrayVar.length,
then the array is ‘extended’ by additional undefined elements
if the assigned value is smaller than the previous value of arrayVar.length,
then array elements with greater or equal index will be deleted
Assigning an array to a new variable creates a reference to the
original array
; changes to the new variable affect the original array
Arrays are also passed to functions by reference
The slice function can be used to create a proper copy of an array:
object arrayVar.slice(start, end)
returns a copy of those elements of array variable that have indices
between start and end
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Arrays Definition
Arrays: Example
var array1 = ['hello', [1, 2], function() {return 5}, 43]
document.writeln("1: array1.length = "+array1.length+"<br>")
1: array1.length = 4<br>
document.writeln("2: array1[3] ="+array1[3]+"<br>")
2: array1[3] = 43<br>
array1[5] = 'world'
document.writeln("3: array1.length = "+array1.length+"<br>")
3: array1.length = 6<br>
document.writeln("4: array1[4] ="+array1[4]+"<br>")
4: array1[4] = undefined<br>
document.writeln("5: array1[5] ="+array1[5]+"<br>")
5: array1[5] = world<br>
array1.length = 4
document.writeln("6: array1[5] ="+array1[5]+"<br>")
6: array1[5] = undefined<br>
var array2 = array1
array2[3] = 7
document.writeln("7: array1[3] ="+array1[3]+"<br>")
7: array1[3] = 7<br>
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Arrays forEach-method
The recommended way to iterate over all elements of an array is a
for ( index = 0; index < ar ray Var . length ; i ndex ++) {
... arr ayV ar [ index ] ...
An alternative is the use of the forEach method:
var cal lba ck = f unction ( elem , index , ar ray Arg ) {
statemen ts
array . forEach ( ca llb ack );
The forEach method takes a function as an argument
It iterates over all indices/elements of an array
It passes the current array element (elem), the current index (index) and
a pointer to the array (arrayArg) to the function
Return values of that function are ignored,
but the function may have side effecs
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Arrays forEach-method
forEach-method: Example
var myArray = [ ' Michele Zito ' ,' U llrich Hu stadt ' ];
var re write Names = functio n (elem , index , arr ) {
arr [ index ] = elem . re place (/(\ w +)\ s(\ w +)/ , "$2 , $1 " );
myArray . f orEach ( r ewrit eName s );
for (i =0; i < myA rray . le ngth ; i ++) {
doc ume nt . write ( ' [ ' +i + '] = '+ myArray [i ]+ " " );
doc ume nt . writel n ( " <br >");
[0] = Zito , Michele [1] = Hustadt , U llrich <br >
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Arrays Array functions
Array operators
JavaScript has no stack or queue data structures,
but has stack and queue functions for arrays:
number array.push(value1, value2,...)
appends one or more elements at the end of an array;
returns the number of elements in the resulting array
mixed array.pop()
extracts the last element from an array and returns it
mixed array.shift()
shift extracts the first element of an array and returns it
number array.unshift(value1, value2,...)
inserts one or more elements at the start of an array variable;
returns the number of elements in the resulting array
Note: In contrast to PHP and Perl, array does not need to be a variable
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Arrays Array functions
Array operators: push, pop, shift, unshift
planets = ["earth"]
document.writeln("planets\@1: "+planets.join(" ")+" <br>")
planets@1: mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn <br>
last = planets.pop()
document.writeln("planets\@2: "+planets.join(" ")+" <br>")
planets@2: mercury venus earth mars jupiter <br>
first = planets.shift()
document.writeln("planets\@3: "+planets.join(" ")+" <br>")
planets@3: venus earth mars jupiter <br>
document.writeln(" \@4: "+first+" "+last+" <br>")
@4: mercury saturn <br>
home = ["mercury","venus","earth"].pop()
document.writeln(" \@5: "+ home + " <br>")
@5: earth <br>
number = ["earth"].push("mars");
document.writeln(" \@6: "+ number + " <br>")
@6: 2 <br>
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Control structures
Control structures
JavaScript control structures
conditional statements
switch statements
while- and do while-loops
break and continue
are identical to those of PHP except for conditional statements
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Control structures Conditional statements
Control structures: conditional statements
JavaScript conditional statements do not allow for elsif- or
elseif-clauses, but conditional statements can be nested:
if ( condi tio n ) {
statemen ts
} else if ( condition ) {
statemen ts
} else {
statemen ts
The else-clause is optional but there can be at most one
Curly brackets can be omitted if there is only
a single statement in a clause
JavaScript also supports conditional expressions
con dition ? if _t rue_e xpr : if _f alse_ ex pr
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Control structures Switch statements
Control structures: switch statement
Switch statements in JavaScript take the same form as in PHP:
swit ch ( expr ) {
case expr1 :
statemen ts
break ;
case expr2 :
statemen ts
break ;
default :
statemen ts
break ;
there can be arbitrarily many case-clauses
the default-clause is optional but there can be
at most one
expr is evaluated only once and then compared
to expr1, expr2, etc using (loose) equality ==
once two expressions are found to be equal the
corresponing clause is executed
if none of expr1, expr2, etc are equal to expr,
then the default-clause will be executed
break ‘breaks out’ of the switch statement
if a clause does not contain a break command,
then execution moves to the next clause
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Control structures Switch statements
Control structures: switch statement
Not every case-clause needs to have associated statements
swit ch ( month ) {
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7:
case 8: case 10: case 12:
days = 31;
break ;
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
days = 30;
break ;
case 2:
days = 28;
break ;
default :
days = 0;
break ;
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Control structures While- and Do While-loops
Control structures: while- and do while-loops
JavaScript offers while-loops and do while-loops
while ( co ndi tion ) {
statemen ts
do {
statemen ts
} while ( condition );
As usual, curly brackets can be omitted if the loop onsists of only one
// Co mpute the factorial of a given num ber
fac torial = 1;
do {
fac torial *= number - -;
} while ( number > 0);
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Control structures For-loops
Control structures: for-loops
for-loops in JavaScript take the form
for ( initialisation ; test ; increm ent ) {
stat ements
Again, the curly brackets are not required if the body of the loop only
consists of a single statement
In JavaScript, as in PHP, initialisation and increment can consist
of more than one statement, separated by commas instead of semicolons
for (i = 3, j = 3; j >= 0; i ++ , j - -)
doc ume nt . writel n ( i + " - " + j + " - " + i* j)
// I nde nt ati on has no ` meaning ' in JavaScript ,
// the next line is not part of the loop
doc ume nt . writel n ( " After loop : " + i + " - " + j)
Note: Variables introduced in a for-loop are still global even if declared
using var
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Control structures For-loops
Control structures: break and continue
The break command can also be used in while-, do while-, and for-loops
and discontinues the execution of the loop
while ( value < 100) {
if ( value == 0) break ;
value ++
The continue command stops the execution of the current iteration of a
loop and moves the execution to the next iteration
for (x = -2; x <= 2; x ++) {
if ( x == 0) contin ue ;
doc ume nt . writel n ( " 10 / " + x + " = " + (10/ x ));
10 / -2 = -5
10 / -1 = -10
10 / 1 = 10
10 / 2 = 5
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 15 Slide L15 21
Control structures For-loops
Chapter 15: Expressions and Control Flow in JavaScript
Chapter 16: JavaScript Functions, Objects, and Arrays
R. Nixon:
Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript.
O’Reilly, 2009.
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