COMP519 Web Programming
Lecture 8: Cascading Style Sheets: Part 4
Ullrich Hustadt
Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science
University of Liverpool
1 Layout Via Divisions
Relevant Properties
2 CSS Grid Layout
Defining a Grid Layout
Placing Elements on a Grid
3 CSS Flexbox Layout
Defining a Flexbox Layout
4 Adaptive versus Responsive Design
5 Further Reading
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 1
Layout Via Divisions
Layout Via Divisions: Overview
For a long time, web page layout was based on the extensive use of
div elements
A web page would typically consist of roughly a handful of div elements
as follows:
<div id =" h eader "> ... </ div >
<div id =" nav " > ... </ div >
<div id =" main " >
<div id =" cont ent "> ... </ div >
<div id =" ads " > ... </ div >
</div >
<div id =" f ooter "> ... </ div >
possibly with additional div elements inside each of those
Layout is then a matter of arranging those div elements
Decisions on layout are a matter of design, not of technical possibility
; there is typically not one right answer
; this is not a topic for this module (web programming vs web design)
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Divisions and Properties (1)
By default, a div element takes up the whole width of a browser
window and there is a line break before and after it
; Changes almost always need to be made to achieve
the desired layout
CSS properties that we can use to make those changes include
Property Explanation / Example values
width Width of an element
90% 90% of the width of the containing element
height Height of an element
10% 10% of the height of the containing element
margin All four margins of an element
auto centre horizontally within containing element
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Divisions and Properties (1)
By default, a div element takes up the whole width of a browser
window and there is a line break before and after it
; Changes almost always need to be made to achieve
the desired layout
CSS properties that we can use to make those changes include
Property Explanation / Example values
float Whether and in which direction an element should float
left element floats to the left of its container
right element floats to the right of its container
clear Whether and how an element must be (cleared)
below floating elemnts
left element moves down to clear past left floats
right element moves down to clear past right floats
both element moves down to clear past all floats
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Layout Via Divisions: Example (1)
A common layout of the top-level
div elements is the following
with the width of header, nav,
main, footer fixed to a value
between 900px and 1000px
<body >
<div id =" h eader ">
he ader
</div >
<div id =" nav " >
</div >
<div id =" main " >
<div id =" cont ent ">
co ntent
</div >
<div id =" ads " >
</div >
</div >
<div id =" f ooter ">
fo oter
</div >
</body >
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Layout Via Divisions: Example (1)
A common layout of the top-level
div elements is the following
with the width of header, nav,
main, footer fixed to a value
between 900px and 1000px
# h eader { width : 1000 px ;
he ight : 100 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : b lue ;
ma rgin : auto ; }
# nav { wi dt h : 1000 px ;
he ight : 50 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : green ;
ma rgin : auto ; }
# main { width : 1000 px ;
ma rgin : auto ; }
# c onten t { width : 800 px ;
he ight : 400 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lor : yellow ;
float : left ; }
# ads { wi dt h : 200 px ;
he ight : 400 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : orange ;
float : r ig ht ; }
# f ooter { width : 1000 px ;
he ight : 50 px ;
clear : both ; margi n : aut o ;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : b lue ;}
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Layout Via HTML5 Elements
In the example, we assigned unique a id to each div element and
associated a style directive with each of those ids
Alternatively, we could have assigned a unique class to each div
element and associated a style directive with each of those classes
In HTML5, we would use the appropriate elements
like header, nav, etc instead of div elements
We would then associate a style directive with each
of those elements
he ader { width : 1000 px ;
he ight : 100 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lor : blue ;
ma rgin : auto ; }
nav { width : 1000 px;
he ight : 50 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lor : green ;
ma rgin : auto ; }
<body >
< article >
<header >
</ header >
<nav >
</nav >
< section >
</ section >
<aside >
</ aside >
<footer >
</ footer >
</ article >
</body >
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Fixed Positioning (1)
So far, we have positioned elements relative to each other
This means the arrangements of elements as a whole can move and can
move out of view if the user scrolls up or down in a browser window
CSS properties that we can use to change that include
Property Explanation / Example values
position Specifies how an element is positioned in a document
fixed The element is removed from the
normal document flow;
no space is created for the element in the
page layout;
it is positioned relative to the screen’s
viewport using properties top, bottom left ,
right and does not move when scrolled
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Fixed Positioning (2)
CSS properties required for position include
Property Explanation / Example values
top When position is set to absolute or fixed, specifies
the distance between the element’s top edge and the top
edge of its containing block
10px 10px off top edge
bottom Analogous to top for the element’s bottom edge and the
bottom edge of its containing block
20% 20% of the width of the containing block
left Analogous to top for the element’s left edge and the left
edge of its containing block
right Analogous to right for the element’s left edge and the
left edge of its containing block
inherit inherit from parent element
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Fixed Positioning: Example
We want to achieve the same lay-
out as before but with header, nav
and footer fixed in position
Wo do so with slightly different
approaches used in the style direc-
tives for each of these three ele-
he ader { width : 1000 px ;
he ight : 100 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : blue ;
po sit ion : fixed ;
top: 0 px ;
left : 50%;
margin - left : -500 px ; }
nav { width : 1000 px ;
he ight : 50 px;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : green ;
po sit ion : fixed ;
top: 100 px ;
left : 0 px ;
right : 0 px;
ma rgin : au to ; }
ar ticle { width : 1000 px ;
padding - top: 142 px ;
ma rgin : 0 auto ; }
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Fixed Positioning: Example
We want to achieve the same lay-
out as before but with header, nav
and footer fixed in position
Wo do so with slightly different
approaches used in the style direc-
tives for each of these three ele-
se ction { width : 800 px ;
he ight : 1000 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : yellow ;
float : left ;
aside { width : 200 px;
he ight : 1000 px ;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : orange ;
float : right ;
fo oter { width : 1000 px ;
he ight : 50 px;
backgr ou nd - co lo r : blue ;
po sit ion : fixed ;
bo ttom : 0 px ;
left : 50%;
trans for m : trans lat e ( -50% ,0%);
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Adaptive Design Revisited
One fixed, rigid layout is unlikely to be suitable for every medium that a
user might use to access an HTML document
We have seen that the media-attribute of the link element allows us to
select which external style sheets to use for which medium, e.g.
< link rel =" s tyl esh eet " type =" text / css " media =" s creen "
href =" bro wser . css ">
< link rel =" s tyl esh eet " type =" text / css " media =" print "
href =" print . css ">
However, if the style directives in the these different style sheets are
largely identical, this is not an optimal approach
; the same style directives exist in several files,
changes are error prone
HTML5 provides three meachanisms to better deal with such a situation
Import rules
Media rules
Support rules
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Importing CSS style files
The @import CSS at-rule is used to import style directives
from other style sheets
@import url ;
@import url li s t- of - me di a -q uer ie s ;
@i mport url (" http :// cgi . csc . liv . ac .uk / styl es / common . css ");
@i mport " s cre en-s pec ifi c . css " s creen ;
@i mport p rin t-s peci fic . css print ;
These rules must precede all other types of rules and directives
except @charset rules
A @charset CSS at-rule specifies the character encoding
used in a style sheet, for example:
@c har set " ut f- 8 ";
The default character encoding is UTF-8
Useful / used when attributes like content are given values involving
non-ASCII characters
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Media Rules and Media Queries
Within a style sheet, @media at-rules can used to conditionally apply
styles to a document depending on the result of media queries
@media li s t- of - me di a -q ue r ie s { gr ou p-r ul e- bo dy }
where group-rule-body is either another @media at-rule,
@supports at-rule, or list of style directives
@m edia p ri nt {
body { fo nt-size : 10 pt ; }
@m edia s creen and ( res olu tio n > 150 dpi ) {
body { fo nt-size : 13 px ; }
The language for media queries is an extension of the one we have seen
for the media attribute
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Layout Via Divisions Relevant Properties
Feature Queries
Within a style sheet, @support at-rules can be used to conditionall
apply styles to a document depending on the result of feature queries
@supports fe at ur e- query { gro up -r ul e- bod y }
A feature query is basically a boolean combination (using and, or, not)
of property:value pairs
For each property:value it will be evaluated whether the browser
used to process the style sheet supports this specific CSS feature
and then works out the truth value for the feature query overall
@supp ort s ( di splay : flex ) {
div { d isplay : flex ; }
@supp ort s not ( d isplay : flex ) {
div { float : left ; }
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CSS Grid Layout Overview
CSS Grid Layout
CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional grid-based layout system
Such layout systems are motivated by the observation that most
web layouts can be seen as grids where elements are placed on one or
more grid cells
Height and width of grid columns and grid rows will in general vary
Sample page layout Underlying grid and
allocation of elements to grid cells
col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4
row 1 header
row 2 nav
row 3 content ads
row 4 footer
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 16
CSS Grid Layout Defining a Grid Layout
Defining a Grid Layout
CSS properties of Grid include
display: grid
defines an element as grid container
grid-template-columns: track-size |
[col-name] track-size ...
specifies the size and names of columns
grid-template-rows: track-size |
[row-name] track-size ...
specifies the size and names of rows
track-size can be auto, a length, a percentage, or a fraction of the
free space
These properties allow to specify a grid, including the size of each column
and each row
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CSS Grid Layout Placing Elements on a Grid
Placing Elements on a Grid
One way to place an element on the grid is to specify
in which column/row it starts (top, left corner) and
in which column/row it ends (bottom, right corner)
using the following properties
grid-column-start: cell
grid-column-end: cell
grid-row-start: cell
grid-row-end: cell
cell can take the following values:
number column number / row number
name name of a column / row
span number number of tracks covered
span name span until name is reached
auto automatic
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CSS Grid Layout Placing Elements on a Grid
Placing Elements on a Grid
An alternative way to place elements on the grid is to assign grid names to
the elements and to use a grid template that references those names:
grid-area: area-name
assign a grid area name to an element
grid-template-areas: "area-name | . | none | ..."
associates grid area names with grid cells
This is only a glimpse of the possibilities of the CSS Grid Layout System
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 19
CSS Grid Layout Example
CSS Grid Layout: Example
We want to replicate the same
layout as before:
<body >
< article >
<header > </ header >
<nav > </ nav >
< section > </ section >
<aside > </ aside >
<footer > </ footer >
</ article >
</body >
ar ticle { d ispla y : grid ;
grid - template - rows : 100 px 50 px auto 50 px ;
grid - template - colu mns : auto 800 px 200 px auto ;
grid - template - a re as : ". heade r heade r ."
". nav nav ."
". c onten t ads ."
". f oo ter foo ter .";
he ader { grid - area : header ; b ac kg ro un d - co lo r : blue ; }
nav { grid - a rea : nav ; background -color : green ; }
se ction { grid - area : conten t ; background - c ol or : yello w ; }
aside { grid - area : ads; background - color : ora nge ; }
fo oter { grid - area : footer ; b ac kg ro un d - co lo r : blue ; }
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 20
CSS Flexbox Layout Overview
CSS Flexbox Layout
CSS Flexbox Layout is a simpler layout system, typically used for parts
of a web page, not the whole page
Flexbox distinguishes between flex containers and flex items within
those containers
Unlike Grid, Flexbox distinguishes between a primary main axis
and a secondary cross axis
The main axis is not necessarily horizontal, its direction is determined
by flex-direction
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 21
CSS Flexbox Layout Defining a Flexbox Layout
Defining a Flexbox Layout
CSS properties of Flexbox include
display: flex
defines an element as a flexbox container
flex-direction: row | row-reverse |
column | column-reverse
defines the direction of the main axis,
for example, with row the direction is left to right (horizontally)
flex-wrap: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse
whether and how flex items wrap when the main axis is ‘full’,
for example, with wrap-reverse, flex items will wrap onto multiple
‘lines’ from bottom to top along the cross axis
flex-flow: direction-option || wrap-option
combines flex-direction and flex-wrap
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CSS Flexbox Layout Defining a Flexbox Layout
Flexbox Layout Properties
CSS properties of Flexbox include
justify-content: justify-option
defines the alignment along the main axis
justify-option can take the following values:
Images courtesy of Chris Coyier: A Complete Guide to Flexbox. CSS-Tricks. 4 September 2019. (accessed 14 September 2019).
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CSS Flexbox Layout Defining a Flexbox Layout
Flexbox Layout Properties
CSS properties of Flexbox include
align-content: align-option
defines the use of extra space along the cross axis
align-option can take the following values:
Images courtesy of Chris Coyier: A Complete Guide to Flexbox. CSS-Tricks. 4 September 2019. (accessed 14 October 2019).
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 24
CSS Flexbox Layout Example
CSS Flexbox Layout: Example
<nav >
<a href ="#" > C omput er Science </ a >
<a href ="#" > E lec tri cal E ngi nee rin g and Electronics </a >
<a href ="#" > Physics </a>
</nav >
a { text - align : cen te r }
nav {
backgr ou nd - co lor : Li ght Gre en ;
di splay : flex ;
flex - di rec tio n : row ;
justify - conte nt : space - ar ound ;
/* Narrow screen width */
@m edia all and ( max - wi dt h : 900 px ) {
nav {
flex - di rec tio n : c olumn ;
Width = 1000px
Width = 900px
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 25
Adaptive versus Responsive Design
Adaptive versus Responsive Design
Adaptive Design
Uses a limited number of different web pages and/or different styles
depending on media devices and media attributes
Responsive design
Uses a single web page and style that through the use of
media queries,
flexible grids,
relative units and
responsive images
tries to adjust to any media device with any media attributes at any time
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 26
Adaptive versus Responsive Design
Adaptive versus Responsive Design
Adaptive Design
Uses a limited number of different web pages and/or different styles
depending on media devices and media attributes
Responsive design
Uses a single web page and style that through the use of media queries,
flexible grids, relative units and responsive images tries to adjust to any
media device with any media attributes at any time
There are no generally agreed definitions of adaptive design and
responsive design
It is often debatable whether a website uses adaptive design or
responsive design (or neither)
There is even more debate which one is better
Most/all of the examples we have seen use adaptive design,
but this was done for effect
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Adaptive versus Responsive Design
Style Guide
HTML and CSS provide a lot of features,
but these must be used sensibly
; just because a feature exists does not mean it be used
Do not use features that distract from the content of your web page
Use (non-default) colours and fonts carefully
; no purple text on pink background
; no “weird” fonts (that includes Comic Sans)
; mainly use a dark font on a light background
Remember that an estimated 8-10% of people have some type of
; avoid red/green colour combinations
Remember that some people use screen readers to read the content of
web pages
; always include alt properties for images
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 28
Adaptive versus Responsive Design
Style Guide
Use relative units to specify font sizes, not fixed pixel sizes
Use images appropriately
; avoid bright background images that make foreground text
hard to read
; avoid clickable images instead of standard buttons for links
as they can slow down the download of your page
Do not rely on specific window size or specific font size for layout as the
user might change those
; use an adaptive or responsive design
Break a large web page into several smaller ones or provide a menu for
Utilise style sheets to make changes to style and layout easy and ensure
consistency across a set of web pages
Stick to standard features and test several browsers
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 29
Further Reading
Revision and Further Reading
Chapter 15: Floating and Positioning
Chapter 16: CSS Layout with Flexbox and Grid
J. Niederst Robbins: Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics (5th ed).
O’Reilly, 2018.
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 8 Slide L8 30
Further Reading
Revision and Further Reading
1 Chris Coyier: A Complete Guide to Flexbox.
CSS-Tricks. 28 September 2017.
(accessed 18 October 2017).
2 Chris House: A Complete Guide to Grid.
CSS-Tricks. 13 September 2017.
(accessed 18 October 2017).
3 Mozilla and individual contributors: CSS Grid Layout.
MDN Web Docs, 5 October 2017.
CSS_Grid_Layout (accessed 19 October 2017).
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