Appendix D - HyperCard

HyperCard is a program which allows the construction of other programs that have the Macintosh user-interface, without the need for a large amount of underlying code to support the interface. Macintosh programs are usually very complex: the nature of the interface requires the writing of a large amount of supporting code for most tasks, yet for the purposes of prototyping, writing lots of program code can mean that the number of prototypes available for testing is cut back owing to time limitations on the programmer. By providing most of the background support work, HyperCard allows prototyping to take place with more emphasis on the interface.

The metaphor for HyperCard is a stack of cards, and a program written using HyperCard is known as a stack. A stack consists of at least one card, and can contain many thousands of cards. Each card has a background, and a foreground, each which can contain objects. The objects are buttons and fields, and both of these can contain information, and program code known as scripts, which are written in a language known as HyperTalk. If HyperCard lacks a specific feature which a programmer would like to use, it is possible to extend the functionality of HyperCard using other programming languages, and writing external commands or functions (called XCMDs and XFCNs). HyperCard lends itself to the construction of simple databases, but undoubtedly its greatest use is in producing stacks which look like fully-fledged Macintosh programs.

One of HyperCard's weaknesses is that it is not particularly fast: scripts are interpreted not compiled, and that it only has minimal colour support. However, these problems aside, it is an excellent tool for prototyping interfaces.

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