Tutorial Reading Group

Reading Group Activities

From 2024, tutorial reading group will hold bi-weekly meetings featuring a detailed 3-hour tutorial talk presented by one of our group members, discussing state-of-the-art research topics that they are interested in. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A and discussion session on the topic. Previous rounds can be found here.


Anyone can join by request. If you are interested in and have something to discuss (a title of your talk will be good, an abstract will be more than welcomed), please feel free to drop a message to staff in Trustworthy ACPS Lab.

Venue and Meeting Time:

We are now holding this online through Microsoft Teams. Starting from the year of 2024, the meeting is holded on Thursday 13:00-16:30, London time.

Talk Schedule:

Time Speaker Topic
1th Round
13:00-16:30, Thursday, 18/April/2024 Zhen Chen (University of Liverpool) Membership Inference Attacks and Differential Privacy
13:00-16:00, Thursday, 02/May/2024 Sihao Wu (University of Liverpool) Empowering Autonomous Driving with LLM and VLM
13:00-16:00, Thursday, 16/May/2024 Xiangyu Yin (University of Liverpool) Deep Model Complexity and Its Applications in Adversarial Learning
13:00-16:00, Thursday, 30/May/2024 Jinwei Hu (University of Liverpool) How to Control LLMs’ behaviors and Design Strategy to safeguard LLMs
13:00-16:00, Thursday, 20/June/2024 Fu Wang (University of Exeter) Exploring Black-Box Global Optimization: From Multi-Arm Bandits to Bayesian Techniques
13:00-16:00, Thursday, 04/July/2024 Yi Qi (University of Liverpool) Exploring Prompt Engineering to Retrieval-Augmented Generation and AI Agents
13:00-16:00, Thursday, 18/July/2024 Yi Zhang (University of Warwick)
13:00-16:00, Thursday, 01/August/2024 Zixiang Wei (University of Warwick)