Applied Algorithmics (COMP526)

  1. Administration Details
  2. Lectures
  3. Tutorials
  4. Literature and extra material (including past exam papers)
  5. Assessment
    • >>> Selected video presentations (last year - Spring 2017)
    • Team 1 Flavia Alves, Victor Alejandro Ortiz Santiago, Vishal Wilde
      Inside Risks, The Future of the Internet of Things (CACM'17),
      by Ulf Lindqvist and Peter G. Neumann
    • Team 5 Luke Britton, Josh Coates, Joe Reilly
      Tracing the first four decades in the life of suffix trees, their many incarnations, and their applications (CACM'16),
      by Alberto Apostolico, Maxime Crochemore, Martin Farach-Colton, Zvi Galil, and S. Muthukrishnan
    • Team 6 Aidon Blong, Shuyao Chen, Felix Udanyi
      Recommender Systems - Beyond Matrix Completion (CACM'16),
      by Dietmar Jannach, Paul Resnick, Alexander Tuzhilin, and Markus Zanker
    • Team 8 Jose Valentin Morales Robles, Krzysztof Nalborski
      Fostering Creativity through Computing (CACM'17),
      by Aman Yadav and Steve Cooper
    • Team 10 Marios Constantinou
      Exponential Laws of Computing Growth (CACM'16),
      by Aman Yadav and Steve Cooper
  6. Preparation list
  7. == A short comment on Twitter use as teaching support tool ==
Contact Leszek Gasieniec or tweet to @lag_526