COMP519 Web Programming
Lecture 6: Cascading Style Sheets: Part 2
Ullrich Hustadt
Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science
University of Liverpool
1 Document Style Sheets
Selectors: Basic Forms
Multiple Classes
Relative Selectors
2 Further Reading
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Document Style Sheets Overview
Document Style Sheets
Inline styles apply to individual elements in an HTML document
Using inline styles can lead to inconsistencies, as similar elements might
end up formatted differently as this approach is error-prone
Also, inline styles mix content and presentation, which violates the
(current) general philosophy of HTML and CSS
As a general rule, inline styles should be used as sparingly as possible
Alternatively, document style sheets allow for a cleaner separation of
content and presentation
Style definitions are placed in a style-element within the head-element of
an HTML document
The style-element contains a list of style directives
Each style directive consists of a selector together with one ore more
property:value pairs separated by semi-colons and enclosed inside braces
Selectors allow us to apply style definitions to all elements, a subclass of
elements, or individual elements throughout the document
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Document Style Sheets Overview
Document Style Sheets: Example
< html lang =" en - GB " >
<head >
<title > Documen t St yle Sheets </ title >
< st yle type =" text / css ">
h1 { color : Red;
text - align : center ;
font - style : italic ; }
p. inden ted { text - indent : 2 em ; }
</ style >
</head >
<body >
<h1 > Centre d Red Heading </h1 >
<p c lass =" ind ented "> This parag raph
will have the first line indented ,
but sub seque nt lines wi ll be
left - alig ne d .
</p >
<p > This p aragr ap h will not be
indented , all lines are
left - alig ne d as per de fault .
</p >
</body >
</html >
The h1 selector means that the style
will be applied to all h1-elements
The p.indented selector means
that the style will only be applied to
p-elements of class indented
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Document Style Sheets Selectors: Basic Forms
Selectors: Basic Forms
Selectors allow us to apply style definitions to all elements, a subclass of
elements, or individual elements throughout the document
The basic forms of selectors are:
Selector Example
* * All elements
element h1 All h1-elements
element, element h1, h2 All h1- and h2-elements
.class .indented All elements with
element.class p.indented All p-elements with
#id #name The element with id="name"
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Document Style Sheets Selectors: Basic Forms
Basic Selectors: Example
< st yle type =" text / css ">
/* Make hea dings at levels h1 to h3 blue , cen tr ed
with an italic font */
h1 , h2 , h3 { co lor : Blue ;
text - align : center ;
font - style : italic ; }
/* Remove u nderlin e from hyp erlin ks and make them red */
a { text - decor ation : none ;
color : Red ; }
/* Any elem en t of cl ass " al ert " should be un de rlined ,
have a bold font , orange b ackground , and 3 px of extr a
bo tt om pa dding to make the und erl ining more vis ib le */
. alert { text - de corat ion : under line ;
padding - bottom : 3 px ;
background - co lor : orange ;
font - weight : bold ; }
/* Use a font of 150% normal size for the ele me nt
with id " c1 " */
# c1 { font - size : 150%; }
</ style >
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Document Style Sheets Selectors: Basic Forms
Selectors, Classes and Inheritance
The style directive
. alert { text - de corat ion : under line ; padding - bottom : 10 px ;
background - co lor : orange ; font - weight : bold ; }
creates a style for the class alert that can (in principle) be applied to
any HTML element by associating it with that class.
Applied to a p-element
<p c lass =" alert " > Help Me ! I m t rapped on a COMP519 slide ! </p>
we obtain the following:
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Document Style Sheets Selectors: Basic Forms
Selectors, Classes and Inheritance
The style directive
. alert { text - de corat ion : under line ; padding - bottom : 10 px ;
background - co lor : orange ; font - weight : bold ; }
creates a style for the class alert that can (in principle) be applied to
any HTML element by associating it with that class.
Applied to an li-element
<ol >
<li class =" alert " > Help Me ! </li >
<li >Im trap pe d on a COMP519 slide ! </ li >
</ol >
we obtain the following:
As one might expect, the first list item appears as specified by the style
while the second item is unaffected
Note the vertical space between the first and second item due to
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Document Style Sheets Selectors: Basic Forms
Selectors, Classes, and Inheritance
The style directive
. alert { text - de corat ion : under line ; padding - bottom : 10 px ;
background - co lor : orange ; font - weight : bold ; }
creates a style for the class alert that can (in principle) be applied to
any HTML element by associating it with that class.
Applied to an ol-element
<ol class =" alert ">
<li > Help Me ! </ li >
<li >Im trap pe d on a COMP519 slide ! </ li >
</ol >
we obtain the following: in contrast to:
Note the extra vertical space between the two list items is gone while there
is extra padding below the list
The li-elements have inherited text decoration, font weight and background
colour from the ol-element, but not padding-bottom
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Document Style Sheets Inheritance
In CSS, inheritance controls what happens when no value is explicitly
specified for a property of an element
CSS distinguishes between inherited properties and
non-inherited properties
When no value for an inherited property has been specified for an
element, it inherits the value of that property from its parent element
<ol class =" alert ">
<li > Help Me ! </ li >
<li >Im trap pe d on a COMP519 slide ! </ li >
</ol >
Here, the ol-element is the parent element of both li-elements
The inheritance chain potentially goes up to the root element
The root element is the html-element of a document
The root element is given some initial, default value for each property
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Document Style Sheets Inheritance
In CSS, inheritance controls what happens when no value is explicitly
specified for a property of an element
CSS distinguishes between inherited properties and
non-inherited properties
When no value for a non-inherited property has been specified for an
element, the property is given the initial, default value for that property
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Document Style Sheets Inheritance
CSS distinguishes between inherited properties and
non-inherited properties
When no value for an inherited property has been specified for an
element, it inherits the value of that property from its parent element
When no value for a non-inherited property has been specified for an
element, the property is given the initial, default value for that property
color is an inherited property,
padding-bottom is a non-inherited property
; If color and padding-bottom are not specified for an li-element,
then color is inherited from the parent ol-element (or other list
construct) while padding-bottom gets the initial value 0
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Document Style Sheets Inheritance
Consider the style directive
table { backgroun d - color : yellow ;
bo rd er : 1 px so lid b lack ; pa dding : 10 px ; margin : 10 px ; }
together with that will be rendered as
<table >
<tr ><td > Cell </td > <td > Cell </ td > </ tr >
<tr ><td > Cell </td > <td > Cell </ td > </ tr >
</ table >
background-color will be inherited by the table cells (td-elements)
from the table element
border and padding are not inherited by the table cells (td-elements)
from the table element
; table cells have no individual borders and no padding
border and padding only apply to the table as a whole
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Document Style Sheets Inheritance
We can change what properties are inherited as follows:
table { backgroun d - color : yellow ;
bo rd er : 1 px so lid b lack ; pa dding : 10 px ; margin : 10 px ; }
tbody , tr , td { border : inher it ; padding : inherit ; }
together with that will now be rendered as
<table >
<tr ><td > Cell </td > <td > Cell </ td > </ tr >
<tr ><td > Cell </td > <td > Cell </ td > </ tr >
</ table >
border and padding are now inherited by the table cells (td elements)
from the table element
; table cells now have individual borders and extra padding
Note that tbody and tr not just td must be set to inherit
; there must be an uninterrupted chain of inheritance
from table to td
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Document Style Sheets Inheritance
Debugging CSS
Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox allow you to inspect individual
HTML elements and can tell you how its properties come about
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Document Style Sheets Specificity
Several kinds of style directives can apply to the same HTML element
It is also possible that these style directives assign different values to the
same property
Example: Consider the style directives
h1 { ba ckground - co lo r : yellow ; color : blue; }
. orange { ba ckground - color : oran ge ; text - decor ation : und erline ; }
# i1 { background - color : red ; font - style : i ta li c ; }
together with
<h1 id =" i1 " class =" or ange "> What pro perti es does this heading have ? </ h1 >
that will be rendered as
The selector #i1 is the most specific one and therefore determines
For other properties, the heading inherits from all three directives
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Document Style Sheets Specificity
Several kinds of style directives can apply to the same HTML element
It is also possible that these style directives assign different values to the
same property
For such ‘conflicting’ assignments, CSS uses specificity to determine
which assignment applies to an element:
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Document Style Sheets Multiple Classes
Multiple Classes
It is possible to declare that an HTML element belongs to more than
one class:
< tagName class =" c lass1 clas s2 ..." >
Example: Consider the style directives
p. aler t { text - decor ation : under line ; padding - b ot to m : 10 px ;
background - co lor : orange ; font - weight : bold ; }
p. blue { color : blue ; }
together with the HTML markup
<p c lass =" alert blue " > What col ou rs do I h ave ?" </ p >
that will be rendered as
The properties of the paragraph come from both p.alert and
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Document Style Sheets Multiple Classes
Multiple Classes
Consider the style directives
. re d1 { colo r : red; background - color : ye llow ; ma rgin : 5 px ; }
. bl ue { colo r : blue ; ma rgin : 5 px ; }
. re d2 { colo r : red; background - color : ye llow ; ma rgin : 5 px ; }
together with the HTML markup
<p c lass =" red1 blue "> class =" red1 blue " , blue after red1 in style sheet </p>
<p c lass =" blue red1 "> class =" blue red1 " , blue after red1 in style sheet </p>
<p c lass =" red2 blue "> class =" red2 blue " , red2 after blue in style sheet </p>
<p c lass =" blue red2 "> class =" blue red2 " , red2 after blue in style sheet </p>
that will be rendered as
For two class style directives with conflicting assignments that apply to
the same element, the assignment that comes last in the style sheet is
; problematic, as the style sheet might change
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Document Style Sheets Multiple Classes
Multiple Classes: Resolving ‘conflicts’
‘Conflicts’ between multiple classes can be resolved in advance by
defining a directive that specifically applies to their combination
Consider the style directives
. re d1 . blue { color : wh ite ; background - color : or an ge ; }
. re d1 { co lor : red ; background - color : ye llow ; ma rgin : 5 px ; }
. bl ue { co lor : blue ; margi n : 5 px ; }
. re d2 { co lor : red ; background - color : ye llow ; ma rgin : 5 px ; }
together with the HTML markup
<p c lass =" red1 blue "> class =" red1 blue " , blue after red1 in style sheet </p>
<p c lass =" blue red1 "> class =" blue red1 " , blue after red1 in style sheet </p>
<p c lass =" red2 blue "> class =" red2 blue " , red2 after blue in style sheet </p>
<p c lass =" blue red2 "> class =" blue red2 " , red2 after blue in style sheet </p>
that will be rendered as has higher specificity than both .red1 and .blue
margin is still determined by .blue
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Document Style Sheets Relative Selectors
Relative Selectors
It is possible to specify selectors that take into account the context in
which a matching HTML element occurs:
Selector Example
element element ol a All a elements inside ol elements
element>element ol>li All li elements where the parent
is an ol element
element+element p+ol All ol elements placed immedi-
ately after a p element
element p
ol All ol elements preceded by a
p element
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Document Style Sheets Relative Selectors
Relative Selectors: Example
Consider the style directives
ol a { co lor : red ; text - d ec or at ion : n one } /* Hyp er li nk in ol */
ol > li { font - style : ital ic ; } /* li children of ol */
p+ol { font - weig ht : bol d ; } /* ol imm ed ia tely a fter p */
ol { background - color : yellow ; } /* ol af ter p */
together with the HTML markup
<p >A pa ra gr ap h wi th a <a href ="/
ul lr ich /" > hyperlin k </ a > </p>
<ol ><li >A list item in an ordere d list with
a < a href ="/
ul lr ich /" > hyperlin k </ a > </ li > </ol >
<ul ><li >A list item in an unsorted list with
a < a href ="/
ul lr ich /" > hyperlin k </ a > </ li > </ul >
<ol ><li >A list item in an ordere d list with
a < a href ="/
ul lr ich /" > hyperlin k </ a > </ li > </ol >
that will be rendered as
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Document Style Sheets Relative Selectors
Why Do We Need All These Selectors?
All ‘styling’ could be done by #id selectors, but should not be
(just assign a unique id to every element and define its style)
; just emulating inline style directives
; enourmous duplication of style directives
; error-prone (difficult to get uniform style)
All ‘styling’ could be done by .class selectors, but should not be
(just assign a (unique) class to every element and define its style)
; in extremis just emulating inline style directives
; classes should be based on semantics not style
(e.g., shopping lists versus shopping baskets versus playlist)
; still error-prone
(you could miss an element or assign the wrong class)
If possible we should use existing properties of elements to determine
what style to apply, e.g., relative selectors and attribute selectors
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Further Reading
Revision and Further Reading
Read about Selectors and Inheritance in
Chapter 11: Introducing Cascading Style Sheets
Chapter 12: Formatting Text
Chapter 13: Colors and Backgrounds
J. Niederst Robbins: Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics (5th ed).
O’Reilly, 2018.
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