Knowledge Based System (KBS) Validation, Verification and Maintenance

1. Overview

Other than the MAKE (Maintenance Assistance for Knowledge Engineers) project which was concerned with maintenance further work on KBS maintenance and on KBS V&V has been undertaken. Much of the latter is based on the concept of binary encoded incidence matrices and multi-dimensional spatial (tesseral) representaions of rule bases. This work is still on going. (see also First Workshop on V&V and Integrity issues in Expert Systems and Databases --- VVI'98, EUROVAV'99, and the CFP for Second Workshop on V&V and Integrity issues in Expert Systems and Databases --- VVI2000.)

2. Published Papers

2.1 Refereed journal papers

  1. Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Coenen, F.P., Paton, R, Nwana, H. and Shave, M.J.R. (1993). Two Aspects of the validation and verification of Knowledge based Systems. IEEE Expert, Vol 8, No 3, pp76-81 (revised version of paper with same title presented at EUROVAV'91).
  2. Coenen, F.P. (1994). A Binary Encoded Incidence Matrix Representation for KBS Verification. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (special issue on Expert Systems), Vol 11, No 3, pp221-232.
  3. Coenen, F.P. (1995). An Advanced Binary Encoded Matrix Representation for Rulebase Verification. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 8, No 4, pp201-210.
  4. Coenen, F.P., Eaglestone, B. and Ridley, M. (1998). Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues in Expert and Database Systems: Two Perspectives. Submitted for refereeing to the International Journal of Intelligent Systems.
  5. Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T., Boswell, R., Dibie-Barthelemy, J., Eaglestone, B., Gerrits, R., Gregoire, E., Ligeza, A. Laita, L., Owoc, M., Sellini, F., Spreeuwenberg, S., Vanthienen, J., Vermesan, A. and Wiratunga, N. (2000). Validation and Verification of Knowledge-based systems: report on EUROVAV99. Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol 5, No 2. pp187-196. ISSN 0269-8889.

2.2 Refereed conference papers

  1. Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Coenen, F.P., Paton, R, Nwana, H. and Shave, M.J.R. (1991). Two Aspects of the Validation and Verification of Knowledge based Systems. Proceedings EUROVAV'91, Logica, Cambridge, pp125-132 (revised version published in IEEE Expert).
  2. Coenen, F.P. (1992). A Methodology for the Maintenance of Knowledge based Systems. In Niku-Lari, A. (Ed), EXPERSYS-92 (Proccedings), IITT-International, Gournay sur Marne, France, pp171-176.
  3. Threadgold, R. and Coenen, F.P. (1993). Using ALLSPEAK to Reverse Engineer KBS Specifications. In Rzevski, G., Pastor, J. and Adey, R.A. (Eds), Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol 2: Applications and Techniques (Proceedings AIENG'93), Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp61-76.
  4. Coenen, F.P., Taleb-Bendiab, A. and Forster, R. (1993). Verification of Rule-bases Using Incidence Matrices: The IMVER System. In Rzevski, G., Pastor, J. and Adey, R.A. (Eds), Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol 1: Design, Methods and Techniques (Proccedings AIENG'93), Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp248-260.
  5. Coenen, F. and Forster, R. (1993). Matrix Techniques for Rulebase Verification. In Bramer, M.A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds), Research and Development in Expert Systems X, Proceedings of ES'93, pp235-247.
  6. Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M and Kent A. (1994). An Advanced Binary Encoded Incidence Matrix representation to Support KBS Verification. Workshop Notes, AAAI'94 workshop on KBS Verification and Validation, Seattle, August 1994, pp84-97.
  7. Coenen, F.P. and Dunne, P.E. (1997). Verification and Validation of Rulebases using a Binary Encoded Incidence Matrix Technique. Proceedings EUROVAV'97, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, pp43-53. Belgium.
  8. Coenen, F.P. (1998). Verification and Validation Issues in Expert and Database Systems: The Expert Systems Perspective. In Wagner, R.R. (Ed.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, Workshop proceedings DEXA'98 (Vienna), IEEE, pp16-21.
  9. Coenen, F.P. (1998). Rulebase Checking Using a Spatial Representation. In Quirchmayer, G., Schweighofer, E. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. (Eds), Database and Expert Systems Applications, proceedings DEXA'98 (Vienna), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1460, Springer Verlag, pp166-175.
  10. Coenen, F.P., Eaglestone, B. and Ridley, M. (1999). Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues in Knowledge and Database Systems: Future Directions. Presented at EUROVAV'99.

2.3 Other (non-refereed) papers

  1. Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Castelli, D., Coenen F.P., Devendeville-Brisoux, L., Eaglestone, B., Fiddian, N., Gray, A., Ligeza, A. and Vermesan, A. (1999). Validation, Verification and Integrity Issues in Expert and database Systems. Expert Update, Vol 2. No 1. Spring 1999, pp31-35.

2.4 Working papers

  1. Coenen, F. (1999) The Role of Object Orientation in Expert Systems: A Short Review. Department of Computer Science, the University of Liverpool.
  2. Coenen, F. (1999) Errors and Anomalies in Object Oriented Expert Systems: A Short Review. Department of Computer Science, the University of Liverpool.

3. Links to other V&V sites

  1. EUROVAV'99 call for papers.
  2. The Vavtalk home page.

Created and maintained by Frans Coenen. Last updated 21 June 2001