COMP519 Web Programming
Lecture 26: Ajax
Ullrich Hustadt
Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Creating a HTTP Request
Creating a HTTP Response
Processing a HTTP Response
Further Reading
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 1
Ajax Motivation
Ajax: Motivation
< form id = ' pc ' ><label > P os tcode : </ label >
< input type = ' text ' name = ' pc ' value = '' >
<br ><label > Address : </ label >
< se le ct name = ' adr ' id= ' adr ' ></select >
</form >
Entering an address into an HTML form is often a two-stage process
Entering a postcode into a text field
Selecting an entry from a drop-down menu of all addresses
for the entered postcode
To implement this process using PHP
needs to result in a form submission to a PHP script
The PHP script needs to retrieve the addresses for the given postcode from
a database
The PHP script then produces a complete HTML document with an
updated form containing options for the drop-down menu
That HTML document is sent back
The user can then perform Step
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 2
Ajax Motivation
Ajax: Motivation
< form id = ' pc ' ><label > P os tcode : </ label >
< input type = ' text ' name = ' pc ' value = '' >
<br ><label > Address : </ label >
< se le ct name = ' adr ' id= ' adr ' ></select >
</form >
Entering an address into an HTML form is often a two-stage process
Entering a postcode into a text field
Selecting an entry from a drop-down menu of all addresses
for the entered postcode
To implement this process using JavaScript
A JavaScript event handler is triggered when the user has completed Step
The JavaScript event handler uses an HTTP request to get the data for the
drop-down menu
In response the HTTP request, a PHP script retrieves the addresses for the
given postcode from a database and sends them back
The JavaScript event handler constructs the drop-down menu
The user can then perform Step
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Ajax Overview
Ajax: Overview
Ajax, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML,
is a set of JavaScript methods related to XMLHttpRequest objects and
patterns for their use
Ajax allows web applications to send to and retrieve data from a server
asynchronously (in the background)
On the server-side, PHP scripts are typically used to receive / send data
and to deal with related database transactions
Historically, data was transferred in XML format though nowadays use of
JSON is much more common
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Ajax Overview
Ajax: Overview
K. Ramirez: Build Ajax-based Web sites with PHP. IBM, 2 Sep 2008.
[accessed 03 Dec 2020]
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Ajax Creating a HTTP Request
XMLHttpRequest Objects: Properties
HTTP status code returned by server
(200, 403, 404, 500, . . . )
HTTP reason phrase returned by server
("OK", "Forbidden", "Page not found", "Internal Server Error")
Data returned by the server as a string
Data returned by the server as XMLDocument object
Integer value reporting the status of the request
(0: uninitialised, 1: loading, 2: loaded, 3: interactive, 4: completed)
function to be called when the readyState property changes
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Ajax Creating a HTTP Request
XMLHttpRequest Objects: Methods
open( method , url , async )
Prepares an HTTP request by specifying
the HTTP method method (as string),
the target URL url (as string), and
a boolean value async indicating whether the request should be
handled asynchronously
open( ' POST ' , ' getdata.php ' ,TRUE)
setRequestHeader( param , value )
Sets a header param to value and adds it to the headers of
the HTTP request
setRequestHeader( ' Content-type ' ,
' application/x-www-form-urlencoded ' )
send( content )
Send the HTTP request, optionally with POST data content
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Ajax Creating a HTTP Request
XMLHttpRequest Objects: Methods
Stop the current request
Returns all header/value pairs in the HTTP response as a string
getResponseHeader( param )
Returns the value for header param in the HTTP response
as a string, or null if there is no value for param
getResponseHeader( ' Content-type ' )
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 8
Ajax Creating a HTTP Request
XMLHttpRequest Objects: Example
functi o n crea t e SelectO p t ionsFor P o stcode ( f o rmData ) {
var reque st = new XMLHttpRequest ()
reque st . open ( ' POST ' , ' getData . php ' , true )
reque st . se tRequestHeader ( ' Content - type ' ,
' application /x- www - form - urlencoded ' )
reque st . onreadystatecha n g e = functi o n () {
if ( this . re a d y State == 4 && this . status == 200) {
if ( this . getResponseHead e r ( ' Content - type ' ). indexOf ( '
, xml ' ) >= 0) {
// proce ss XML data sent by getDa ta . php
processX M L R esponse ( this . re s p o nseXML )
} else if ( this . g e tResponseHeade r ( ' Content - type ' ).
, inde xOf ( ' json ' ) >= 0) {
// proce ss JSON data sent by getData .php
process J S O NResponse ( this . re s p o n s e T e x t )
} } }
reque st . send ( formData )
// cr e a teSelec t O ptions F o rPostco d e ( ' postCod e =L69 +9 AD ' )
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 9
Ajax Creating a HTTP Request
JavaScript and Forms Revisited
< form id = ' pc ' ><label > P os tcode : </ label >
< input type = ' text ' name = ' pc ' value = ' ' >
<br ><label > Address : </ label >
< se le ct name = ' adr ' id = ' adr ' ></select >
</form >
The function createSelectOptionsForPostcode requires form data as
argument, in particular, the user input from the Postcode field
We can use JavaScript’s FormData object to deal with that
FormData([ form ])
Creates a new FormData object
When the optional form argument for a HTML form is specified,
the FormData object will be populated with name/value pairs from
the form with id form
append( name , value )
Adds or updates the name/value pair for name
delete( name )
Deletes the name/value pair for name
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 10
Ajax Creating a HTTP Request
JavaScript and Forms Revisited
< form id = ' pc ' ><label > P os tcode : </ label >
< input type = ' text ' name = ' pc ' value = ' ' >
<br ><label > Address : </ label >
< se le ct name = ' adr ' id = ' adr ' ></select >
</form >
The function createSelectOptionsForPostcode requires form data as
argument, in particular, the user input from the Postcode field
We can use JavaScript’s FormData object to deal with that
var formEle m = d ocument . g e t E l e m entById ( ' pc ' )
var inptEle m = d ocument . q u e r y S e l e c t o r ( ' input ' )
// First argument of a d d E v e ntListener () refers to input event
inptEl e m . a ddEventListener ( ' input ' , functi o n ( e) {
// Construct Form D ata object
var data = new FormDa t a ( formElem )
// Ideal ly we would validat e data before s ending
// the request
crea t e SelectO p t ionsFor P o stcode (data )
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 11
Ajax Creating a HTTP Response
Retrieving the Data
<? php
// getDa ta . php
// We have a database with a table
// postcodes (pc VARCHA R (8) , address VARC HAR (300 ))
// We assu me that PDO arguments have already been d efined
if ( isset ( $_POST [ ' postCode ' ])) {
try {
$pdo = new PDO ( $dsn , $db_username , $db_ password , $opt );
$tpl = " sel ect address from p o s tcodes where pc = ? " ;
$stm = $pdo - > prepare ( $tpl );
$succe s s = $stm -> execute ( array ( $_POST [ ' post Code ' ]));
$data = $stm - > fetchAll ();
// Construct a HTTP response using a function
// outputData that we have written
outputData ( $data );
} catch ( P D O E x c e p t i o n $e) {
outputData ( array (0 => array ( ' error ' => $e )));
} }
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 12
Ajax Creating a HTTP Response
Constructing the HTTP Response
Our database query has returned a two-dimensional array, e.g.,
array (
0 = > ar ra y ( ' addr ess ' => ' 1 Rose Lane , Li verpo ol ' ) ,
1 = > ar ra y ( ' addr ess ' => ' Lennox , 2 Rose Lane , Li verpo ol ' ),
2 = > ar ra y ( ' addr ess ' => ' Flat A , 3 Rose Lane , L iverpool ' ),
In the HTTP response we can represent this array
in a user-defined format
in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) format
(a ‘heavyweight’ data-interchange format built on markup with
user-defined tags)
<? xml ve rs io n = " 1.0 " ?>
<data > < item0 >< address >1 Rose Lane , Liverpool </ address ></ item0 >
<item1 > < address > Lennox , 2 Rose Lane , Liverpool </ address > </ item1 >
<item2 > < address > Flat A , 3 Ros e Lane , Liverpool </ address ></ item2 >
</data >
in JSON format
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Ajax Creating a HTTP Response
Constructing the HTTP Response
Our database query has returned a two-dimensional array, e.g.,
array (
0 = > ar ra y ( ' addr ess ' => ' 1 Rose Lane , Li verpo ol ' ) ,
1 = > ar ra y ( ' addr ess ' => ' Lennox , 2 Rose Lane , Li verpo ol ' ),
2 = > ar ra y ( ' addr ess ' => ' Flat A , 3 Rose Lane , L iverpool ' ),
In the HTTP response we can represent this array
in a user-defined format
in XML format
in JSON format
(a lightweight data-interchange format built on
(i) primitive values (numbers, strings), (ii) collections of name/value
pairs, (iii) ordered lists of values)
[{ " address " :"1 Rose Lane , Liver po ol "},
{" address ": " Lennox , 2 Rose Lane , Liver po ol "},
{" address ": " Flat A , 3 Rose Lane , Live rp ool "}]
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 14
Ajax Creating a HTTP Response
Constructing the HTTP Response: XML
In PHP, we can use the SimpleXMLElement class to construct
XML elements
xml )
xml is a well-formed XML string
new SimpleXMLElement( ' <?xml version="1.0"?><data></data> ' )
elem [, string
str ])
Adds an element elem with content str , if specified
addChild( ' name ' , ' Peter ' ) # <name>Peter</name>
attr [, string
val ])
Adds an attribute attr with value val to an element
fn ])
If a filename fn is not specified, returns a string representation of
an element in XML 1.0 format, otherwise, writes that string to fn
Finds the children of an element
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 15
Ajax Creating a HTTP Response
Constructing the HTTP Response: XML
functi o n outputDat a ( $data ) {
$xml = new S i m pleXMLElement (
' <? xml versio n ="1.0"? > < data ></ data > ' );
arrayToXML ( $data , $xml );
header ( ' Content - type : application / xml ; charset =utf -8 ' );
echo ( $xml -> asXML ());
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 16
Ajax Creating a HTTP Response
Constructing the HTTP Response: XML
array (
0 => array ( ' addres s ' => ' 1 Rose Lane , Lvpl ' ) ,
<? xml version = " 1.0 " ? >
<data > < item0 > < address >1 Rose Lane , Lvpl </ address > </ item0 >
</ data >
functi o n arrayToXM L ($data , & $xml ) {
forea ch ( $data as $key = > $value ) {
if ( is _ n u meric ( $key )) {
$key = ' item ' . $key ; // dealing with <0/ >.. < n /> issues
if ( is_array ( $value )) {
$subno d e = $xml -> a ddChild ( $key );
arrayToXML ( $value , $subnode );
} else {
$xml -> a ddChild (" $key " , htmlspecia l c h a r s (" $value "));
} } }
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 17
Ajax Creating a HTTP Response
Constructing the HTTP Response: JSON
value [, int
options [, int
dep ]])
Returns the JSON representation of value up to nesting depth dep
with encoding modified by options
Options include
JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE : Preserve UTF-8 characters
JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES : Do not escape slashes
json_encode([ ' name ' => ' Peter ' ]) # {"name":"Peter"}
value [, bool
[, int
dep [, int
options ]]])
Returns a PHP value for a JSON encoded string value up to nesting
depth dep with decoding modified by options and
if assoc is TRUE returns arrays instead of objects for key/value pairs
json_decode( ' {"name": "Peter"} ' )
Object with a property "name" that has value "Peter"
json_decode( ' {"name": "Peter"} ' ,TRUE)
Array ["name" => "Peter"]
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 18
Ajax Creating a HTTP Response
Constructing the HTTP Response: JSON
functi o n outputDat a ( $data ) {
header ( ' Content - Type : a pplication / json ; c harset = utf -8 ' );
echo json_encode ( $data ,
The vertical bar | is the operator for bitwise inclusive Or
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 19
Ajax Processing a HTTP Response
Processing the HTTP Response: XML
The XML DOM defines a standard way for accessing and manipulating
XML documents / XML document objects
The XML DOM views an XML document as a tree structure of nodes
The entire document is a document node
Every XML element is an element node
The text in the XML elements are text nodes
Every attribute is an attribute node
Document nodes have an attribute
Returns the root element ‘below’ a document node
Document nodes and element nodes have a method
getElementsByTagName( name )
Returns a collection of all element nodes in a node tree with
the specified tag name name
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 20
Ajax Processing a HTTP Response
Processing the HTTP Response: XML
The XML DOM defines a standard way for accessing and manipulating
XML documents / XML document objects
The XML DOM views an XML document as a tree structure of nodes
All nodes have attributes
The name of a node as a string, for element nodes this is
the tag name, for attribute nodes, the attribute name
The value of a node as a string,
for text nodes this is the text content of the node
A collection of children of a node,
indexed by natural numbers starting from 0
The number of children
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 21
Ajax Processing a HTTP Response
Processing the HTTP Response: XML
<data >
<item0 >< address >1 Rose Lane , Lvpl </ address ></ item0 >
<item1 >< address > Lennox , 2 Rose Lane , Lvpl </ address ></ item1 >
<item2 >< address > Flat A , 3 Rose Lane , Lvpl </ address ></ item2 >
</data >
functi o n processXM L R e sponse ( xml ) {
var o = documen t . createElement ( ' option ' )
o. label = ' Selec t an addre ss '
o. value = ' '
sel = d o cument . g e t E l ementById ( ' adr ' )
sel . appendChild ( o )
adrs = xml . ge tElementsB y T a gName ( ' ad dress ' )
for ( i = 0; i < adrs . length ; i ++) {
o = d ocument . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( ' opt ion ' )
o. label = o. text = adr [ i]. childNodes [0]. no d e Value
sel . appendChild ( o )
} }
< option value = '' > Select an address </ option >
< option value = ' 1 Rose Lane ' >1 Rose Lane , Lvpl </ option >
< option value = ' Lennox , 2 Rose Lane ' > Lennox , 2 Rose Lane , Lvpl </ option >
< option value = ' Flat A , 3 Rose Lane ' > Flat A , 3 Rose Lane , Lvpl </ option >
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 22
Ajax Processing a HTTP Response
Processing the HTTP Response: JSON
The JSON object contains methods for parsing JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON) and converting values to JSON
There is no constructor for new / additional JSON objects
JSON.parse( text [, reviver ])
Parses a JSON string text and returns the corresponding JavaScript
value transformed further by the optional reviver function
JSON.stringify( value [, replacer [, space ]])
Converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string value , optionally
replacing values if a function replacer and adding space as
specified by space
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 23
Ajax Processing a HTTP Response
Processing the HTTP Response: JSON
// [{" ad dress ":"1 Rose Lane , Liverpool "} ,
// {" add ress ":" Lennox , 2 Rose Lane , L iverpool "},
// {" add ress ":" Flat A , 3 Rose Lane , Liverpool "}]
functi o n processJ S O N Response ( text ) {
adrs = JSON . parse ( text )
var o = document . createE l e m e n t (" option ")
o. label = " Selec t an addre ss "
o. value = ""
sel = d o cument . g e t E l ementById ( ' adr ' )
sel . appendChild ( o )
for ( i = 0; i < adrs . length ; i ++) {
o = d ocument . c r e a t e E l e m e n t (" opt ion " )
o. label = o. text = adrs [i ]. ad dress
sel . appendChild ( o )
} }
< option val ue = ' ' > Sel ect an address </ option >
< option val ue = ' 1 Rose Lane ' >1 Rose Lane </ option >
< option val ue = ' Lennox , 2 Rose Lane ' > Lennox , 2 Rose Lane </ option >
< option val ue = ' Flat A , 3 Rose Lane ' > Flat A, 3 Rose Lane </ option >
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 24
Ajax Processing a HTTP Response
Ajax and Model-View-Controller
Without Ajax and without JavaScript,
a lot of the Controller and
all of the Model
must reside on the server-side and is programmed in PHP
With Ajax and with JavaScript,
all of the Controller and
a lot of the Model
can reside on the client-side and is programmed in JavaScript
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 25
Further Reading
Revision and Further Reading
Chapter 18: Using Asynchronous Communication
of R. Nixon: Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript:
with jQuery, CSS & HTML5. O’Reilly, 2018.
COMP519 Web Programming Lecture 26 Slide L26 26
Further Reading
Revision and Further Reading
Function Reference: XML Manipulation
Function Reference: JavaScript Object Notation
of P. Cowburn (ed.): PHP Manual. The PHP Group, 24 Nov 2019. [accessed 25 Nov 2019]
Mozilla and individual contributors: Document Object Model (DOM).
MDN Web Docs , 17 Nov 2019.
en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model [accessed 25 Nov 2019]
Mozilla and individual contributors: JSON.
MDN Web Docs , 4 Nov 2019.
docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON [accessed 25
Nov 2019]
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