Foundations For Continuous Engineering Of Trustworthy Autonomy (at Liverpool)
Funding Agency: EU H2020 link
Project Time: 2020 - 2023
- Xiaowei Huang (Liverpool lead)
- Sven Schewe (Liverpool Co-I)
- Xingyu Zhao (postdoc)
External Collaborators
- (Project PI, UGA Verimag (UGA))
- (fortiss)
- (Intel)
- (Siemens)
- (Mentor)
- (Graz University of Technology)
- (Bar Ilan University)
- (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
- (RGB Medical)
- (L-UP SAS)
- How does Weight Correlation Affect theGeneralisation Ability of Deep Neural Networks?
- Gaojie Jin, Xinping Yi, Liang Zhang, Lijun Zhang, Sven Schewe, Xiaowei Huang.
- NeurIPS 2020.
Please feel free to contact me for more information.