Some not-so-random links of (possibly dubious) interest
Sudoku.... Here are some Sudoku puzzles that I made (by hand). They are typeset using LaTeX and Paul Abraham's sudoku package for LaTeX. Like them? Hate them? Too hard or easy? Let me know if you want to do so...
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email Fight spam and recycle it too!
Gauntlet Press Publishers of Gauntlet magazine that explores free speech issues.
Intuitor Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics Kind of self-explanatory...
McSweeney's Internet Tendency In general, some pretty funny stuff. Read it.
The Onion|America's Finest News Source
Righteous Babe Records Love child of folk singer Ani DiFranco and home of some of the finest music on the planet.
TV ratings? Here's one man's idea for a TV ratings system. What's your opinion?
Weird Word Index Fulfilling your mallemaroking needs since 1996!
W3C Markup Validation Service Test your webpage code to see if it satisfies compliance with web standards (like XHTML Strict 1.0 standards, etc.). This page also has links to check your CSS code, see if your links are broken or not, and other stuff.
Games-related Links
Battlefront Miniatures Producers of Flames of War, an excellent 15mm WWII tabletop game.
BoardGameGeek, the go-to source for board and card game information.
Cheapass games Makers of fine games at prices that won't bust your bank account (unless you buy them all). Now with lots of games available for free.
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