COMP519 Web Programming
Lecture 5: Cascading Style Sheets: Part 1
Ullrich Hustadt
Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science
University of Liverpool
1 Style Sheets
2 Inline Styles
Properties and Values
3 Further Reading
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Style Sheets Principle
Style Sheets
HTML5 follows the separation of concerns design principle:
a system should be divided into parts with functionality that overlaps
as little as possible
; in HTML5 semantics and presentation are (mostly) separated
Concerns of presentation are dealt with using
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
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Style Sheets History
CSS: History
1996, W3C CSS Level 1 (CSS1)
Covers properties of fonts, texts, boxes; colours, pseudo classes
Very limited and buggy support in browsers
1998, W3C CSS Level 2 (CSS2)
Covers all of CSS1 plus selectors, media types, box model, tables,
bidirectional text, etc
Browser support still patchy
2011, W3C CSS Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS2.1)
Fixes errors, removes features from CSS2 with insufficient browser
supports, adds others
2011 onwards, W3C CSS Level 3
Follows a modular specification approach (lots of smaller specifications
instead of one very big one)
Covers all of CSS2.1 plus media queries, name spaces, flexible layout, etc
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Style Sheets Overview
Cascading Style Sheet
Cascading Style Sheet are called cascading since they can be defined at
different levels:
1 Inline styles apply to a single HTML element
2 Document style sheets (aka embedded styles aka internal style sheets)
apply to all elements within the body-element of an HTML document
3 External style sheets can be linked and applied to numerous HTML
Lower-level (that is, lower-numbered) style sheets can typically override
higher-level style sheets
Style sheets can specify how HTML elements should be presented on
different screen types and/or in print
Web users can specify personalised style sheets that can override the
styles associated with an HTML document
This can be useful, for example, to specify larger font sizes for visually
impaired users
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Style Sheets Overview
Cascading Style Sheet
Cascading Style Sheet cover three aspects of style and layout:
Styling text
Deals with fonts, text colors, list item style, etc
Styling boxes
Deals with properties of boxes:
For the purpose of style and layout, all HTML elements are considered to be
boxes with the following properties:
Size of content, padding, border, margin, and box as well as their style
(e.g. colour) can be changed
Arranging boxes
Deals with the relative position of boxes to each other
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Inline Styles Overview
Inline Styles
Using the style attribute, one can specify the presentation style
for a single HTML element:
Within the value of the style attribute, list a sequence of
property:value pairs separated by semi-colons
To make an h1 element red with an italic font shape
set the font-style property to italic and
set the color property to red
<h1 s tyle =" font - sty le : it ali c ; color : red ">A Red H1 Heading </h1 >
For a complete list of properties and a description of each see
Mozilla and individual contributors: CSS reference. MDN Web Docs, 13 October 2017.
(accessed 14 October 2017)
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
CSS Values: Lengths
One of the most important types of values in CSS are lengths
CSS distinguished between absolute lengths, measured in absolute
(length) units, and relative lengths, measured in relative (length) units
Relative length units specify a length relative to another length property
that is usually under user control
the size of fonts (controlled by browser settings)
the size of the viewport (controlled by resizing the browser window)
Absolute length units are various multiples of a ‘physical measurement’,
for example, the size of a screen pixel
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
CSS Values: Lengths
Relative Length Units
em current font-size
ex x-height of the current font
ch width of ”0” (zero) in the current font
rem font-size of the root element (typically 16px)
vw 1% of the width of the viewport
vh 1% of the height of the viewport
vmin 1% of viewport’s smaller dimension
vmax 1% of viewport’s larger dimension
The viewport is the user’s visible area of a web page, typically determined
by the size of the browser window
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
CSS Values: Lengths
Absolute Length Units
cm ‘centimeter’
mm ‘millimeter’
in ‘inch’ (1in = 96px = 25.4mm)
px pixel (1px = 1/96 in)
pt point (1pt = 1/72 1in)
pc pica (1pc = 12pt)
A CSS pixel is the visual angle of one
pixel on a device with a pixel density of
96dpi and a distance from the reader of
28in (0.2646mm).
A web client choosed the number of
physical pixels that best approximates a
CSS pixel
The multipliers between two absolute
length units are always as indicated above
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
Mobile Devices and Lengths
The interplay of CSS length units and mobile decives is problematic
On mobile devices in portrait orientation, web clients typically
render web pages in a viewport that is wider than the physical screen
then shrink the result to the physical screen
; HTML elements appear to shrink when switching from
landscape to portrait orientation
; Media queries might not work as expected
The viewport meta tag allows to control this behaviour or web clients
< meta name =" vie wpor t " con ten t =" wid th = device - width , initial - sca le =1" >
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
CSS Values: Font sizes
CSS allows to specify the size of a font in a number of different ways,
Via a length
Via a percentage:
Scales the font relative to the size of the current font
Via one of the following keywords:
Keyword Typical scaling factor
xx-large 200%
x-large 150%
large 110%
mediam 100%
small 80%
x-small 60%
xx-small 55%
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
CSS Values: Colours
CSS allows to specify colours in a number of different ways, including:
Via colour keywords:
CSS has about 140 names for a wide range of colours, for example:
red, green, blue, gold, peachpuff, snow, rebeccapurple
Via hexadecimal notation: #RRGGBB
defines a colour as a mix of the colours red, green and blue
R (red), G (green), B (blue) are hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F)
representing three numbers between 0 and 255, which in turn, specify
the intensity of that colour
Example: #FF000 defines the color red
Via functional notation: rgb(R,G,B)
defines a colour as a mix of the colours red, green and blue
R (red), G (green), B (blue) are either decimal numbers between 0 and
255 or percentages 0% to 100% that again specify the intensity of that
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
Inline Styles: Properties and Values
font-family: Courier, monospace
font-style: italic
font-size: 12pt | larger
font-weight: bold
color: AliceBlue | #F0F8FF
background-color: AliceBlue | #F0F8FF
text-decoration: underline | none
text-align: left | right | center | justify
text-indent: 10pt
vertical-align: top | middle | bottom
<p s tyle =" font - family : Arial , sans - serif ; text - align : rig ht " >
This is a right - justi fied pa r agra ph in a sans serif font
with some < span style =" col or : gr een "> green text </ span >
and <a style =" color : Red ; text - decor ation : none ; font - size : larger ;"
href =" page01 . html "> here </ a > is a for m atte d link .</p >
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
Inline Styles: Properties and Values
list-style-type: disc | circle | square | none
list-style-type: decimal | lower-alpha | upper-roman
margin-left: 0.1in padding-top: 0.1in
margin-right: 3em padding-bottom: 3em
margin: 5% padding: 5%
<ol s tyle =" list - style - type : upper - alpha ">
<li s tyle =" co lor : red "> first thing </ li >
<li s tyle =" co lor : b lue ">
< spand s tyle =" co lor : bl ack "> second thing </ span > </li >
</ol >
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
Inline Styles: Properties and Values
list-style-type: disc | circle | square | none
list-style-type: decimal | lower-alpha | upper-roman
margin-left: 0.1in padding-top: 0.1in
margin-right: 3em padding-bottom: 3em
margin: 5% padding: 5%
<ul s tyle =" list - style - type : squa re ; b ackgr ound : Red ; pa ddin g : 20 px ;">
<li s tyle =" ba ckground - color :# ff9999 ; pad ding : 5 px; mar gin : 5 px " >
one thing </ li >
<li s tyle =" ba ckground - color :# ff9999 ; pad ding : 5 px; mar gin : 5 px " >
or another </ li >
</ul >
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Inline Styles Properties and Values
Inline Styles: Properties and Values
border-width thin | thick | 5
border-color Blue | #0000FF
border-style dashed | dotted | double | none
< table s tyle =" border - sty le : dashed ; border - color :bl ue " >
< capt ion styl e =" color : red ; font - style : it ali c ;
text - dec orat i on : un derli ne "> Stu dent data </ caption >
<tr s tyle =" ba ckground - color : red "> < th > Name </ t h > < th > Age </ th ></ tr >
<tr > < td > Chr is Smith </td >< td >19 </ td ></ tr >
<tr > < td > Pat Jones </td >< td >20 </ td ></ tr >
<tr > < td > Doogie Howser </ td > < td >15 </ td ></ tr >
</ table >
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Further Reading
Revision and Further Reading
Chapter 11: Introducing Cascading Style Sheets
Chapter 12: Formatting Text
Chapter 13: Colors and Backgrounds
Chapter 14: Thinking Inside the Box
J. Niederst Robbins: Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics (5th ed).
O’Reilly, 2018.
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