Workshop Symbol 


Visual Representations & Interpretations


Bullet pointProvisional Workshop Programme

Posters throughout
Tuesday 22nd September Wednesday 23rd September Thursday 24th September
Theme 1 Just visualising The language of symbols Visualising the Abstract
Theme 2 Visualising the Information Retrieval process Visual Representations: from molecules to cells Language and Form across domains
Theme 3 Visualisation for Effective Communication Guest Speakers Close of Workshop
Theme 4 Technology, change and Visualisation Articulating the Design Process Optional Visit to the Tate Gallery
Any questions please email

Bullet point Tuesday 22nd September

Time Tuesday 22nd September
9.00-9.45 Registration
9.45-10.00 Welcome and Opening Address
  Just Visualising: 
Chair:  Dr John Lee, Edinburgh University
 10.00 A. Welchman & J.Harris,  Studying Holes to Understand Visual  Representation Psychology Department, University of Newcastle
 10.20 T. Marsh & P. Wright Articulation of Spatial Information HCI, Comp Sci, University of York
 10.40 R. Kovordanyi Mental Image Reinterpretation in the Intersection of Conceptual and Visual Constraints Department of Information & Computer Science, Sweden
 11.00 T. Schubert, F. Friedmann and H. Regenbrecht Embodied Presence in Virtual Environments Dept of Psychology, Jena University & Dept of CS, Bauhaus University, Germany
 11.20 Tim Watts A Framework for Understanding the Role of Virtual Reality  
Technology in Facilitating Cross-Functional and Interdisciplinary  
Manchester Business School 
 11.30 Tea & Coffee
 Visualising the Information Retrieval Process
Chair: Dr David England, Liverpool John Moore's University, UK
 11.45 B. Burdeck, M. Eibl & J Krause Visualisation in Document Retrieval College of Design, Offenbach, Institute of CS, and Social Sciences Information Center, Bonn, Germany
 12.05 D. Reid & C.Gittings Visualising 
Dynamic Browsing Patterns Via Navigation Agents
Liverpool University
 12.25 C. Dormann A taxonomy of visual metaphors Centre for Tele-Information, 
Lyngby, Denmark
 12.45 H. Ainsley & C Ghaoui Design, representation & manipulation of hypertext documents Dept of CS, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
  Visualisation for Effective Communication 
Dr M. Holcombe, Sheffield University, UK
 2.00 R. Brown Mathematics & Knots: conveying the main methods of mathematics to the general public through the Theory of Knots School of Mathematics, Bangor University, Wales
 2.30 J. Hill & P. Wright Graphically representing causal sequences in accident scenarios HCI, Dept of Comp Sci, University of York, UK
 2.50 P. Kent A Visual, Computational Object Language for Mathematics Dept of Mathematics, Imperial College, UK
 3.10 J. Lee Words & Pictures - Goodman Revisited Human Communication Research Unit, Edinburgh University, UK
Tea & Coffee
   Technology, Change and Visualisation 
Chair: Dr Nancy de Freitas, Auckland Institute of Technology, New Zealand
 4.00 B. Collins, I. Holden & S. Bedser  Picturing the Past IBM UK Laboratories
 4.20 S. Edwards From Gutenberg to Gates: the impact of the photographic negative Dept. of Film and Television Studies, The University of Waikato New Zealand 
 4.40 A. Harrison Realism and Representation: Pictures, Models & Theories Dept of Philosophy, University of Bristol, UK
 5.00 D. K. Manley Theatricality and levels of believabilty in graphical virtual environments EnterpriseNet 
Chester, UK
 5.15 H. Clapin Visual Representation & Taxonomy Dept of Philosophy, 
University of Sidney, Australia
 5.35 M. Biggs Interpreting Wittgenstein's Graphics Faculty of Art and Design 
University of Hertfordshire, UK 
 Close of Day
Evening Reception in the Old Chapel, Foresight Centre

 Wednesday 23rd September

Please note:  Early Bird Start  9.00 am
  The Language of Symbols 
Chair: Dr M. Woodward, Liverpool University, UK
9.00 am G. Malcolm & J Goguen Signs and Representations: Semiotics for User Interface Design Connect, Liverpool University, UK & University of California at San Diego, USA
 9.20 M. Treglown Is the Trashcan being ironic? Centre for Communication Research 
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering University of Bristol, UK 
 9.40 D. England Visualisation of data landscapes for collaborative virtual environments Dept of CS,  Liverpool John Moores University, UK
 10.00 S. Sloane Interpreting on-line fictional characters Dept of English, University of Puget Sound, Washington. USA
 10.25 A. Munro Judging books by their covers: remarks on information representation in real world information space HCI, Dept of CS,  Napier University 
 10.40 B. Buckley & C. Boulter Analysis of representations in Model-based teaching & learning in Science Dept. of Science and Technology Education 
University of Reading, UK 
 11.00 Tea and Coffee
  Visual Representation: from molecules to cells 
Chair: Dr D. Goodsell, Scripps Institute, USA
 11.20 J. Parish The language of proteins School of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 
The University of Leeds, UK
 11.40 D. Goodsell Atomistic vs Continuous Representations in Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Molecular Biology 
The Scripps Research Institute 
 12.05 J. Rice, J. Hunt, J.A. Gallacher, P Hanap & J. Gold A quantitative evaluation of the human osteoblast response to sub-micron  
surfaces in vivo, using a combination of confocal laser scanning microscopy and image analysis  
Dept. of Clinical Engineering 
University of Liverpool, 
Dept of Applied Physics, Chalmers University, Sweden
 12.25 D. Cooper Visual Representations and interpretations of molecular electronic structure Department of Chemistry 
University of Liverpool, UK
 12.45 C. Nightingale A Mathematical Model for Visual Taste when selecting from repeating patterns BT Laboratories, UK
Guest Speakers
Chair: Dr Ray Paton, Liverpool University, UK
 2.00 Professor Arthur Miller Visual Imageries of 20th Century Physics: Representing the Invisible Dept Science and Technology Studies, UCL, UK
 2.45 Professor R. Harre Type Hierarchies & Iconic Models Linacre College, University of Oxford
 3.30 Coffee
  Articulating the design process 
Chair: Dr Irene Neilson, Liverpool University, UK
 4.00 H. Carlisle Breaking the monotony: using randomisation techniques in computer aided textiledesign Department of Fashion & Textiles, Nottingham Trent University, UK
 4.20 A. Ione Defining visual representation as a creative and interactive modality Berkeley 
CA 94712 
 4.40 T. Fernando, P. Wimalaratne and K. Tan Virtual World Representation Issues for supporting Assembly and Maintainability Assessment Tasks The Centre for Virtual Environments 
University of Salford, UK 
 5.00 P.J. Stappers & J. Hennessey Towards  electronic napkins and beermats: Computer support for visual ideation skills Delft University of Technology 
The Netherlands 
 5.20 J. McFadzean Computational support for conceptual sketching Department of Design and Innovation 
Faculty of Technology 
The Open University, UK
 5.40 C. Tweed Learning to see architecturally Dept of Architecture, 
Queen's University
  Close of day 
Retire to the bars and restaurants of Liverpool

 Thursday 24th September

Please Note: Early Bird Start 9 am
  Visualising the abstract 
Chair: Dr C Tweed, Queen's University, Ireland
9.00am  C. Lund & R. Paton Visual Metaphor and Psychoanalysis Dept of Comp Sci, University of Liverpool & 
Royal Victoria Infirmary 
Newcastle, UK 
 9.25 N. De Freitas Geomentality: Reframing the landscape School of Art and Design, Auckland Institute of Technology 
New Zealand 
 9.50 R. Hendry Theories & Models: an interactive view Department of Philosophy 
University of Durham, UK 
 10.15 P. Every Slipping through the net: theories of realism in virtual space? School of Art & Design, 
University of Coventry
 10.30 Tea and Coffee
  Language & form across domains 
Chair: Dr R. Paton, Liverpool University, UK
 11.00 M. A. Beaumont, D. Jackson & M. Usher  Visualising Complex Sequential & Parallel Programs  
Dept of Comp Sci, 
Liverpool University
 11.20 C.F. Earl The boundaries of shapes Faculty of Engineering 
Newcastle University 
 11.40 A Brown, F. Coenen & M.W. Knight Visual representation of an AI solution Dept of Architecture & Dept of Comp Sci University of Liverpool
 12.00 P. Young & M. Munro 3D Software Visualisation Visualisation Research Group, University of Durham, UK 
 12.20 D. Neary & M. Woodward Visualisation of OBJ term-rewriting process Dept of Comp Sci, University of Liverpool
 12.35 C. Yap & M. Holcombe Yin Yang Diagrams: A Visual Representation of Set Operations Dept of CS, Sheffield University, UK
 12.55 Closing Review
  End of Workshop

 Poster Presentations

Authors Title Institution
C Royles and T. Bench-Capon Improving the Interaction between the user and the Internet  

(poster + demo)

Dept of Comp Sci, Liverpool University, UK
Jenny Whiting More than just the condition 
Medical Photographic Library 
The Wellcome Trust
A. Antonacopoulos & F. Delporte Extraction of Textual Information from WWW Images Dept of Comp Sci, Liverpool University, UK & 
Département de Mathématiques Appliquées, Ecole Polytechnique France 
D. Reid & C. Gittings GIB: a gestural interface browser for WWW structures Connect, University of Liverpool, UK
A. Brown, M. Knight and M. Nahab The effect of image type on interpretation in Architecture & Allied Arts Dept of Architecture, Liverpool University, UK
L. Pineda & G. Garza A Model for multimodal representation and inference UNAM, Mexico
R. Paton Some Interpretations of the Representation of Field, Form & Transformation in 20th Century Biology Dept of Comp Sci, Liverpool University. UK
P. Lund Spatial aspects of Flowers Newcastle, UK
T. Watts A Framework for Understanding the Role of Virtual Reality  
Technology in Facilitating Cross-Functional and Interdisciplinary  
Manchester Business School, UK

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We gratefully acknowledge sponsorship of the conference from Connect and the Department of Computer Science, The University of Liverpool , The Tate Gallery, Unilever Research, and Barclay's Bank.