Frank Wolter's Home Page

Frank Wolter

Professor for Logic and Computation at the University of Liverpool.


University of Liverpool
Department of Computer Science
Ashton Building
Ashton Street
Liverpool L69 3BX
Tel. (+44) 151 7954238


Research Interests

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Logic in Computer Science
Description Logic
Mathematical Logic
Modal Logic
Temporal Logic
Spatial Reasoning
Combining Logics
Automated Reasoning
Logics for Dynamical Systems

Papers online


Co-editor of Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2018
Co-editor of Proceedings of International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2016
Co-editor of Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computing (FCT), 2013.
Co-editor of Special Issue of JAIR on Description Logics, 2013.
Co-editor of the Description Logic Workshop Proceedings, 2012.
Co-editor of Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME), 2011.
Co-editor of the Handbook of Modal Logic, 2007.
Co-editor of the Proceedings of Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS), 2007.
Co-editor of the Description Logic Workshop Proceedings, 2005.
Co-editor of Advances in Modal Logic 4 (AiML), 2002.
Co-editor of Advances in Modal Logic 3 (AiML), 2000.
Special Issue on Multi-dimensional Logics in Studia Logica, 2002.


Best Paper Award 7th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2000) for: Spatio-temporal Representation and Reasoning based on RCC-8, co-authored with M. Zakharyaschev
Best Paper Award 11th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2008) for: Can you tell the difference between DL-Lite Ontologies, co-authored with R. Kontchakov and M. Zakharyaschev
Best Paper Award 12th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2010) for: The Combined Approach to Query Answering in DL-Lite, co-authored with Roman Kontchakov, Carsten Lutz, David Toman, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev
Best Research Paper Award 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013) for The Combined Approach to OBDA: Taming Role Hierarchies using Filters. Carsten Lutz, Inanc Seylan, David Toman and Frank Wolter.
Best Paper Award 36th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on PRINCIPLES OF DATABASE SYSTEMS (PODS 2017) for Dichotomies in Ontology-Mediated Querying with the Guarded Fragment. Andre Hernich, Carsten Lutz, Fabio Pappachini, and Frank Wolter.
27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (IJCAI 2018), Distinguished Paper Award for From Conjunctive Queries to Instance Queries in Ontology-Mediated Querying. Cristina Feier, Carsten Lutz, Frank Wolter.
Runner-Up at 12th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2020) for Logical Separability of Incomplete Data under Ontologies, Jean Christoph Jung, Carsten Lutz, Hadrien Pulcini, Frank Wolter
Runner-Up at 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2021) for Anneke Haga, Carsten Lutz, Leif Sabellek, Frank Wolter, How To Approximate Ontology-Mediated Queries,
PODS 2023 Test of Time Award for PODS 2013 Ontology-based data access: A study through disjunctive datalog, CSP, and MMSNP
Elected EurAI Fellow in 2023


Combining Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Formalisms. (Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2002-2004.)
Dynamic Ontologies: a Framework for Services Descriptions. (Funded by EPSRC, 2004-2007.)
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning about Distances. (Funded by EPSRC, 2004-2007.)
Composing and decomposing ontologies: a logic-based approach. (Funded by EPSRC, 2007-2010.)
iTract (Funded by EPSRC, 2015-2018.)
quantMD: Ontology-Based Management of Many-Dimensional Quantitative Data (Funded by EPSRC, 2019-2022.)


Member of the Editorial Board of Trends in Logic
Member of the Editorial Board of Reports on Mathematical Logic
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Applied Logic
Member of the Steering Committee of AiML (Advances in Modal Logic) (2002-2008)
Member of the Steering Committee of Description Logic Workshop (2005-2008,2012)
Member of the Steering Committee of Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS) (2006-2012)
Member of the EPSRC College (since 2006)
Chartered Fellow of BCS


Course on Craig Interpolation at ESSLI 2024 (joint with Balder ten Cate)
Co-organiser of Workshop CIBD: Workshop on Theory and Applications of Craig Interpolation and Beth Definability, Amsterdam 2024
Area Chair KR 2024
PC member AiML 2024
PC member ECAI 2024
PC member IJCAI 2024
Co-organiser of Workshop The Decision Problem in First-Order Logic (DPFO 2023) at LICS 2023
Senior PC member of ECAI 2023
Area Chair of KR 2023
PC member of IJCAI 2023
PC member of FOIS 2023
PC member of DL 2023
Senior PC member of AAAI 2022
Senior PC member of AAAI 2021
PC member of AiML 2020
Senior PC member of IJCAI 2020
Senior PC member of AAAI 2020
PC member of ICDT 2020
Senior PC member IJCAI 2019
Senior PC Member of AAAI 2019
PC Member of Jelia 2019
PC Member of ISWC 2019
PC Member of DL 2019
Conference Chair of KR 2018
Senior PC member IJCAI 2018
Senior PC member AAMAS 2018
PC member of AiML 2018
PC member of DL 2018
PC member AAAI 2018
Senior PC member of IJCAI 2017
PC member of DL 2017
PC member of LPAR 2017
PC member of ESWC 2017
PC member of AAAI 2016
PC co-chair of KR 2016
PC member of DL 2016
PC member of ICDT 2017
Senior PC member of IJCAI 2016
PC member of RuleML 2016
Area Chair IJCAI 2015
PC member of Description Logic Workshop 2015
PC member of ECAI 2014
Senior PC member of KR 2014
PC member of Description Logic Workshop 2014
PC member of OWLED 2014
PC member of JELIA 2014
PC member of ISAIM 2014
PC co-chair of FCT (Fundamentals of Computation Theory) 2013
Senior PC member of IJCAI 2013
PC member of FroCoS 2013
PC member of Description logic Workshop 2013
PC co-chair of Doctoral Consortium KR 2012
PC co-chair of Description Logic Workshop 2012
PC member of KR 2012
Senior PC member of ECAI 2012
PC member of CSL 2012
PC member of JELIA 2012
PC member of LPAR 2012
PC member of AiML 2012
PC member of Logic Colloquium 2012
PC co-chair of TIME 2011
PC member of Cade 2010
PC member of AAAI 2011
PC member of FroCoS 2011
PC member of WOLLIC 2011
PC member of DL 2011
PC member of Workshop on working with multiple biomedical ontologies at ICBO 2011
PC member of LPAR 2010 (Indonesia)
PC member of JELIA 2010
Senior PC member of ECAI 2010
PC member of KR 2010 (Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
PC member of AiML 2010 (Advances in Modal Logic)
PC member of WOMO 2010
PC member of M4M 2009
PC member of IJCAI 2009
PC member of Tableaux 2009
PC member of FroCoS 2009
PC member of Description Logic Workshop 2009
PC member of TIME 2009
PC member of IJCAR 2008 (International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning)
PC member of KR 2008 (Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
PC member of LICS 2008
PC member of AiML 2008
PC member of TIME 2008
PC member of DL 2008
PC member of CandO 2008 (Fourth International Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies)
PC member of CEDAR 2008 (Workshop on Complexity, Expressibility, and Decidability in Automated Reasoning)
Co-chair of Session on Uncertainty at Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasining 2008
Course on Modularity of Logical Theories and Ontologies, ESSLLI-2008
Course at KRDB Summer School: Logical Difference, Conservative Extensions and Modularity in Description logics, Bolzano 2008
Co-organiser of WORMS (Workshop on Ontologies: Reasoning and Modularity), Tenerife 2008
Programme Chair of FroCoS-2007
Co-organiser of WOMO (Workshop on Modular Ontologies) 2007
PC member of AAAI 2007
PC member of LPAR 2007
PC member of DL-Workshop 2007
PC member of Contexts and Ontologies: Representation and Reasoning-2007
PC member of International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) 2006
PC member of IJCAR (International Joint Conference on Automated Deduction) 2006
PC member of Advances in Modal Logic Conference (AiML) 2006
PC member of TIME 2006
PC member of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2006
PC member of Description Logic Workshop (DL) 2006
PC member of Context Representation and Reasoning (CRR) 2006
PC member of TIME-ICTL 2003
PC member of LPAR 2003
PC member of M4M 2003
PC member of KR 2004
PC member of AiML 2004
PC member of IJCAR 2004 Doctoral Programme
PC member of Conference on Spatial Cognition 2004
PC member of LPAR 2005
Co-organizer of Description Logic Workshop 2005
PC member of Workshop on Context Representation and Reasoning 2005
PC member of Frontiers of Combining Systems 2005
PC member of M4M 2005
Lecturer at ESSLLI 2005
Invited talk at ARW-2003 (Automated Reasoning Workshop) in Liverpool, 2003
Invited talk at De Morgan Symposion 2003 in London, 2003
Invited talk at DL-2004 (Description Logic Workshop) in Whistler, 2004
Invited talk at Negation in Constructive Logic Workshop in Dresden, 2004
Invited talk at CombLog2004 (Combining Logics Workshop) in Lisbon, 2004
Invited talk at CADE-20(20th International Conference on Automated Deduction), 2005
Invited talk at Workshop on Modal logic, Stone Duality and Coalgebras, Leicester, 2006
Invited talk at Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO) at ISWC, Athens, 2006
Invited talk at British Logic Colloquium in London, September 2007
Invited talk at Algebraic and Topological Methods in Non-Classical Logics III (TANCL-07), Oxford, August 2007
Invited talk at Contexts and Ontologies: Representation and Reasoning, Roskilde, August 2007
Invited talk at Conference on Judgements, Assertions and Propositions, Berlin, January 2008
Invited talk at WOLLIC-2009, Tokyo, June 2009
Invited talk at ASL Logic Colloquium, Sofia, August 2009
Guest Professor at JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), JAIST Advanced Lecture Series, 2009-2013
Invited talk at CSL (Computer Science Logic), Bergen, September 2011
Invited talk at Wessex Theory Seminar, London, September 2012
Invited talk at LPAR 2013 (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
Invited talk at AiML 2014 (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Invited Talk at iPRA 2014 (Vienna, Austria)
Invited Talk at LATA 2016 (Prague, Czech Republic)
Invited Talk at Wormshop: Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic, and Reflection Principles 2019 (Barcelona)
Invited Talk at SOEQ 2021: Workshop on Second-Order Quantifier Elimination and Related Topics (online)
Co-Organiser of Dagstuhl Workshop on Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 2022
Invited Talk at Workshop: Guarded Fragments: Current Trends and Applications 2022 (online)
Invited Talk at FLOC 2022 Workshop "Decidable Fragments of First-Order Modal Logics" (Haifa, Israel)
Invited Tutorial at 14th Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation (Tbilisi 2023)
Tutorial at KR 2023 on Concept Learning (KR 2023)
Invited Online Seminar of the Description Logic Community, 2023
Invited Talk at Foundations of Computation, Sheffield 2024
Invited Online Talk at FOMOLO (First-Order Modal Logic) Seminar, 2024

PhD Students

List of students and their work

Other Activities