Appendix H - Support Programs

In the Emotions and Feelings modules of the package, several scenes are displayed (see appendix A). On each of the scenes, one of a set of seven emotional expressions (figure H.1) can be selected. Each of the expressions has a picture of the expression associated with it, very similar to the representation of the expression given in the "emotional controls", but without the oval representing the "face", the drawing of which would otherwise disrupt any existing depiction of the face within the scene (figure H.2).

fig. H.1 - the emotional palette.

fig. H.2 - the actual pictures as drawn onto a scene, of the emotional expressions.

When an expression is drawn into a particular scene, the package needs some way of knowing where to place the expression within that scene. Since each of the expressions can be a different size, each scene must have a position for every possible expression, since any expression may appear in it. In order to do this, a special resource for each scene holds the coordinates of the expressions within that scene. Although Apple's ResEdit resource editor is excellent for editing standard system resources, it is not designed for editing the custom resources used to define the locations of the expressions. In order to edit these resources a special program was written, which allows the user to graphically place each of the emotional expressions within a scene. The program will record the locations of the expressions, and build a resource of the appropriate type and structure. There is a second program to quickly display the expressions for a scene for the purposes of checking, without having to use the main package. The main package and these utility programs, share code which positions the scenes and the expressions, and also code which defines the resource structure.
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