Patrick Totzke

Hey there! I am a member of the verification group at the Department of Computer science, the University of Liverpool.

email totzke[ät]
address Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Liverpool, L69 3BX, UK
office Ashton 3.19
phone +44 151 795 4256
office hour Meet me Tuesdays between 10-11am


I work at the intersection of maths and computer science and specialise on the foundations of formal verification. My interests include

  • Algorithmic game theory, especially strategy complexity, games and MDPs on countably infinite graphs
  • Decidability and complexity of verification problems such as (bi)simulation and language inclusion; model checking and synthesis
  • Counter automata, vector addition systems / Petri nets and process algebras
  • Computational logics with fixed-points, temporal or probabilistic modalities and associated games
  • Real-time systems: timed automata and languages, timed Petri nets and timed games

See here and the dblp for my published outputs. My work is currently supported by EPSRC1,2,3 and the DFG 4.

postdocs and students

  • Di-De Yen (Postdoc, starting in 2024) History-determinism, Games
  • Sougata Bose (Postdoc, since 2020) Verification games, Strategy complexity
  • Pete Austin (PhD student, since 2022, 80:20 with Sven Schewe) Games on Temporal Graphs
  • Manolis Pitsikalis (PhD student, 2020–2023, 40:60 with Alexei Lisitsa) Event processing and Temporal Logics for maritime applications
  • Thomas Welsch (PhD student, 2020–2023, 40:60 with Vitaliy Kurlin)

short bio

As of 2024, I am a full professor in the department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool. I joined Liverpool as a lecturer in 2018 and before that I did postdocs at the LFCS in Edinburgh (from 2016) and spend a year each at the University of Warwick (2015) and LaBRI in Bordeaux (2014). I hold a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and a diploma (Dipl. Inf.) from the University of Hamburg where I grew up.

In my spare time I attempt to play the trumpet and maintain a healthy appreciation of good whisky. I am overly passionate about free software. I have a ha-index of 80 and happily support the TCS 4 Future brillant button initiative.


Jun 2, 2024 I attended the Dagstuhl Seminar 24231 on Stochastic Games. See here for my slides.
Jun 1, 2024 Appointment to Full Professor
Mar 25, 2024 A warm welcome to Di-De Yen who starts his postdoc with me today, funded through our EPSRC project Games for Good.
Feb 24, 2024 I am on the PC of GandALF (International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification) 2024.
Jan 30, 2024 The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has confirmed forthcoming support for my work through their Heisenberg Programm.
Jan 18, 2024 I will serve on the PC of FoSSaCS (Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures) in 2025.
Dec 21, 2023 Our paper on Parity Games on Temporal Graphs has been accepted at FoSSaCS’24.