
NeST Hackathon

The main point of this event is to bring together groups of individuals who either already have a keen interest in big data and know how to work with it or would like to learn more about what big data is and some of the methods and tools already in place to be able to deal with it in industry and accademia.

We believe that the theme of the event should be at big data, the underlying networks behind them, and the analysis of such data and its networks. We do not believe that there should be a limitation on the coding language that should be used, so feel free to use whatever you feel most comfortable in.

The NeST initiative is a new group set up at The University of Liverpool in the last twelve months that spans multiple departments and schools. Within the initiative there is the NeST Software Lab. At the lab we specialise in working with data and complex networks on a large scale. We produce software to deal with all sorts of related tasks from data harvesting, data extraction, data manipulation and data analysis. The work we do benefits both the accademic community and also our industrial parteners.

The data we are providing for the event will be transport network data, courtesy of our event partner AIMES Grid Services.