COMP519 Web Programming
Lecture 2: HTML (HTTP and HTML5 Basics)
Ullrich Hustadt
Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Character Encodings
Elements, Attributes and Values
3 Further Reading
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HTTP Introduction
World Wide Web [New]
An infrastructure that allows to easily develop, deploy, and use distributed
Distributed systems
A system in which components located on networked computers
communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages in order to
achieve a common goal
The web uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol to communicate
(Communication) protocol
A defined system that allows two or more entities to transmit information
via any kind of variation of a physical quantity
It defines the rules, syntax, semantics and synchronization of
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HTTP Introduction
Web clients (web browsers) and web servers use
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to communicate with each other
More generally, HTTP is an application-layer protocol for distributed
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HTTP History
HTTP: History
1991 HTTP 0.9
first documented version of the protocol
1996 HTTP/1.0
first version of HTTP that was an Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) informational RFC (RFC 1945)
HTTP 0.9 and HTTP/1.0 require a separate TCP/IP connection for
every resource request
1997 HTTP/1.1
first version of HTTP that was an Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) formal standard (RFC 2068)
HTTP/1.1 can reuse a TCP/IP connection to request several resources
from the same server
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HTTP History
HTTP: History
1991 HTTP 0.9
1996 HTTP/1.0
1997 HTTP/1.1
Minor improvements and clarifications of HTTP/1.1 are developed
2015 HTTP/2
Major revision of HTTP with focus on efficiency and privacy improvements
HTTP/2 allows a server to push resources to client even before they are
HTTP/2 puts more emphasis on encrypted connections
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HTTP Requests
HTTP Requests
Browser/Client Server
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
Browser/Client Server
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Header
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 22:38:34 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Encoding: UTF-8
Content-Length: 138
Last-Modified: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 23:11:55 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.34 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux)
ETag: "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: close
<html> Message body
<title>An Example Page</title>
Hello World, this is a very simple HTML document.
Wikipedia Contributors: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 16 September 2018 23:26 [accessed 13 Sep 2017]
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HTTP Character Encodings
Character Encodings
Computers operate on bits (0/1) and sequences of bits
To store a text, it needs to be encoded as a sequence of bits
To retrieve a text, a sequence of bits needs to be decoded back to a
sequence of characters
Early examples of such encodings are
7-bit ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
8-bit ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
8-bit Windows-1252
8-bit Mac OS Roman
However these allow to encode at most 256 characters
; the languages of the world contain many more characters
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HTTP Character Encodings
Character Encodings
UTF-8 is a modern solution to this problem:
(Almost?) every known character is mapped to a sequence of 1x8 bits
to 4x8 bits
Within UTF-8, ANSI characters retain their encoding
Char ASCII ANSI UTF-8 Mac OS Roman
a 1100001 01100001 01100001 01100001
ˆa 11100010 11100010 10001001
¨a 11100100 11100100 10001010
α 11001001:10100011
When two systems exchange texts, then they need to know / agree
which encoding they are using
; A HTTP header uses ASCII
; A HTTP message body can use an arbitrary encoding
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HTML Introduction
Hypertext and HTML
The Hypertext Markup Language is the language for specifying the
static part of a web page / elements of an interface
Hypertext documents contain links to other hypertext documents,
creating an associative trail that readers can choose to follow
Markup is a general term for special symbols (tags) that are added to
plain text to provide additional information about document structure,
content type, formatting, etc
The terms hypertext and hypermedia were coined by Ted Nelson in
1963 as part of a model he developed for creating and using linked
The idea of hypertext is attributed to Vannevar Bush who in in 1945
described a hypothetical hypertext device called Memex in a magazine
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HTML History
HTML: Chronology
1989, Berners-Lee HTML 1
Very basic, limited integration of multimedia added in 1993,
web browser Mosaic supported many additional features
1994, IETF HTML 2.0
Tried to standardize these additional features, but during 1994–96,
web browsers Netscape and IE supported many new, divergent features
1995, IETF HTML 3.0
Proposed, but never received approval
1996, W3C HTML 3.2
Again attempted to unify all features into a single standard
but also dropped some tags that were in HTML 2.0
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HTML History
HTML: Chronology
1997, W3C HTML 4.0
Tried to discourage the use of ‘frames’, dropped Netscape visual tags,
and introduced CSS; defined three variants:
Strict: Deprecated elements are forbidden
Transitional: Deprecated elements are allowed
Frameset: Frames are allowed
1999, W3C HTML 4.01
Minor changes, the three variations are maintained
2000, ISO ‘ISO HTML’
ISO/IEC 15445:2000, based on HTML 4.01 Strict
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HTML History
HTML: Chronology
2000, W3C XHTML 1.0
Reformulation of all three HTML 4.01 variations in XML
Unlike HTML, anyone can define their own tags and attributes
Unlike HTML, XHTML requires strict adherence to coding rules
2001, W3C XHTML 1.1
Based on XHTML 1.0 Strict, introduces modules
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HTML History
HTML: Chronology
2014, W3C HTML5
Shifts the focus from ‘semantically describing scientific documents’ to
‘supporting web applications’
2016, W3C HTML 5.1
Adds features for more responsive web apps and improved navigation
2017, W3C HTML 5.1 2nd Edition
2018, W3C HTML 5.2
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HTML Elements, Attributes and Values
Elements, Attributes and Values
The HTML5 specification defines a set of elements, attributes, and
attribute values and their meanings (semantics)
(there are more than 100 different elements alone)
Authors of HTML documents should not use elements, attributes, or
attribute values for purposes other than their intended semantic purpose
; otherwise documents might not be processed correctly
(still, most authors violate this rule)
HTML5 follows the separation of concerns design principle:
a system should be divided into parts with functionality that overlaps
as little as possible
; in HTML5 semantics and presentation are (mostly) separated
For the full specification of the most recent version see
S. Faulkner, A. Eicholz, T. Leithead, A. Danilo, S. Moon, editors:
HTML 5.2. W3C Recommendation, 14 December 2017. (accessed 09 September 2019)
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HTML Elements, Attributes and Values
Elements, Attributes and Values
Most elements consist of a start tag and a matching end tag,
with some content in between
The general form of a start tag
< tagName attrib1 =" value1 " ... a t t r i b N =" valueN " >
where tagName is a non-empty sequence of alphanumeric ASCII chars,
attrib1,. . . ,attribN, N 0, are attributes and
value1,. . . ,valueN, N 0, are attribute values
A end tag / closing tag takes the form
</ tagName >
<title > My first HTML document </ title >
<a href =" http :// cgi . csc . liv . ac . uk /" > CS Website </ a >
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HTML Elements, Attributes and Values
Elements, Attributes and Values
So-called void elements only have a start tag
area base br col embed hr img
input keygen link meta param source track wbr
The start tags of void elements can be made self-closing by ending the
tag with /> instead of >, optionally preceded by a space
<br > <br /> <br />
<img alt =" Picture of Crowne Plaza " src =" pic . png ">
<img alt =" Picture of Crowne Plaza " src =" pic . png "/ >
<img alt =" Picture of Crowne Plaza " src =" pic . png " / >
Comments take the form
<! -- Comme n t -->
and cannot be nested
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HTML Elements, Attributes and Values
Elements, Attributes and Values
HTML5 distinguished between different categories of attributes
Required attributes: needed by elements of a particular type
to function correctly
Optional attributes: used to modify the default functionality of an element
Standard attributes: supported by a large number of element types
Event attributes: used to link an element to code that is run
if a particular event happens in the element’s context
Standard attributes include:
id: meant to provide a document-wide unique identifier for an element
that can be used to refer to that specifc element
class: assigns an element to a named group either for semantic or
for presentation purposes
title: assigns a subtextual explanation to an element; in a web browser
typically shown if the mouse ‘hovers’ over the element
style: allows to change the presentation of an element
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HTML Elements, Attributes and Values
Non-ASCII Characters
The HTML5 specification defines a large number of named characters
with the general format &name;
; allows access to non-ASCII and reserved characters
Named char Rendered as
&acirc; ˆa
&auml; ¨a
&alpha; α
Named char Rendered as
&lt; <
&gt; >
&amp; &
Arbitrary characters can also be accessed using &#dec; and &#xhex;
where dec and hex are decimal and hexadecimal encodings for a
Named char Rendered as
&#x000E2; ˆa
&#x000E4; ¨a
&#x003B1; α
Named char Rendered as
&#x0003C; <
&#x0003E; >
&#x00026; &
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Further Reading
Revision and Further Reading
Chapter 2: How the Web Works
Chapter 4: Creating a Simple Web Page
J. Niederst Robbins: Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics (5th ed).
O’Reilly, 2018.
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