11/2022: Xiaowei (PI), Xingyu and I are awarded a grant of the UK and US governments launched challenge on privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs).
10/2022: My safe AI journal paper is accepted by ACM Transactions on Embedding Computing Systems - “Reliability Assessment and Safety Arguments for Machine Learning Components in System Assurance”.
10/2022: My distributed learning conference paper is accepted by 2023 IEEE ISGT North America - “Short-term Load Forecasting with Distributed Long Short-Term Memory”.
10/2022: Give a presentation of our probabilistic model checking paper at top robotics conference 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022).
10/2022: About to visit Systems and software security (S3) Group, the Computer Science Department, University of Manchester in Nov. 2022, working with Dr. Lucas Cordeiro and Dr. Edoardo Manino. Looking forward to it!
09/2022: A new family member arrived, my little boy Junchen was born in St. Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK.
09/2022: Give a online presentation of our research outputs to collaborator from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
08/2022: Give a talk about our reliability analysis tools to FOCETA partners from Denso and Intel.
08/2022: Start collaboration on power system topics with Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and The University of Manchester.
06/2022: My probabilistic model checking paper is accepted by top robotics conference 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022) – “Dependability Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning based Robotics and Autonomous Systems through Probabilistic Model Checking”.
05/2022: On DIF opening day, give a presentation of our ACPSLab researches and physical experiment demo on real unmanned ground vehicle Jackal and Turtlebots. A recorded video is available online.
03/2022: Give a presentation of our SOLITUDE project phase 2 outputs and physical experiments demo on real underwater vehicle BlueRov2.
02/2022: Present our EnnCore project outputs on SafeAI 2022 workshop.
01/2022: Give a presentation about our safe AI and robotics researches to Unilevel visitors.
News of 2021
11/2021: Our workshop paper is accepted by Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22) – “EnnCore: End-to-End Conceptual Guarding of Neural Architectures”
09/2021: Give a presentation of SOLITUDE project phase 1 outputs to DSTL and Adelard.
09/2021: Give a talk on Siemens-ULiv seminar. Start colloboration with Siemens in the project of FOCETA.
09/2021: My distributed learning paper is published on a peer-reviewed Elsevier journal International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems – “Short term load forecasting with markovian switching distributed deep belief networks”
07/2021: My deep reinforcement learning paper is published on a peer-reviewed Elsevier journal Electric Power Systems Research – “A Strategic Day-ahead bidding strategy and operation for battery energy storage system by reinforcement learning”
05/2021: Start DSTL project: SOLITUDE: Safety Argument for Learning-enabled Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Collaboration with Heriot-watt University, Prof. Sen Wang, and Dr. Vibhav Bharti.
04/2021: Awarded my PhD degree from The University of Manchester.
04/2021: Our abstract paper is accepted by DSN2021 – “Detecting Operational Adversarial Examples for Reliable Deep Learning”, here is the link.
03/2021: Start a new project as a research associate: EnnCore: End-to-End Conceptual Guarding of Neural Architectures.
02/2021: Give a first presentation of my research works at ACPSLab, the University of Liverpool.
02/2021: Start a post-doc project at Department of Computer Science, the University of Liverpool.
News of 2020
10/2020: Got a PDRA offer from the Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool in Jan. 2021, working on projects with Dr. Xingyu Zhao, Prof. Sven Schewe and Prof. Xiaowei Huang. Looking forward to it!
07/2020: Presented our research output at IFAC World Congress 2020, Germany
06/2020: Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy – “Fully-distributed deloading operation of DFIG-based wind farm for load sharing”, here is the link.
04/2020: Give a presentation of my recent research outputs with my supervisor Prof. Zhengtao Ding at Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
01/2020: My first conference paper is accepted by IFAC World Congress 2020, Germany – “An Optimal Day-ahead Bidding Strategy and Operation for Battery Energy Storage System by Reinforcement Learning”
News of 2019
- 07/2019: My first journal paper is accepted by IET renewable power generation – “Demand‐side management using a distributed initialisation‐free optimisation in a smart grid”