About Me

hang dot dong at ed dot ac dot uk |
Hang Dong completed his PhD research at Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, based at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China. His doctoral study focuses on the automatic derivation of structured knowledge from social media data.
Hang is now a Research Fellow in the Centre for Medical Informatics, Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh. His research topic is Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning with Electronic Health Records. He is a member of the Clinical Natural Language Processing Research Group.
Hang was a member in the Data Mining and Machine Learning Group and the Pattern REcognition & Machine Intelligence Laboratory (PremiLab). He also follows the Natural Language Processing Group meetings (link to the recent activities in nlp@uol) in the University of Liverpool.
Before starting his PhD, Hang received his bachelor degree in Library Science from the School of Information Management in Wuhan University and an MSc degree in Information Systems from the Information School in the University of Sheffield.
Hang's publications and presentations are available in the research page.
Hang's teaching activities and materials are available in the teaching page.
Hang's Curriculum Vitae is available in the vitae page.
Check some self-curated useful mental health stuff during COVID and post-COVID!