Emeritus Professor Frans Coenen

Department of Computer Science

The University of Liverpool

Last updated April 2024

Refereed journal publications
Significant refereed conference papers
Other refereed publications (workshops, minor conferences etc.)
Contributions to books (Refereed)
Edited proceedings, books etc.
Non-refereed publications (news articles, technical reports, commissioned articles, etc.)              

Note: This WWW page is not entirely complete, I keep adding bits whenever the mood takes me!

482 Fred, A.L.N., Coenen, F. and Bernardino, J. Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Proceedings IC3K 2024, Volume 1: KDIR, Scitepress.
481 Irlik, K., Aldosari, H., Hendel, M., Kwiendacz, H., Piaśnik, J., Kulpa, J., Ignacy, P., Boczek, S., Herba, M., Kegler, K., Coenen, F., Gumprecht, J., Zheng, Y., Lip, G.Y.H., Alam, U. and Nabrdalik, K. Artificial intelligence-enhanced electrocardiogram analysis for identifying cardiac autonomic neuropathy in patients with diabetes. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
480 Bingqian, Y., Zeng, Y., Yang, H. Penalva Oscoz, M., Ortiz, M., Coenen, F. and Nguyen, A. Spring Back Prediction Using Point Series and Deep Learning. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
479 Elnaggar, O., Paoletti, P., Hopkinson, A. and Coenen, F. Sleep posture analysis: State-of-the-art and Opportunities of Wearable Technologies from Clinical, Sensing and Intelligent Perception Perspectives. In Iqbal, F., Gupta, P., Kumar, V. and Pratihar, D.K. (Eds.), Biomedical Robots and Devbices in Healthcare, Opportunities and Challenges for Future Applications, Academic Press, pp109-127.
478 Al-Dausari, N., Coenen, F., Nguyen, A. and Shantsilla, E. (2024). FlowMI-HybridNet - Predicting Post Myocardial Infarction Complication: A Study Using Dual-Modality, and Imbalanced Flow Cytometry Data. Proceedings of KDIR'24, Scitepress, pp81-91.
477 Al-Dausari, N., Coenen, F., Nguyen, A. and Shantsilla, E.. FlowMI-HybridNet (2024). Integrating Data Handling and Neural Network for Enhanced Post-Myocardial Infarction Complication Prediction. Proceedings Information System Design & Intelligent Applications (ISDIA-2025), Springer Nature.
476 Kang, J., Jianu, T., Huang, B., Bhattarai, B., Le, N., Coenen, F. and Nguyen, A. Translating Simulation Images to X-Ray Images via Multi-scale Semantic Matching. Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Data Engineering in Merdical Imaging, LNCS, 15265.
475 Yuen, K.K.F., Leu, J-S., Ishizaka, A., Tawfik, H. and Coenen, F. Editorial for Special Issue on "Expert decision making for data analytics with applications. Applied Soft Computing, Science Direct, Volume 155, April 2024.
474 Coenen, F., Fred, A., Aveiro, D., Dietz, J. Bernardino, J., Masciari, E. and Filipe, J. Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 15th International Joint Conference, IC3K 2022, Valletta, Malta, October 24–26, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science 1842.
473 Fred, A.L.N., Coenen, F. and Bernardino, J. Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Proceedings IC3K 2023, Volume 1: KDIR, Scitepress.
472 Almutairi, A., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. PPNNBP: A Third Party Privacy Preserving Neural Network with Back-Propagation Learning. IEEE Access.
471 Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. Applying Monte Carlo Dropout to Quantify the Uncertainty of Skip Connection-based Convolutional Neural Networks Optimized by Big Data. Online Journal of Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, MDPI.
470 Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Wood, D.A., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. Deep Ensemble Learning for High-dimensional Subsurface Fluid Flow Modeling. Accepted for publication in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Science Direct (Link).
469 Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Wood, D.A., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. Fourier Neural Operator for Fluid Flow in Small-Shape 2D Simulated Porous Media Dataset. Algorithms, Vol 16, No 1, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).
468 Elnaggar, O., Coenen, F., Hopkinson, A. and Paoletti, P. An Interpretable Framework for Sleep Posture Change Detection and Postural Inactivity Segmentation Using Wrist Kinematics. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature.
467 Elnaggar, O., Arelhi, R., Coenen, F., Hopkinson, A. Mason, L. and Paoletti, P. KIDS: kinematics-based (in)activity detection and segmentation in a sleep case study. arXiv, doi 10.48550/ARXIV.2301.03469.
466 Hu, H., Ye, R., Thiyagalingam, J., Coenen, F. and Su, J. Triple-kernel Gated Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning with Contrastive Learning for Medical Image Analysis. Applied Intelligence (Link).
465 Meng, J., Wang,Y., Wei, Z., Su, J., Coenen, F. RgbTX: Colocalization analysis of transcriptome elements in the presence of isoform heterogeneity and ambiguity. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal.
464 Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A., Moung, E.G., Nohuddin, P.N.R, Chua, S. and Coenen, F. Social Media Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining in Public Security: Taxonomy, Trend Analysis, Issues and Future Directions. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences.
463 Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G.Y.H. and Zheng, Y. Electrocardiogram Two-dimensional Motifs: A study Directed at Cardio Vascular Disease Classification. Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science series.
462 Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. Forecasting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science series, Vol 1854.
461 Qi, J., Burnside, G. and Coenen, F. Pathology Data Prioritisation: A Study of Using Multi-variate Time Series Without a Ground Truth. In Coenen, F., Fred, A., Aveiro, D., Dietz, J. Bernardino, J., Masciari, E. and Filipe, J. (Eds), Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science 1842.
460 Du, C., Coenen, F., Yang, H., Penalva Oscoz, M and Nguyen, A. Spring Back Prediction Using Gated Recurrent Unit and Data Augmentation. 1st International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics 2023 (ICiMR 2023)
459 Song, S., Wang, J., Cheng, F., Cao, Q., Zuo, Y., Lei, Y., Yang, R., Yang, C., Coenen, F., Meng, J., Dang, K. and Su, J. A Robust Framework of Chromosome Straightening with VIT-Patch GAN. Accepted for publication at the 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI2023), IEEE
458 Coenen, F., Fred, A.L.N. and Filipe, J. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Proceedings IC3K 2022, Volume 1: KDIR, Scitepress.
457 Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. An innovative application of deep learning in multiscale modeling of subsurface fluid flow Reconstructing the basis functions of the mixed Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method (GMsFEM). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
456 Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. A quantitative insight into the role of skip connections in deep neural networks of low complexity: A case study directed at fluid flow modeling. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME).
455 Hu, S-Y, Wang, Q-F, Huang, k. Wen, M. and Coenen, F. Retrieval-Based Language Model Adaptation for Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Springer.
454 Huang, D., Chen, K. Song, B., Wei, Z., Su, J., Coenen, F., de Magalhaes, J.P., Rigden, D.J. and Meng, J. Geographic encoding of transcripts enabled high-accuracy and isoform-aware deep learning of RNA methylation. Journal of Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford Academic.
453 Song, Z., Wang, Y., Qian, P., Song, S., Coenen, F., Jiang, Z. and Su, J. From Deterministic to Stochastic: An Interpretable Stochastic Model-free Reinforcement Learning Framework for Portfolio Optimization. Journal of Applied Intelligence, Springer.
452 Yao, K., Su, Z., Huang, K., Yang, X., Sun, J., Hussain, A. and Coenen F. A Novel 3D Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26(10):4976-4986 Oct 2022 DOI
451 Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G.Y.H. and Zheng, Y. Two-dimensional motif extraction from images: A study using an Electrocardiogram. Proceedings 14th International conference of knowledge discovery and information retrieval (KDIR'22).
450 Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G.Y.H. and Zheng, Y. Scanned ECG Arrhythmia Classification Using a Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network as a Feature Extractor. Proceedings The British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) AI conference. Springer
449 Muhammad, I., Coenen, F., Gamble, C., Kearney, A. and Williamson, P. Query Resolution of Literature Knowledge Graphs using Hybrid Document Embeddings. Proceedings The British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) AI conference. Springer
448 Qi, J., Burnside, G. and Coenen, F. Data Augmentation for Pathology Prioritisation: An Improved LSTM-Based Approach. Proceedings The British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) AI conference. Springer
447 Qi, J., Coenen, F., Burnside, G. Pathology Data Prioritisation: A Study Using Multi-Variate Time Series. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'22), Springer.
446 Song, S., Dang, K., Yu, Q., Wang, Z., Coenen, F., Su, J. and Ding, X. Bilateral-ViT for robust fovea localization. Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), IEEE.
445 Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. Sustainable Development Goal Relational Modelling and Prediction: Introducing The SDG-CAP-EXT Methodology. Journal of Data Intelligence.
444 Dong, H., Wang, W., Huang, K. and Coenen, F. Automated Social Text Annotation with Joint Multi-Label Attention Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol 32, No 5, pp2224-2238.
443 Tan, C.B., Hijazi, M.H.A, Khamis, N., Nohuddin, P.N.E., Zainol, Z., Coenen, F. and Gani, A. A survey on presentation attack detection for automatic speaker verification systems: State-of-the-art, taxonomy, issues and future direction. International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Application.
442 Wang, W., Chen, Q, Huang, k. and Coenen, F. Zero-shot Text Classification via Knowledge Graph Embedding for Social Media Data. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
441 Wang, W, Chen, Q, Huang, k., De, S. and Coenen, F. Multi-modal Generative Adversarial Networks for Traffic Event Detection in Smart Cities. Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 177.
440 Wang, Y., Chen, K., Wei, Z., Coenen, F., Su, J. and Meng. J. MetaTX: deciphering the distribution of mRNA-related features in the presence of isoform ambiguity, with application in epitranscriptome analysis. Journal of Bioinformatics, Vol 37, Ni 9, Pages 1285-1291.
439 Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Coenen, F., Ma, F. and Wood, D.A. Machine Learning to Improve Natural Gas Reservoir Simulations. In Wood, D.A., Cai, J. ( Eds.), Sustainable natural gas reservoir and production engineering, Elsevier, pp55-82.
438 Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G. and Zheng, Y. Motif Based Feature Vectors: Towards a Homogeneous Data Representation for Cardiovascular Diseases Classification.. Proceedings DaWaK'21.
437 Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G. and Zheng, Y. Addressing the Challenge of Data Heterogeneity using a Homogeneous Feature Vector Representation: a Study using Time Series and Cardiovascular Disease Classification. Proceedings The British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in Artificial Intelligence ( SGAI) AI conference.
436 Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring and Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis. Proceedings the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning, Theory and Applications (DeLTA'21).
435 Alshehri, M., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Motif-Based Classification Using Enhanced Sub-Sequence-Based Dynamic Time Warping. Proceedings 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA'21), p184-191.
434 Al-Riyami, S., Lisitsa, A. and Coenen, F. Cross-datasets evaluation of machine learning models for intrusion detection systems. Proceedings 6th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT'21).
433 Huang, D., Song, B., Wei, J., Su, J., Coenen, F. and Meng, J. (2021). Weakly supervised learning of RNA modifications from low-resolution epitranscriptome data. Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Proc. 29th Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 20th International Society for Computational Biology (ISMB-ISCB) joint conference.
432 Mansfield, M., Tamma, V., Goddard, P. and Coenen, F. Capturing Expert Knowledge for Building Enterprise SME Knowledge Graphs. Proc. 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (CKAP'21). Best Paper Prize
431 Muhammad, I., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F., Gamble, C., Kearney, A. and Williamson, P. Document Ranking for Curated Document Databases using BERT and Knowledge Graph Embeddings: Introducing GRAB-Rank. In: Golfarelli M., Wrembel R., Kotsis G., Tjoa A.M. and Khalil I. (Eds), Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, Proc. DaWaK 2021, LNCS 12925, Springer, pp116-127.
430 Qi, J., Burnside, G., Charnley, P. and Coenen, F. Event-Based Pathology Data Prioritisation: A Study Using Multi-Variate Time Series Classification. Proceedings of the 13th international conference on knowledge discovery and information retrieval (KDIR'13).
429 Qi, J., Burnside, G., Charnley, P. and Coenen, F. Ranking Pathology Data in the Absence of a Ground Truth. Proceedings of the British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in AI (SGAI) AI conference.
428 Song, S., Huang, D., Hu, Y., Yang, C, Meng, J., Ma, F., Coenen, F., Zhang, J. and Su, J. A Novel Application of Image-to-Image Translation: Chromosome Straightening Framework by Learning from a Single Image. Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI).
427 Vincent-Paulraj, A., Burnside, G., Coenen, F., Pirmohamed, M. and Walker, L. Sequential Association Rule Mining Revisited: A Study Directed at Relational Pattern Mining for Multi-morbidity. Proceedings of the British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in AI (SGAI) AI conference.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
426 Almutairi, N. and Coenen, F. Secure Third Party Data Clustering Using SecureCL, Φ-Data and Multi-User Order Preserving Encryption. Expert Systems, Vol 38, Issue 7.
425 Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. A Cryptographic Ensemble for Secure Third Party Data Analysis: Collaborative Data Clustering Without Data Owner Participation. Knowledge and Data Engineering, Elsevier, Vol 126.
424 Celik, N., O'Brien, F., Brennan, S., Rainbow, R.D., Dart, C., Zheng, Y., Coenen, F. and Barrett-Jolley, R. Deep-Channel Uses Deep Neural Networks to Detect Single-Molecule Events from Patch-Clamp Data. Journal of Communications Biology, Vol; 3, No 1, Nature Publishing Group, pp1-10.
423 Dong, H., Wang, W., Coenen, F. and Huang, K. Knowledge Base Enrichment by Relation Learning from Social Tagging Data. Journal of Information Sciences, Vol 526, Elsevier, pp203-220.
422 El-Salhi, S., Saleh, BS. A-H, and Coenen, F. Census Estimation Using Histogram Representation of 3D Surfaces: A Case Study Focusing on the Karak Region. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol 10, N0 11.
421 Leigh, S., Mehta, B., Dummer, L., Aird, H., McSorley S., Oseyenum, V., Cumbers, A., Ryan, M., Edwardson, K., Johnston, P., Robinson, J., Coenen, F., Taylor-Robinson, D., Niessen, L. and Carrol, E. Management of non-urgent paediatric emergency department attendances; a retrospective observational study. British Journal of General Practice, Vol 71, No 702, e22-e30.
420 Leigh, S., Robinson, J., Yeung, S., Coenen, F., Carrol, E. and Niessen, L. What matters when managing childhood fever in the emergency department? A discrete-choice experiment comparing the preferences of parents and healthcare professionals in the UK. Archives of Disease in Childhood (ADC), BMJ, pp1-7.
419 Alajlan, S., Coenen, F. and Mandya, A. From Semi-Automated to Automated Methods of Ontology Learning from Twitter Data. Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science series.
418 Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Secure Outsourced kNN Data Classification Over Encrypted Data Using Secure Chain Distance Matrices. In Fred, A., Salgado. A., Aveiro, D.. Dietz, J.L.G., Bernardino and Filipe, J. (Eds.), Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1222, pp3-24.
417 Alharbi, Y., Coenen, F, and Arribas-Bel, D. Sustainable Development Goal Relational Modelling: Introducing the SDG-CAP Methodology. Proc 22nd Int Conf. on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 20200), Springer LNCS 12393, pp183-196.
416 Alshehri, M., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Candidate Reduction Coupled with Enhanced Sub-Sequence-Based Dynamic Time Warping. In Bramer M. and Ellis R. (Eds), Artificial Intelligence XXXVII, proc. SGAI 2020. LNCS 12498 Springer, pp273-1285.
415 Chen, Q., Wang, W., Huang, K., De, S. and Coenen, F. (2020) Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Crisis Data Classification on Social Media. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2020), pp282-287.
414 Chen, Q., Wang, W., Huang, K. De, S. and Coenen, F. Multi-modal Adversarial Training for Crisis-related Data Classification on Social Media. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020), pp232-237.
413 Elnaggar, O., Paoletti, P. and Coenen, F. In-Bed Human Pose Classification Using Wearable Sensors. Proc. 40th International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Springer LNCS, pp331-344.
412 Mandya, A., Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. Graph Convolution over Multiple Dependency Sub-graphs for Relation Extraction. Proc. 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020).
411 Mandya, A., O'Neill, J., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F., Gamble, C., Kearney, A. and Williamson, P. Do not let the history haunt you: Mitigating Compounding Errors in Conversational Question Answering. Proc. 12th International Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020).
410 Muhammad, I., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F. and Williamson P. Maintaining Curated Document Databases Using a Learning to Rank Model: The ORRCA Experience. In Bramer M. and Ellis R. (Eds), Artificial Intelligence XXXVII, proc. SGAI 2020. LNCS 12498 Springer, pp345-357.
409 Shahzad, A. and Coenen, F. Automated Generation of Graphs from Relational Sources to Optimise Queries for Collaborative Filtering. Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA 2020).
408 Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. Sustainable Development Goal Relational Modelling: Introducing the SDG-RMF Methodology. Proc of the Harvard Centre for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS) Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Social Good (AI4SG), online at and
407 Bevan, R. and Coenen, F. Experiments in non-personalized future blood glucose level prediction. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data, co-located with 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020).
406 Muhammad, I., Kearney, A., Gamble, C., Coenen, F. and Williamson P. Open Information extraction for knowledge graph construction. Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs (MLKG2020).
405 Shahzad, A. and Coenen, F. Efficient Distributed MST Based Clustering for Recommender System. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) Workshop on Advanced Neural Algorithms and Theories for Recommender Systems (NeuRec 2020), pp206-210.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
404 Wiratunga, N, Coenen, F. and Sani, S. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data, co-located with the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2429, ISSN 1613-0073.
403 Leigh, S., Grant, A., Murray, N., Faragher, B., Desai, H., Dolan, S., Cabdi, N., Murray, J.B., Rejaei, Y., Stewart S., Edwardson, K., Dean J., Mehta, B., Yeung, S., Coenen, F., Niessen, L. and Carrol, E.D. The cost of diagnostic uncertainty: A prospective economic analysis of febrile children attending an NHS Emergency Department. BMC Medicine, Vol 17, Article Number 43.
402 Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A., Alfred, F. and Coenen, F. Modified Framework For Sarcasm Detection and Classification in Sentiment Analysis. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol 13, No 3, pp1175-1183.
401 Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. Behavioural Biometric Continuous User Authentication Using Multivariate Keystroke Streams in the Spectral Domain. In Fred, A., Aveiro, D.. Dietz, J.L.G., Liu, K., Bernardino, J., Salgado. A. and Filipe, J. (Eds.), Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science 976, pp43-66.
400 Aburawi, N., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. Querrying Encrypted Data in Graph Databases. In Eds. Khalaf, M.I., Al-Jumeily, D. and Lisitsa, A. (Eds.), Proc. 1st International Conference on Applied Computing to Support Industry: Innovation and Technology (ACRIT'19), Springer Link, revised selected papers, pp367-382.
399 Alajlan, S., Conene, F. Konev, B. and Mandya, A. Ontology Learning From Twitter Data. Proc 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), Volume 2: Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD'19), pp94-103.
398 Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework using Time Series Modelling. Proc 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), Volume 1: Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR'19), pp297-304.
397 Alhijailan, H. and Coenen, F. Effective Frequent Motif Discovery for Long Time Series Classification: A Study Using Phonocardiogram. Proc 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), Volume 1: Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR'19), pp266-273. (Photo.)
396 Alhijailan, H. and Coenen, F. Motif Discovery in Long Time Series: Classifying Phonocardiograms. Proc. Thirty-ninth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2019), Springer LNCS, volume 11927), pp198-212.
395 Alshehri, M., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Sub-Sequence-Based Dynamic Time Warping. Proc 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), Volume 1: Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR'19), pp274-281.
394 Alshehri, M., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Effective Sub-Sequence-Based Dynamic Time Warping. In Bramer M., Petridis M. (Eds) Artificial Intelligence XXXVI, Proc AI 2019, LNCS 11927, Springer, pp293-305.
393 Jiang, Z. and Coenen, F. Long Short-Term Memory-based Multi-Period Price Prediction for Portfolio Management. Proc. International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM 2019), Volume 1, ibai Publishing, ISBN 978-3-942952-62-0, pp187-200.
392 Mandya, A., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F. and Atkinson, K. Combining Long Short Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Network for Cross-Sentence n-ary Relation Extraction. Proc. Automated Knowledge Base Construction conference (AKBC'19). (Photo.)
391 Mandya, A., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F. and Atkinson, K. Evaluating Co-reference Chains based Conversation History in Conversational Question Answering. Proc. of the 16th International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING).
390 Torrisi, A, Bevan, R. Atkinson, K, Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. Automated Bundle Pagination Using Machine Learning. Proc 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Law (ICAIL'19), ACM, pp244-248. (Photo).
389 Dong, H., Wang, W., Huang, K. and Coenen, F. Joint Multi-Label Attention Networks for Social Text Annotation. Proc. 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies (NAACL'19), Vol 1, pp1348-1354.
388 Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework using Time Series Modelling. Proc. IJCAI’19 workshop on Artificial Intelligence and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Knowledge 4 All (K4A) Foundation, online.
387 Bevan, R., Torrisi, A., Bollegala, D., Coenen F. and Atkinson, K. Extracting Supporting Evidence from Medical Negligence Claim Texts. Proc 4th International IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data (KDH'19), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp5-54 (
386 Pratt, H., Coenen, F. Harding, S.P.,Broadbent, D.M. and Zheng, Y. Feature Visualisation of Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Using a Convolutional Neural Network. Proc 4th International IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data (KDH'19), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp23-29 (
385 Torrisi, A., Bevan, R., Bollegala, D., Coenen F. and Atkinson, K. Combining Textual and Visual Information for Typed and Handwritten Text Separation in Legal Documents. Proc. 31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 19), IOS Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vole 322: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, pp223-228.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
384 Aljuboori, A.S., Coenen, F., Nsaif, M. and Parsons, D.J. Performance of Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval Using Classification Based on Associations versus Jcolibri and FreeCBR: A Further Validation Study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing Ltd., Online.
383 Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. Iterative Time Keystroke Continuous Authentication: A Time Series Based Approach. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Vol 32, Issue 4, pp231-243. (WOS:000449297000002)
382 Cui, X., Al-Bazzaz, N., Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. A Comparative Study of Pivot Selection Strategies for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol 33, Cambridge University Press.
381 Guan, C., Yuen, K.K.F. and Coenen, F. Particle Swarm Optimized Density-Based Clustering and Classification: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning. Journal of Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 44, February 2019, pp876-896.
380 Pratt, H., Williams, B., Zheng, Y., Coenen, F., Ku, J.Y.,Vas, C., McCann, E., Al-Bander, B. and Zhao, Y. Automatic Detection and Identification of Retinal Vessel Junctions in Colour Fundus Photography. Journal of Imaging, Vol 4, Num 4, 14 pages. (WOS:000424412600004)
379 Coenen, F. and Dittakan, K. (2018) Image Representation for Image Mining: A Study Focusing on Mining Satellite Images for Census Data Collection. In Fred, A., Dietz, J., Aveiro, D., Liu, K., Bernardino, J. and Filipe, J. (Eds.), Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science 914, pp3-27.
378 Aburawi, N., Lisitsa, A. and Coenen, F. Querying Encrypted Graph Databases. Proc. the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP'18), Scitepress, pages 447-451.
377 Aburawi, N., Lisitsa, A. and Coenen, F. Traversal-aware Encryption Adjustment for Graph Databases. Proc. 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA'18), pp381-387.
376 Alhijailan, H., Coenen, F., Dukes-Mcewan J. and Thiyagalingam, J. Segmenting Sound Waves to Support Phonocardiogram Analysis: The PCGseg Approach. Proc 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI'18), Springer LNCS 11013, pp100-112. (Slides, Photo.)
375 Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Data Clustering using Homomorphic Encryption and Secure Chain Distance Matrices. Proc. 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K'18), Volume 1, Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR), pp41-50. (Slides.)
374 Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Third Party Data Clustering over Encrypted Data Without Data Owner Participation: Introducing The Encrypted Distance Matrix. Proc. 20th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge discovery (DaWaK'18), Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, Spinger LNCS 11031, pp163-173. (Slides.)
373 Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures,K. Secure Third Party Data Clustering Using Φ Data: Multi-User Order Preserving Encryption and Super Secure Chain Distance Matrices. In: Bramer M. and Petridis M. (Eds), Artificial Intelligence XXXV, Proc. AI'2018, Springer, pp3-17. (Best Technical Paper Prize)
372 Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. Spectral Analysis of Keystroke Streams: Towards Effective Real-Time Continuous User Authentication. Proc. 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP'18), Scitepress, pages 62-73.
371 Dong, H., Wang, W. and Coenen, F. Learning Relations from Social Tagging Data. Proc 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI'18), Springer LNCS 11013, pp29-41. (Photo.) (WOS:000449872000038)
370 Dong, H., Wang, W. and Coenen, F. Rules for inducing hierarchies from social tagging data. Proc. International Conference on Information, Springer LNCS 10766, pp345-355.
369 Hu H., Coenen, F., Ma F., Thiyagalingam, J. and Su, J. Location-aware convolutional neural networks based breast tumor detection Proc. IET Doctoral Forum on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence 2018 (BRAIN 2018), seven Pages
368 Mandya, A., Atkinson, K., Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. A Dataset for Inter-sentence Relation Extraction using Distant Supervision. Proc. 11th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
367 Abdullahi, F. and Coenen, F. Multi-Dimensional Banded Pattern Mining. Proc. Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (PKAW 2018), Springer LNCS 11016, pp154-169. (Slides.)
366 Aljuboori, A.S., Coenen, F., Nsaif, M. and Parsons, D.J. Performance of Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval Using Classification Based on Associations versus Jcolibri and FreeCBR: A Further Validation Study. Proc. Ibn Al-Haitham First International Scientific Conference, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1003, No 012130. (WOS:000446794800130)
365 Al-Riyami, S., Lisitsa A. and Coenen, F. (2018). A Re-evaluation of intrusion detection accuracy: an alternative evaluation strategy. Proc. 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2018), ACM SIGSAC, pp2195-2197.
364 Bevan, R. Torrisi, A, Atkinson, K, Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. Efficient and Effective Case Reject-Accept Filtering: A Study Using Machine Learning. Proc. 31st International Conference on Legal Knoweledge and Information Systems (JURIX), pp171-175 (Photo)
363 Pratt, H., Zheng, Y., Harding, S.P., Williams, B., Coenen, F. and Broadbent, D. Automated Diagnosis of Fundus Camera Images for Diabetic Retinopathy for Treatment Referral. European Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol 28, pp7-7, Abstract only, Supplement 1. (WOS:000432966300014)
362 Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A., Alfred, R. and Coenen, F. A Framework for Sarcasm Detection and Classification to Support Sentiment Analysis. Proc. Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences (RAECAS2018).
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
361 Albarrak, A., Coenen, F. and Zheng Y. Volumetric Image Classification using Homogeneous Decomposition and Dictionary Learning: A Study Using Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography for Detecting Age-related Macular Degeneration. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, special issue on Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis, Vol 55, January 2017, pp113-123. Online Version. (WOS:000392685900012)
360 Alshdaifat, E., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Ensemble Classification Model: An Alternative Architecture for Hierarchical Classification. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, Web Intelligence. Vol1 3, Num 3, IGI Global, pp73-90. (WOS:000407858600004)
359 Alshukri, A. and Coenen, F. Mining the Information Architecture of the WWW using Automated Website Boundary Detection. Journal of Web Intelligence, IOS Press, Vol 15, No 4, pp269-290. IOS Press Content Library. (WOS:000415899000001)
358 Tufail, M., Coenen, F. and Mu, T. Extracting Movement Patterns from Video Data to Drive Multi-Agent Based Simulations. In Nardin, L.G. and Antunes, L. (Eds.), Multi-Agent Based Simulation XVII, Springer LNCS 10399, pp128-140.
357 Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. K-Means Clustering Using Homomorphic Encryption and an Updatable Distance Matrix: Secure Third Party Data Clustering with Limited Data Owner Interaction. Proc 19th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2017), Springer LNCS 10440, pp274-285. (WOS:000433245700020)
356 Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. Accurate Continuous and Non-intrusive User Authentication with Multivariate Keystroke Streaming. Proc 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR'18), Volume 1, pp61-70. (long paper) (Short listed for KDIR 2017 best student paper prize.)
355 Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. On The Mining and Usage of Movement Patterns in Large Traffic Networks. Proc. International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (Bigcomp 2017), IEEE, pp135-142. (WOS:000403390900022)
354 Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. User-to-User Recommendation Using The Concept of Movement Patterns: A Study Using a Dating Social Network. Proc 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR'18), Volume 1, pp173-180. DOI: 10.5220/0006494601730180.
353 Cui, X, Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. TSP: Learning Task-Specific Pivots for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. Proc. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD'17), Springer LNAI 10535, pp754-771, long paper. (Slides, Poster.) (WOS:000443110500046)
352 Garcia-Constantino, M.F.; Atkinson, K., Bollegala, D., Chapman, K., Coenen, F., Roberts, C. and Robson, K. CLIEL: Context-Based Information Extraction from Commercial Law Documents. Proc. 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL'17), ACM, pp79-87.
351 Mandya, A., Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. Classifier-based Pattern Selection Approach for Relation Instance Extraction. Proc. 18th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing'17), Springer LNCS 10761, pp418-433. (Front cover of proceedings)
350 Mandya, A., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F. and Atkinson, K. Frame-based Semantic Patterns for Relation Extraction. Proc 15th International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2017), Springer, pp51-62.
349 Pratt H., Williams B.M., Ku J., Coenen F. and Zheng Y. Automatic determination of retinal vessel junctions and crossings in colour fundus photography. Proc Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA), Springer, pp27-37. (Front cover of proceedings)
348 Pratt H., Coenen F. and Zheng Y. FCNNs: Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks. Proc. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD'17), Springer LNAI 10535, pp786-798. (WOS:000443109900047) (Slides, )
347 Qian, R., Zhang, B., Coenen, F, and Yue, Y. Multilingual and Skew License Plate Detection Based on Extremal Regions. Proc. 13th International conference on the natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD'17), pp804-808. (WOS:000437355300136)
346 Sedeeq, I., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. A Prediction Model Based Approach to Open Space Steganography Detection in HTML Webpages. Proc. 16th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2017), Springer LNCS 10431, pp235-247. (WOS:000441374300018)
345 Sedeeq, I., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection Using Attribute Position Changes Count. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP'17), Citepress, pp95-100. (Winner of Best Student Paper Prize) (WOS:000413241700008).
344 Xia, Y, Chen, B., Lu, W., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. Attributes-oriented Clothing Description and Retrieval with Multi-task Convolutional Neural Network. Proc. 13th International conference on the natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD'17), pp804-808. (WOS:000437355300128)
343 Algamdi, A., Coenen F. and Lisitsa, A. A trust evaluation method based on the distributed Cloud Trust Protocol (CTP) and opinion sharing. Proc. International Conference on Computer Applications & Technology (ICCAT'17). (Slides.)
342 Algamdi, A., Coenen F. and Lisitsa, A. Reputation System Aggregation and Ageing Factor Selection using Subjective Opinions Classification. Proc. Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology (GSCIT'17). Conferences proceedings will be indexed in IEEE CPS (Conference Publishing System). (Slides.)
341 Alshehri, A., Coenen F. and Bollegala, D. Spectral Keyboard Streams: Towards Effective and Continuous Authentication Proc IEEE 16th International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining in International Conference ob Data Mining Workshops, IEEE, pp242-249. (WOS:000425845700033)
340 Cui, X, Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. Effect of Data Imbalance on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Part-of-Speech Tagging and Pivot Selection Strategies. Proc 1st International Workshop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications (LIDTA'17), ECML-PKDD 2017 Workshop, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) 74, pp103-115. (Slides.)
339 Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A, Alfred, R. and Coenen, F. Natural Language Processing Based Features for Sarcasm Detection: An Investigation Using Bilingual Social Media Texts. Proc. 8th International Conference on Information Technology (available from IEEEExplore by IEEE).
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
338 Nohuddin, P., Coenen, F. and Christley, R. The Application of Social Network Mining to Cattle Movement Analysis: Introducing the Predictive Trend Mining Framework. Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Vol 6, Issue 1, doi:10.1007/s13278-016-0353-x. (WOS:000381220500045)
337 Vo, B., Le,T., Coenen, F. and Hong, T.P. Mining Frequent Itemsets Using The N-list and Subsume Concepts. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol 7, No 2, Springer, pp253-265. (WOS:000372288100008)
336 Xia, Y., Zhang, B. and Coenen, F. Face Occlusion Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 30, No. 9, World Scientific, 24 pages. (see also .pdf.) (WOS:000389251700011)
335 Yan, C., Coenen, F., Yue, Y., Yang, X. and Zhang, B. Video-Based Classification of Driving Behavior Using a Hierarchical Classification System with Multiple Features International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 30, No. 5, World Scientific, 33 pages. (WOS:000375089800002)
334 Abdullahi, F.B., Coenen, E. and Martin, R. Banded Pattern Mining Algorithms in Multi-Dimensional Zero-one Data. In Hameurlain, A., Kung, J. and Wagner, R. (Eds), Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVI, Sringer-Verlag, LNCS 9670, pp1-31.
333 Atkinson, K., Coenen, F., Goddard, P., Payne, T. and Riley, L. nDrites: Enabling Laboratory Resource Multi-Agent Systems. In Baldoni, M., Muller, J.P., Nunes, I., Zalila-Wenkstern, R. (Eds.), Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, Revised, Selected, and Invited Papers from 4th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2016), co-located with AAMAS 2016. pp1-21.
332 Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. Mining Frequent Movement Patterns in Large Networks: A Parallel Approach Using Shapes. In: Bramer M. and Petridis M. (Eds), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXIII, Proc. AI'2016, Springer, pp53-67.
331 Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. Towards Keystroke Continuous Authentication Using Time Series Analytics. In: Bramer M. and Petridis M. (Eds), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXIII, Proc. AI'2016, Springer, pp325-339. (winner of Best Application Stream Student Paper Prize.)
330 Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. Keyboard Usage Authentication using Multi-variant Time Series Analysis. Proc. International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'16), Springer LNCS, pp239-252.
329 Dittakan K. and Coenen, F. Early Detection of Osteoarthritis Using Local Binary Patterns: A Study Directed at Human Joint Imagery. Proc. 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2016), Springer LNCS 9810, pp93-105. (WOS:000389086000008)
328 Hijazi, M.H.A., Libin, L., Alfred R. and Coenen, F. Bias Aware Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis of Malay Dialect on Social Media Data: A Study on The Sabah Language. Proc 2nd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech), IEEE, pp356-361. (WOS:000401505300063)
327 Namtirtha, A., Gupta, S., Dutta, A, Dutta, B. and Coenen, F. A Novel Approach for Finding Rank of the User based on User's Information Diffusion Region. Proc. IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON'16),.
326 Paul, A., Dutta, A. and Coenen, F. Clustering of Tweet Users Based on Optimal Sets. Proc. IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON'16), pp286-290. (WOS:000400378900063)
325 Pratt, H., Coenen, F., Broadbent, D.M., Harding, S.P. and Zheng, Y. Convolutional Neural Networks for Diabetic Retinopathy. Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'16), Procedia Computer Science, Volume 90, pp200–205 (Winner of Best Poster Prize).
324 Qian R-Q., Liu, Q., Coenen F. and Zhang, B. Road Surface Traffic Sign Detection with Hybrid Region Proposal and Fast R-CNN. Proc 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), IEEE, pp555-559. (WOS:000386658300093)
323 Qian R-Q., Yue Y., Coenen F. and Zhang, B. Traffic Sign Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network Based on Max Pooling Positions. Proc 12th International Conference on Natural Computation and 13th Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), IEEE, 578-582. (WOS:000386658300097)
322 Sedeeq, I., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. A Statistical Approach to The Detection of HTML Attribute Permutation. Proc. 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP'16), pp522-527.
321 Udomchaiporn, A., Coenen, F., Garcia-Finana, M. and Sluming, V. 3-D Volume of Interest Based Image Classification. Proc. 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2016), Springer LNCS 9810, pp543-555. (WOS:000389086000045)
320 Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bellegala, D. Keystroke Dynamics: Towards Realtime Keyboard Usage Monitoring. Proc. Ninth Annual Saudi Student Conference (SSC9).
319 Dong, H., Wang, W. and Coenen, F. Deriving Dynamic Knowledge from Academic Social Tagging Data: A Novel Research Direction. Proc. iConference 2017 (poster paper).
318 Namtirtha, A., Gupta, S., Dutta, A, Dutta, B. and Coenen, F. Algorithm for Finding Influential User: Based on User's Information Diffusion Region. Proc. IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON'16), pp2734-2738. (WOS:000400378902190).
317 Qian, R., Yue, Y., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. Traffic sign recognition using visual attribute learning and convolutional neural network. Proc. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, IEEE, pp386-391.
316 Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A, Alfred, R. and Coenen, F. Mechanism for Sarcasm Detection and Classification in Malay Social Media. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computational Science and Technology, Advanced Science Letters, Vol 24, Issue 2, pp1388-1392. (WOS:000432368000129)
315 Coenen, F. Mining Satellite Images for Census Data Collection: A Study Using the Google Static Maps Service. Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Technology Research (ICITR'16), two pages. Summary of keynote address given at ICITR'16, Colombo, Sri-Lanka.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
314 Yan, C., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. Driving posture recognition by convolutional neural networks. Computer Vision, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Vol 10, Issue 2, pp103-114, DOI:10.1049/iet-cvi.2015.0175. (WOS:000371642100001)
313 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen F. and Zheng, Y. Data Mining for AMD Screening: A Classification Based Approach. International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science and Technology (IJSSST), Volume 15, Number 2, pp64-68.
312 Abdullahi, F., Coenen, F. and Martin, R. Finding Banded Patterns in Data: The Banded Pattern Mining Algorithm. Proc. Data Warehousing and KDD (DaWaK 2015), Eds. Madria, E. and Hara, T., Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, Springer LNCS, pp95-107
311 Alshdaifat, E., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Directed Acyclic Graph for Multi-Class Classification. Proc AI 2015, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII, Springer, pp43-57.
310 Coenen, F., Atkinson, K., Goddard, P., Payne, T and Riley, L. Data Stream Mining with Limited Validation Opportunity: Towards Instrument Failure Prediction. Proc. Data Warehousing and KDD (DaWaK 2015), Eds. Madria, E. and Hara, T., Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, Springer LNCS, pp283-295. (Slides.)
309 Nohuddin, P.N.E., Coenen, F., Christley, R. anbd Sunayama, W. Visualisation of Trend Pattern Migrations in Network Data. Proc. 4th International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIXC'14), Springer LNCS, pp77-88.
308 Qian, R., Yue, Y., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. Visual Attribute Classification Using Feature Selection and Convolutional Neural Network. Proc. 13th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2016), IEEE, pp649-653. (WOS:000406056300128)
307 Qian, R., Zhang, B., Yue, Y. and Coenen, F. Traffic Sign Detection by Template Matching based on Multi-Level Chain Code Histogram. Proc. 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), IEEE, pp2400-2404.
306 Qian, R., Zhang, B., Yue, Y., Wang, Z. and Coenen, F. Robust Chinese Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Proc. 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), IEEE, pp791-796.
305 Tufail, M., Coenen, F., Hurst, J. and Mu, T. Multi Agent Based Simulation using Movement Patterns Mined from Video Data. Proc. AI 2015, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII, Springer, pp275-287.
304 Williams, R., Konev, B. and Coenen,F. Scalable Distributed Collaborative Tracking and Mapping withMicro Aerial Vehicles. Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015), Springer LNCS, pp3092-3097
303 Guan, C., Yuen, K.K.F. and Coenen, F. Towards An Intuitionistic Agglomerative Fuzzy Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Music Recommendation in Folksonomy. Proc. Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2015), IEEE, pp2039-2042. (WOS:000368940202022)
302 Abdullahi, F., Coenen, F. and Martin, R. Finding Banded Patterns in Big Data Using Sampling. Proc. Advances in High Dimensional Big Data (AHDBD'15) workshop, IEEE Big Data conference, pp2233-2242.
301 Yan, C., Coenen, F., Zhang, B. Multi-attributes Gait Identification by Convolutional Neural Networks. Proc 8th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP’15). pp642-647. (WOS:000380502000118)
300 Yan, C., Jinag, H., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. (2015). Recognizing driver inattention by convolutional neural networks. Proc. 8th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP’15).
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
299 Cao, L. Zeng, Y., An, B., Symeonidis, A.L., Gorodetsky, V., Coenen, F. and Yu, P.S. (Eds.) Proc. 10th International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction (ADMI 2014). Springer, LNCS 9145.
298 Khan, M., Coenen, F. Dixon, C., El Salhi, S., Penalva, M. and Rivero, A. An Intelligent Process Model: Predicting Springback in Single Point Incremental Forming. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp1-12. (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6431-1)
297 El Salhi, S., Coenen, F., Dixon C. and Khan, M. Predicting Springback Using 3D Surface Representation Techniques: A Case Study in Sheet Metal Forming. Journal of Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp79–93.
296 Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Coenen, F., Xiao, J. and lu, W. One-Class Kernel Subspace Ensemble for Medical Image Classification. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol 2014:17, Article Number 88. (WOS:000363843900001)
295 Yan, C., Coenen F. and Zhang, B. Driving Posture Recognition by Joint Application of Motion History Image and Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradients.. Int. Jo. of Vehicular Technology, vol. 2014, Article ID 719413, 11 pages.
294 Abdullahi, F., Coenen, F. and Martin, R. A Novel Approach for Identifying Banded Patterns In Zero-One Data Using Column and Row Banding Scores. Proc. MLDM'14, Springer LNCS 8556, pp58-72.
293 Abdullahi, F., Coenen, F. and Martin, R. A Scalable Algorithm for Banded Pattern Mining In Multi-Dimensional Zero-One Data. Proc. DaWaK'14, Springer LNCS 8646, pp345-356.
292 Albarrak, A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Dictionary Learning-based Volumetric Image Classification for The Diagnosis of Age-related Macular Degeneration. Proc. MLDM'14, Springer LNCS 8556, pp272-284. (Nominated for best paper award.)
291 Alshdaifat, E., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. A Multi-Path Strategy for Hierarchical Ensemble Classification. Proc. MLDM'14, Springer LNCS 8556, pp198-212.
290 Alshukri, A. and Coenen, F. A Dynamic Approach To The Website Boundary Detection Problem Using Random Walks. Proc. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI'14), pp10–14. ('Photo)
289 Alshukri, A., Coenen, F., Li, Y., Redfern A. and Wong P.W.H. A Framework for Brand Reputation Mining and Visualisation. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems, Proc. AI 2014, Springer, pp301-315
288 Tongtep, N., Coenen, F. and Theeramunkong, T. Content-Based Readability Assessment: A Study Using A Syllabic Alphabetic Language (Thai). Proc. PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer LNCS 8862, pp863-870.
287 Udomchaiporn, A., Coenen, F. García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. 3-D MRI Brain Scan Classification of Epilepsy Versus Non-epilepsy. Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'14), London (9-11 July 2014), pp253-258.
286 Udomchaiporn, A., Coenen, F. García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. 3D MRI Brain Scan Classification Using A Point Series Based Representation. Proc. 16th International Conference of Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'14), pp.300-307.
285 Williams, R., Konev, B. and Coenen, F. Multi-agent environment exploration with AR.Drones. Proc. 15th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems conference (TAROS'15), Springer LNCS 8717, pp60-71.
284 Yan, C., Zhang, B. and Coenen, F. Driving Posture Recognition by a Hierarchal Classification System with Multiple Features. Proc. International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP), Dalian, China, pp83-88.
283 Wen, Y. Coenen, F., Zitto, M. and Dittakan, K. Classification of 3D Surface Data Using The Concept of Vertex Unique Labelled Subgraphs. Proc. 9th International Workshop on Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining Submission, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop.
282 Tufall, M., Coenen F. and Mu, T. Mining Movement Patterns from Video Data to Inform Multi Agent Based Simulation. Proc. 10th International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction (ADMI-14) hosted as part of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2014).
281 Salah, Z., Coenen F. and Grossi, D. Network Analysis of Parliamentary Debates: A Case Study on the UK House of Commons. First European Social Networks (EUSN) Conference, Barcelona, 1-4 July 2014. (slides.)
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
280 Jiang, C., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. A Survey of Frequent Subgraph Mining Algorithms. Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol 28, Number 1, pp75-105.
279 Vo, B., Coenen, F. and Le, B. A New Method for Mining Frequent Weighted Itemsets Based on WIT-trees. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 40, No 4, pp1256-1264
278 Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Coenen, F. and Lu, W. Breast Cancer Diagnosis from Biopsy Images with Highly Reliable Random Subspace Classifier Ensembles. Machine Vision and Applications, Vol 24, pp1405-1420. (WOS:000324499000008)
277 Albarrak, A., Coenen, F.and Zheng, Y. Classification of Volumetric Retinal Images Using Overlapping Decomposition and Tree Analysis. Proc. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'13), pp11-16 (DOI: 10.1109/CBMS.2013.6627757).
276 Albarrak, A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Age-related Macular Degeneration Identification In Volumetric Optical Coherence Tomography Using Decomposition and Local Feature Extraction. Proc. Meduical Image, Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'13), pp59-64.
275 Alshdaifat, E., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. Hierarchical Single Label classification: An Alternative Approach. Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, Proc. AI2013, Springer, pp39-52.
274 Alshdaifat, E., Coenen F. and Dures, K. Hierarchical Classification for Solving Multi-class Problems: A New Approach Using Naive Bayesian Classification. Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.) Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp493-504.
273 Chua, S. and Coenen, F. An Inductive Rule Learning Technique for Text Mining in Questionnaires. Proc. 4th International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI'13), pp321-326.
272 Dittakan, K., Coenen, F. and Christley, R. Satellite Image Mining for Census Collection: A Comparative Study With Respect to the Ethiopian Hinterland. Proc. Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM'13), Springer LNAI 7988, pp260-274.
271 Dittakan, K., Coenen, F., Christley R. and Wardeh, M. Population Estimation Mining Using Satellite Imagery. Proc. Int. Conf. Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'13), Springer LNCS 8057, pp285-326
270 Dittakan, K., Coenen, F., Christley R. and Wardeh, M. A Comparative Study of Three Image Representations for Population Estimation Mining Using Remote Sensing Imagery. Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.) Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp253-264.
269 El Salhi, S., Coenen, F., Dixon C. and Khan, M. Predicting Features in Complex 3D Surfaces Using a Point Series Representation: A Case Study in Sheet Metal Forming. Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.) Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp505-515. (Slides.)
268 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Age-related Macular Degeneration Screening Using Data Mining Approaches. Proc. 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation (AIMS'13), IEEE, pp299-303
267 Le, T., Vo, B. and Coenen, F, An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Erasable Itemsets Using the Difference of NC-Sets. Proc. of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'13), IEEE, pp2270-2274.
266 Salah, Z., Coenen, F., Grossi, M. Extracting Debate Graphs from Parliamentary Transcripts: A Study Directed at UK House of Commons Debates. Proc. Int. Conf. on AI and Law (ICAIL'13), ACM Press, pp121-130.
265 Salah, Z., Coenen, F. and Grossi, D. Generating Domain-Specific Sentiment Lexicons for Opinion Mining. Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.) Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp13-24.
264 Udomchaiporn, A., Coenen, F. García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. 3-D MRI Brain Scan Feature Classification Using an Oct-tree Representation. Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.) Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp229-240.
263 Vo, B., Le, T., Coenen, F. and Hong, T-P. A Hybrid Approach for Mining Frequent Itemsets. Proc. of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'13), IEEE, pp4647-4651.
262 Wang, Y.J., Di, G., Yu, J., Lei, J. and Coenen, F. Feature Preparation for Customer Attrition Risk Prediction in Retail Banking. Proc. Int. Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM'13), Springer LNAI 7987, pp229-238.
261 Yu, W., Coenen, F., Zito, M and Salhi, S. Minimal Vertex Unique Labelled Subgraph Mining. Proc. Int. Conf. Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'13), Springer LNCS 8057, pp317-326. (Slides)
260 Yu, W., Coenen, F., Zito, M and Salhi, S. Vertex Unique Labelled Subgraph Mining. Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, Proc. AI2013, Springer, pp21-38. (Slides.)
259 Yu, W., Coenen F. and Zito, M. Vertex Unique Labelled Subgraph Mining for Vertex Label Classification. Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.) Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp542-553. (Slides.)
258 Agiriga, E., Coenen, F., Hurst J., and Kowalsk, D. A Multiagent Based Framework for the Simulation of Mammalian Behaviour Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, Proc. AI2013, Springer, pp435-442 (short paper).
257 Salah, Z., Coenen, F., Grossi, M. A Data Mining Approach to Extracting Debate graphs. In Atkinson, K., Prakken, H. and Wyner, A. (Eds.), From Knowledge Representation to Argumentation in AI, Law and Policy Making: A Festschrift in Honour of Trevor Bench-Capon on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, pp79-96. (Slides)
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
256 Zheng, Y., Hijazi, M.H.A. and Coenen, F. Automated "Disease/No Disease" Grading of Age-Related Macular Degeneration by an Image Mining Approach. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, December 2012, Volume 53, Issue 13, pp8310-8318. (WOS:000313056000054)
255 Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. A Framework for Multi-Agent Based Clustering. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol 25, No 3, pp425-446.
254 Garcia-Constantino, M., Coenen, F., Noble, P-J., Radford, A. A Semi-Automated Approach to Building Text Summarisation Classifiers. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol 6, No 4, pp7-23.
253 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Data Mining Techniques for The Screening of Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Journal of Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 29, May, pp83-92. (Extended version of AI'2010 paper.) ( WOS:000302820800010)
252 Khan, M.S., Coenen, F., Dixon, C. and El-Salhi, S. Classification Based 3-D Surface Analysis: Predicting Springback in Sheet Metal Forming. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol 6, No 2, pp45-59.
251 Nohuddin, P.N.E., Christley, R., Coenen, F., Patel, Y., Setzkorn, C., Williams, S. Finding "Interesting" Trends in Social Networks Using Frequent Pattern Mining and Self Organizing Maps. Journal of Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 29, May, pp104-113. (Extended version of AI'2010 paper.)
250 Nohuddin, P.N.E., Sunayama, W., Christley, R., Coenen, F. and Setzkorn, C. Trend Mining in Social Networks: From Trend Identification to Visualisation. Expert Systems: Special issue on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol 31, No 5, pp457-468. (Extended version of AI'2011 paper.)
249 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F. Multi-agent Based Classification Using Argumentation From Experience Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol 25, No 3, pp447-474.
248 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F. PISA: A Framework for Multiagent Classification Using Argumentation. Journal of Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol 75, May, 34-57.
247 Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. Region Of Interest Based Image Classification: A Study in MRI Brain Scan Categorization. In Karahoca, A. (Ed.), Data Mining Applications in Engineering and Medicine, InTech - Open Science, Slavka Krautzeka, Croatia, pp225-248.
246 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Image Mining Approaches for The Screening of Age-Related Macular Degeneration. In Wahler C, Wilkinson L (Eds.), Retinopathy: New research, Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge, N.Y.
245 Albarrak, A., Coenen, F., Zheng, Y, and Yu, W. Volumetric Image Mining Based on Decomposition and Graph Analysis: An Application to Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography. Proc. 13th International Symposium onComputational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI'12), IEEE, Budapest, Hungary, pp263-268.
244 Dittakan, K., Coenen, F. and Christley, R. Towards The Collection of Census Data From Satellite Imagery Using Data Mining: A Syudy With Respect to the Ethiopian Hinterland. Proc. AI 2012. Springer, pp405-418.
243 Garcia-Constantino, M., Coenen, F., Noble, P-J., Radford, A. and Setzkorn, C. A Semi-Automated Approach to Building Text Summarisation Classifiers. Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM'12), Springer LNAI 7376, pp495-509.
242 Garcia-Constantino, M., Coenen, F., Noble, P-J., Radford, A. and Setzkorn, C. Questionnaire Free Text Summarisation Using Hierarchical Classification. Proc. AI 2012. Springer, pp35-48.
241 Khan, M.S., Coenen, F., Dixon, C. and El-Salhi, S. Finding Correlations Between 3-D Surfaces: A Study In Asymmetric Incremental Sheet Forming. Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM'12), Springer LNAI 7376, pp366-379.
240 Salhi, S., Coenen, F., Dixon, C., Khan, M. Identification of correlations between 3D surfaces using Data mining techniques: Predicting Springback in Sheet Metal Forming. Proc. AI 2012. Springer, Cambridge, pp391-404.
239 Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Coenen F. and Lu, W. Highly Reliable Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Cascaded Ensemble Classifiers. Proc. International Joint Conference Neural Networks (IJCNN’12), IEEE, pp1-8 (ISSN: 2161-4393).
238 Nohuddin, P.N.E, Coenen, F., Christley, R. and Sunayama, W. Identification and Visualisation of Pattern Migrations in Big Network Data. Proc. Trends in Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2012), Springer, LNCS 7458, pp883-886.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
237 Elsayed, A., Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M., Sluming, V. and Zheng, Y. Classification of MRI Brain Scan Data Using Shape Criteria Annals of the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA), Vol 2011, No 6, pp1-14.
236 Coenen, F. Data Mining: Past, Present and Future. Knowledge Engineering Review, 26(1), pp25-29. (Most full-text views across all KER papers published in 2010 and 2011: 1080 full-text views in the 24 months to 31-12-2011, next most viewed paper had only 514 views.)
235 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F. Arguing from Experience Using Multiple Groups of Agents. Argument and Computation, Vol 2, No 1, pp51-76.
234 Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M., Coenen, F., Reid, D. and Tawfik, H. Finding Associations in Composite Data Sets: The CFARM Algorithm. Int. Jo. of Data Warehousing and Mining, 7(3), pp1-29.
233 Wang. W., Wang Y, Bañares-Alcántara, R., Cui, Z and Coenen, F. A Comparative Study of Using CARM Approaches in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Analysis. In Senthil Kumar, A.V. (Ed.), Knowledge Discovery Practices and Emerging Applications of Data Mining: Trends and New Domains, IGI Global, Hershey (PA), USA, pp223-243.
232 Agiriga,E., Coenen, F. Hurst, J., Beynon, R. and Kowlaski, D. Towards Large-Scale Multi-Agent Based Rodent Simulation: The ``Mice In A Box'' Scenario. In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. and Nolle, L. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII (Proc. of AI'2011), Springer, pp369-384.
231 Alshukri, A., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. Incremental Web-Site Boundary Detection Using Random Walks. Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM'11), Springer LNCS, pp414-427.
230 Alshukri, A., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. Web-Site Boundary Detection Using Incremental Random Walk Clustering. In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. and Nolle, L. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII (Proc. of AI'2011), Springer, pp255-268.
229 Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. A Multi-Agent Based Approach To Clustering: Harnessing The Power of Agents. Proc. 7th int. workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction, Springer LNCS 5980, pp103-114.
228 Chua, S. Coenen, F. and Malcolm, G. Using Negation and Phrases in Inducing Rules for Text Classification. In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. and Nolle, L. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII (Proc. of AI'2011), Springer, pp153-166.
227 Elsayed, A., Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M., Sluming, V. and Zheng, Y. Time Series Case Based Reasoning for Image Categorisation. Proc. ICCBR'11, Springer LNCS, pp423-436.
226 Garcia-Constantino, M., Coenen, F., Noble, P-J., Radford, A., Setzkorn, C. and Tierney, A. An Investigation Concerning the Generation of Text Summarisation Classifiers using Secondary Data. Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM'11), Springer LNCS 6871, pp387-398.
225 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Image Classification for Age-related Macular Degeneration Screening using Hierarchical Image Decompositions and Graph Mining. Proc. ECML PKDD 2011,Springer LNAI6912, pp65-80 (Slides).
224 Nohuddin, P.N.E., Sunayama, W., Christley, R., Coenen, F. and Setzkorn, C. Trend Mining and Visualisation in Social Networks. In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. and Nolle, L. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII, (Proc. of AI'2011), Springer, pp269-282. Winner of The 2011 British Computer Society Specialist Group on AI (BCS-SGAI) Prize for Best Paper with Student as the First Author.
223 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T., Coenen, F. and Wyner, A. Multiagent Based Classification Using Argumentation From Experience. Proc. PAKDD 2011, Springer LNCS 6635, pp357-369.
222 Chua, S., Coenen, F. and Malcom, G. Rule Learning with Negation for Text Classification. In Poster Proceedings, MLDM'11, ibai-publisging, pp1-14.
221 Zheng, Y.Hijazi, M.H.A. and Coenen, F. Automated Grading of Age-Related Macular Degeneration by an Image Mining Approach. Proc. ARVO 2011.
220 Zheng, Y., Hijazi, M.H.A. and Coenen, F. Automated Grading of Age-Related Macular Degeneration by an Image Mining Approach. Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Vol 52, pp6568 (Abstract of ARVO paper).
219 Dixon, C., Coenen, F. and Khan, M. The Application of AI Techniques to Deformation in Metal Manufacturing. In Miller, A. and Kirwan, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Automated Reasoning, University of Glasgow, Department of Computing Science Tech Report, pp17-18.
218 Albarrak A, Coenen F and Zheng, Y. Identifying Age-related Macular Degeneration In Volumetric Retinal Images. Proc. Ophthalmic Image Analysis Workshop, University of , pp53-58.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
217 Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., Jiang, C., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. Corpus Callosum MR Image Classification. Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 23(4), Oct. 2010, pp330-336. (reprint of AI'2009 paper.)
216 Jiang, C., Coenen, F., Sanderson, R. and Zito, M. Text Classification using Graph Mining-Based Feature Extraction. Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 23(4), Oct. 2010, pp302-308. (reprint of AI'2009 paper).
215 Khan, M.S., Coenen, F., Reid, D., Tawfik, H., Patel, R. and Lawson, A. A Sliding Windows based Dual Support Framework for Discovering Emerging Trends from Temporal Data. Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 23(4), Oct. 2010, pp316-322. (reprint of AI'2009 paper).
214 Alshukri, A., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. WWW Site Boundary Detection. Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp529-543. (Pics.)
213 Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. Best Clustering Configuration Metrics: Towards Multiagent Based Clustering. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'10), Part 1, Springer LNAI, pp48-59. (Slides.)
212 Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. Clustering in a Multi-Agent Data Mining Environment. Proc. Int. Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction (ADMI'2010), colocated with AMAS'10, Springer LNCS 5980, pp103-114.
211 Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. Multi-Agent Based Clustering: Towards Generic Multi-Agent Data Mining. Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp115-127. (Pics.)
210 Chua, S., Coenen, F. and Malcom, G. Classification Inductive Rule Learning with Negated Features. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'10), Part 1, Springer LNAI, pp125-136. (Slides.)
209 Chua, S., Coenen, F. and Malcom, G. Rule Learning With Negation: Issues Regarding Effectiveness. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP'10), IFIP, pp193-202.
208 Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. Region of Interest Based Image Categorization Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'10), Springer LNCS 6263, pp239-250. (Includes a copuple of very minor corrections to the original published verssion.)
207 Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. Region Of Interest Based Image Classification Using Time Series Analysis. Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Network (Special Session on Soft Computing in Medical Imaging), part of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'10), pp3465-3470. (Includes a copuple of very minor corrections to the original published verssion.)
206 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Retinal Image Classification using a Histogram Based Approach. Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Network (Special Session on Soft Computing in Medical Imaging), part of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'10), pp3501-3507.
205 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Image Classification using Histograms and Time Series Analysis: A Study of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Screening in Retina Image Data. Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp197-209. (Pics.)
204 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. Retinal Image Classification for the Screening of Age-related Macular Degeneration. Proc AI-2010, The 30th BCS-SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Springer, London, pp325-338.
203 Jiang, C., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. Finding Frequent Subgraphs in Longitudinal Social Network Data Using A Weighted Graph Mining Approach. Proc 6th Int. Conf. Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'10), Part 1, Springer LNAI, pp405-416. (Pics.)
202 Jiang, C., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. Frequent Sub-graph Mining on Edge Weighted Graphs. Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'10), Springer LNCS 6263, pp77-88.
201 Nohuddin, P.N.E, Christley, R., Coenen, F., Patel, Y., Setzkorn, C. and Williams, S. Frequent Pattern Trend Analysis in Social Networks. Proc 6th Int. Conf. Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'10), Part 1, Springer LNAI, pp358-369. (Slides.)
200 Nohuddin, P.N.E., Coenen, F., Christley, R. and Setzkorn, C. Trend Mining in Social Networks: A Study Using A Large Cattle Movement Database. Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp464-475. (Pics.)
199 Nohuddin, P., Christley, B., Coenen, F. and Setzkorn, C Deteccting Temporal Pattern and Cluster Changes in Social Networks: A study focusing UK Cattle Movement Database. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP'10), IFIP, pp163-172.
198 Nohuddin, P.N.E., Christley, R., Coenen, F., Patel, Y., Setzkorn, C., Williams, S. Social Network Trend Analysis Using Frequent Pattern Mining and Self Organizing Maps. Proc. AI'2010. Springer London, pp311-324.
197 Somaraki, V., Broadbent, D., Coenen, F. and Harding, S. Finding Temporal Patterns in Noisy Longitudinal Data: A Study in Diabetic Retinopathy. Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp418-431. (Pics.)
196 Wang, W., Bañares-Alcántara, R., Cui, Z., Wang, Y.J. and Coenen, F. An Association Rule-based CLIPS Program for Interactive Prediction of MSC Differentiation in vitro. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010), Vol 2, pp406-410.
195 Wang, Y.J., Li, F. Coenen, F. Sanderson, R. and Xin, Q. Hybrid DIAAF/RS: Statistical Textual Feature Selection for Language-independent Text Classification. Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp222-236. (Slides.)
194 Wardeh, M., Coenen, F. and Bench-Capon, T. Arguing in Groups. In Computational Models of Argument, Proc. COMMA'10, IOS Press, pp475-486. (Slides, Pics.)
193 Somaraki, V., Broadbent, D., Coenen, F. and Harding, S. SOMA: A Proposed Framework for Tend Mining in Large UK Diabetic Retinopathy Temporal Databases. Proc. AI'2010. Springer London, pp285-290 (Poster).
192 Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. MRI Brain Scan Classification According to The Nature of The Corpus Callosum. Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'10), pp19-23.
191 Elsayed, A., Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M., Sluming, V. and Zheng, Y. Image Categorisation Using Time Series Case Based Reasoning. Proc. of 15th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, pp2-11, BCS-SGAI.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
190 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F. PADUA: A Protocol for Argumentation Dialogue Using Association Rules. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer, pp183-215.
189 Wang. W., Wang Y, Bañares-Alcántara, R., Coenen, F. and Cui, Z. Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation InVitro Using Classification Assocuation Rule ining. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB), Imperial College Press, Vol 7, No 6, pp905-930.
188 Albashiri, K.A., Coenen, F. and Leng, P. EMADS: An Extendible Multi-Agent Data Miner. Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 22(7), Oct. 2009, pp523-528. (reprint of AI'2008 paper.) Winner of The 2008 British Computer Society Specialist Group on AI (BCS-SGAI) Prize for Best Paper with Student as the First Author.
187 Coenen, F., Leng, P., Pagourtzis A., Rytter, W. and Souliou, D. Improved Methods for Extracting Frequent Itemsets from Interim-Support Trees. Journal of Software: Practice and Experience, 39(6), pp551-571.
186 Albashiri, K.A. and Coenen, F.P. The EMADS Extendible Multi-Agent Data Mining Framework. In Cao, Longbing (Ed.), Data Mining and Multiagent Integration, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4419-0521-5, pp189-200.
185 Muyeba, M., Khan, M.S. and Coenen, F.P. (2009) Effective Mining of Weighted Fuzzy Association Rules. In Koh, Y.S. and Rountree, N. (Eds.), Rare Association Rule Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Technologies for Infrequent and Critical Event Detection, Data Mining and Multiagent Integration, IGI Global, Hershey (PA), USA. ISBN: 978-1-60566-754-6.
184 Albashiri, K.A. and Coenen, F.P. An investigation into the issues of Multi-Agent Data Mining. In Bouça, D. and Gafagnão, A. (Eds.), Agent Based Comnputing, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA, Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-60876-684-0.
183 Wang, Y.J., Coenen, F. and Sanderson, R. A Hybrid Statistical Data Pre-processing Approach for Language-independent Text Classification. In R. Huang, Q. Yang, J. Pei, J. Gama, X. Meng, and X. Li (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2009), Springer Springer LNCS 5678, ISBN: 978-3-642-03347-6, pp338-349. (Slides.)
182 Wardeh, M., Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T. Arguing From Experience Approach to Classifying Noisy Data. Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'09), Springer LNCS 5691, ISSN 0302-9743, pp354-365. (Slides.)
181 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. Multi-Party Argument from Experience. Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on ARGumentation in Multi-AgentSystems (ARGMAS'09), colocated with AMAS'09, pp207-224.
180 Albashiri, K.A. and Coenen, F.P. Agent-Enriched Data Mining Using an Extendable Framework. Proc. Int Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction (ADMI'2009), colocated with AMAS'09, pp89-106.
179 Albashiri, K.A. and Coenen, F.P. A Generic and Extendable Multi-Agent Data-Mining Framework. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS'2009), Springer LNAI 5572, pp203-210.
178 Baqueiro, O., Wang, Y.J., McBurney, P. and Coenen, F. Integrating Data Mining and Agent Based Modeling and Simulation. Proc. ibia Industrial Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNCS 5633, ISBN 978-3-642-03066-6, pp220-231.
177 Wang, W., Wang, Y.J., Bañares-Alcántara, R., Cui, Z. and Coenen, F. Application of Classification Association Rule Mining for Mammalian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation. Proc. ibia Industrial Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNCS 5633, ISBN 978-3-642-03066-6, pp51-61. (Slides.)
176 Muyeba, M., Khan, M.S. and Coenen, F.P. Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule Mining with Weighted Support and Confidence Framework. In Chawla et al (Eds.), New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining, Springer LNAI5433, pp49-61. (Revised and updated version of Information Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2008) workshop paper, colocated with PAKDD 2008.
175 Muyeba, M., Khan, M.S. and Coenen, F.P. A Framework for Mining Fuzzy Association Rules from Composite Items. In Chawla et al (Eds.), New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining, Springer LNAI5433, pp62-74. (Revised and updated version of Information Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2008) workshop paper, colocated with PAKDD 2008.
174 Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., Jiang, C., García-Fiñana, M. ana Sluming, V. Corpus Callosum MR Image Classification. Proc. AI'2009. Springer London, pp333-348. Winner of the Best Application Paper Prize.
173 Jiang, C., Coenen, F., Sanderson, R. and Zito, M. Text Classification using Graph Mining-Based Feature Extraction. Proc. AI'2009. Springer London, pp21-34.
172 Khan, M.S., Coenen, F., Reid, D., Patel, R. and Lawson, A. A Sliding Windows based Dual Support Framework for Discovering Emerging Trends from Temporal Data . Proc. AI'2009. Springer London, pp35-48. (Slides.)
171 Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. A Histogram Based Approach to Screening of Age-related Macular Degeneration. Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'09), pp154-158. (Poster.)
170 Wang. W., Bañares-Alcántara, R., Cui, Z., Wang Y. and Coenen, F. Construction and Application of a Public-Domain Mesenchymal Stem Cell Database. Proc. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, p78 (abstract only).
169 Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., Jiang, C., García-Fiñana, M. ana Sluming, V. Segmentation for Medical Image Mining: A Technical Report. University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science Tech. Rep. ULCS-09-016.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
168 Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Petridis, M. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXV. Springer, London.
167 Wang, Y.J., Xin, Q., Coenen, F.P. Hybrid Rule Ordering in Classification Association Rule Mining. Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, ibai-Publisbhing, pp1-16.
166 Wang, Y.J., Xin, Q., Coenen, F.P. Efficiently Mining Significant Classification Association Rules. In Lin T.Y., Wasilewska A., Petry F., Xie Y (Eds.), Data Mining: Foundations and Practice, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-78487-6, pp443-468.
165 Wang, Y.J., Zheng, X., Coenen, F.P. Mining Allocating Patterns in Investment Portfolios. In Rahman, H. (Ed.), Data Mining Applications for Empowering Knowledge Societies, ICI Global (Information Science Reference), ISBN 978-1-59904-657-0, pp110-135.
164 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. Arguments from Experience: The PADUA Protocol. Proc. COMputational Models of Argument, COMMA'2008, IOS press, pp 405-416.
163 Albashiri, K.A., Coenen, F. and Leng, P. Agent Based Frequent Set Meta Mining: Introducing EMADS. Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II, Proc. IFIP'2008, Springer, pp23-32 (Slides).
162 Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F. Mining Fuzzy Association Rules from Composite Items. Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II, Proc. IFIP'2008, Springer, pp67-76 (Slides).
161 Albashiri, K.A., Coenen, F. and Leng, P. EMADS: An Extendible Multi-Agent Data Miner. Proc. AI'2008, Springer, London, pp263-276. Winner of The 2008 British Computer Society Specialist Group on AI (BCS-SGAI) Prize for "Best Paper with Student as the First Author".
160 Jiang, C. and Coenen, F. Graph-based Image Classification by Weighting Scheme. Proc. AI'2008, Springe, London, pp63-76.
159 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. PISA - Pooling Information from Several Agents: Multiplayer Argumentation From Experience. Proc. AI'2008, Springer, London, pp133-146.
158 Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F. Weightesd Association Rule Mining with Binary and Fuzzy Data. In Advances in Data Mining. Medical Applications, E-Commerce, Marketing, and Theoretical Aspects, proc. Ind. Conf. on Data Mining (Leipzig), LNCS 5077, pp200-212.
157 Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F. A Weighted Utility Framework for Mining Association Rules. Computer Modelling and Simulation. IEEE, pp87-92 (slides).
156 Wang, Y.J. Coenen, F.P. et al. Document-base Extraction for Single-label Text Classification. Proc. DaWaK'08, 10th Int. Conf. on Data Ware Housing and Knowledge Discovery, LNCS 5182, pp357-367 (Slides).
155 Wang, Y,J., Zheng, X., Coenen, F. and Li, C.Y. Mining Allocating Patterns in One-sum Weighted Items. ICDM Foundations of DataMining Workshop. IEEE, pp592-598. (Slides.)
154 Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F.P. A Framework for Mining Fuzzy Association Rules from Composite Items. Proc. 1st Int Workshop on Algorithms for Large-Scale Information Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2008), held in conjunction with PAKDD 2008 (Japan), pp65-77. (Slides).
153 Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F.P. Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule Mining with Weighted Support and Confidence Framework. Proc. 1st Int Workshop on Algorithms for Large-Scale Information Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2008), held in conjunction with PAKDD 2008 (Japan), pp52-64. slides.
152 Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F.P. On Extraction of Nutritional Patterns (NPs) Using Fuzzy Association Rule Mining. Proc. International Conference on Health Informatics (healthInf 2008), Vol. 1. INSTICC press, pp34-42.
151 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. Argument Based Moderation of Benefit Assessment. Proc. JURIX'08 (21st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems), IOS press, pp128-137.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
150 Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Petridis, M. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIV. Springer, London.
149 Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. The Effect of Threshold Values on Association Rule Based Classification Accuracy. Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering. Vol. 60, Num. 2 (February 2007), pp345-360.
148 Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Sanderson, R. and Wang, Y.J. Statistical Identification of Key Phrases for Text Classification. Proc. MLDM'2007, LNAI 4571, Springer, pp.838-853. (Pics.)
147 Wang, Y.J., Xin, Q. and Coenen, F.P. A Novel Rule Ordering Approach in Classification Association Rule Mining. Proc. MLDM'2007, LNAI 4571, Springer, pp339-348. (Pics.)
146 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. PADUA Protocol: Strategies and Tactics. Proc. ECSQARU 2007, 9th European Conf. on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasonong with Uncertainty, LNAI 4724, pp465-476. (Pics.)
145 Albashiri, K.A., Coenen, F.P., Sanderson, R. and Leng. P. Frequent Set Meta Mining: Towards Multi-Agent Data Mining. In Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII., Springer, London, (proc. AI'2007), pp139-151. (Pics.)
144 Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. Dynamic Rule Mining for Argumentation Based Systems. In Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII., Springer, London, (proc. AI'2007), pp65-78. (Pics.)
143 Wang J., Xin Q. and Coenen, F.P. A Novel Rule Weighting Approach in Classification Association Rule Mining. In: Tung, A.K.H., Zhu, Q., Ramakrishnan, N., Zaiane, O.R., Shi, Y., Clifton, C.W., and Wu, X. (Eds.): Workshops Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Minining, pp. 271-276. (Presented at ICSM'07 Workshop on "Optimization-based Data Mining Techniques with Applications"), (Extended version available as University of , Department of Computer Science Tech. Rep. ULCS-07-020).
142 Coenen, F.P. Association Rule Mining in The Wider Context of Text, Images and Graphs. Proc. 3rd UK Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Symosium (UKKDD'7), pp1-6. (Slides)
141 Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M., Tjortjis, C. and Coenen, F.P. An effective fuzzy health rule mining algorithm. Proc. 7thAnnual Workshop on Computational Intelligence, University of Aberdeen.
140 Patel, R., Coenen, F.P., Martin, R. and Archer, L. Reverse Engineering of Web Applications: A Technical Review. University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science Tech. Rep. ULCS-07-017.
139 Coenen, F.P. Association Rule Mining in The Wider Context of Text, Images and Graphs. Expert Update, Vol 9, No3, pp5-9. (Reprint of UKKDD-07 paper)
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
138 Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Tuson, A. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII. Springer, London.
137 Ahmed, S., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Tree-based Partitioning of Data for Association Rule Mining. Knowledge and Information Systems Journal, Vol 10, Num. 3 (October, 2006), pp315-331.
136 Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Partitioning Strategies for Association Rule Mining. The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 21, Issue 1 (March 2006), pp25-47.
135 Craker, B. and Coenen, F.P. The Knowledge Bazaar. Journal of Knowldge Based Systems, Vol. 19, Issue 5 (September 2006), pp341-347. (Reprint of AI2005 paper).
134 Zhang, L., Coenen, F.P., Huang, W., Leng, P. Towards an Agent-Based Framework for Online After-Sale Services. Proc. IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems. IEEE E-proceedings: 06EX1304C. ISBN: 1-4244-0196-8.
133 Wang, Y.J., Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Sanderson R. Text Classification using Language Independent Pre-processing. In Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Tuson, A. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII., Springer, London, pp393-397. (AI'2006 poster paper).
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
132 Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Allen, T. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXII. Springer, London.
131 Coenen, F.P. (Ed.) Proceedings of the first UK Knowledge Discovery in Data Symposium. Department of Computer Science, The University of Liverpool.
130 Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Zhang, L. Threshold Tuning for Improved Classification Association Rule Mining. Proceeding PAKDD 2005, LNAI3158, Springer, pp216-225. (Slides.)
129 Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Obtaining Best Parameter Values for Accurate Classification Proc. ICDM'2005, IEEE, pp597-600. (Long Version, Slides.)
128 Coenen, F.P. Leng, P., Pagourtzis, A., Rytter, W. and Souliou, D. Improved Methods for Extracting Frequent Itemsets from Interim Support Trees. Proc. AI'2005, Springer, London, pp263-276.
127 Craker, B. and Coenen, F.P. The Knowledge Bazaar. Proc. AI'2005, Springer, London, pp37-49.
126 Wang, Y.J., Qin, X. and Coenen, F.P. Selection of Significant Rules in Classification Association Rule Mining. Proc. of ICDM workshop on Foundations of Semantic Oriented Data and Web Mining, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada, pp106-108.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
125 Coenen, F.P., Preece, A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI. Springer, London.
123 Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Ahmed, S. Data Structures for association Rule Mining: T-trees and P-trees. IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 16, No 6, pp774-778.
124 Coenen, F.P. Leng, P., and Goulbourne, G. Tree Structures for Mining Association Rules. Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol 8, No 1, pp25-51.
122 Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. An Evaluation of Approaches to Classification Rule Selection. In Rastogi, R., Morik, K., Bramer, B. and Wu, X (Eds.), Proc 4th IEEE Int Conf on Data Mining (ICDM 2004), IEEE Press, pp359-362. Long version.
121 Ahmed, S., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. A Tree Partitioning Method for Memory Management in Association Rule Mining. In Kambayashi, Y., Mohania, M. and Woll, W. (Eds.) Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, (Proc DAWAK 2004 conference, Zaragosa), September 2004: LNCS 3181, Springer, pp331-340.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
120 Bramer, M., Preece, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XX. Springer, London.
119 Macintosh, A., Ellis, R. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XI. Springer, London.
118 Zhang, L, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Setting Attribute Weights for k-NN Based Binary Classification via Quadratic Programming. Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol 7, No 5, pp427-441.
117 Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Ahmed, S. T-Trees, Vertical Partitioning and Distributed Association Rule Mining. Proc. ICDM-2003, pp513-516. (Slides).
116 Ahmed, S., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Strategies for Partitioning Data in Association Rule Mining. In Coenen, F.P., Preece, A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI, Springer, London, pp127-140.
115 Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Using Domain Knowledge to Boost Case-Based Diagnosis: An Experimental Study in a Domain with Very Poor Data Quality. In Bramer, M., Ellis, R. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.), Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems X1, Springer, London, pp137-152.
114 Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Can Domain Knowledge Help Case Based Diagnosis? Expert Update 6(2), p14-20. (Reprint of refereed paper presented at UK-CBR Workshop 2002).
113 Coenen, F.P. BCS-SGAI Workshop Report: State-of-the-Art Natural language Processing (NLP) Systems. Expert Update, Vol 6, No 3.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
112 Bramer, M., Preece, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XIX. Springer, London.
111 Macintosh, A., Ellis, R. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems X. Springer, London.
110 Zhang, L., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Formalising Optimal Feature Weight Setting in Case Based Diagnosis as Linear Programming Problems. Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 15(7) Sept. 2002. pp391-398.
109 Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. An attribute Weight Setting Method for K-NN Based Binary Classification using Quadratic Programming. In van Harmelen, F. (Ed.), Proceedings ECAI 2002, Lyon. France (July 2002). pp325-329.
108 Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Finding Association Rules With Some Very Frequent Attributes. In "Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge discovery", eds Elomaa, T., Mannila, H. and Toivonen, H., Proc PKDD 2002 Conference, Helsinki, August 2002: Lecture Notes in AI 2431, Springer-Verlag: 99-111.
107 Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. An Experimental Study of Increasing Diversity for Case-Based Diagnosis. In Craw, S. and Preece, A.D. (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, 6tht European Conference (ECCBR 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2416. Springer 2002, pp448-459.
106 Devlin, M., Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. Teaching Java in an On-line Degree Programme: A Case Study. Presented at the 6tht Annual Java and the Internet in the Computing Curriculum Conference, University of North London, January 2002 (7 pages).
105 Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Can Domain Knowledge help Case-based diagnosis? In Proc 7tht UK CBR Workshop, Cambridge, December 2002, (6 pages).
104 Coenen, F.P. ES2001 --- Conference Report. Expert Update Vol 5, No1, pp8-2.
103 Coenen, F.P. 5tht European Conference on principles of knowledge discovery in databases. (Conference Report: PKDD 2001). Knowledge Engineering Review Vol 17, No 2, pp197-203 (Revised version of Expert Update report).
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
102 Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Preece, A. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVIII. Springer, London.
101 Coenen, F.P., Eaglestone, B. and Ridley, M. Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues in Expert and Database Systems: Two Perspectives. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol 16, No 3, pp425-447.
100 Coenen, F.P., Goulbourne, G. and Leng, P. Computing Association Rules Using Partial Totals. In de Raedt, L. and Siebes, A. (Eds.), Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Proc PKDD 2001, Spring Verlag LNAI 2168, pp54-66.
99 Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Optimising association rule algorithms using itemset ordering. In Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Preece, A. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVIII, Springer, London, pp53-66. (Slides).
98 Coenen, F.P., Leng, P.H., Weaver, B. and Zhang, L. Flexible Field Service Support Using Multiple Diagnostic Tools. In Patkai, B. and Rudas, I.J. (Eds.), Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering Systems, IEEE, pp225-229.
97 Zhang, W. Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. An Architecture for Web-based Post-sales Service in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment. In Proc 1st IFIP Conference on e-commerce, e-business and e-government, Zurich, Switzerland.
96 Zhang, L., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P.H. A Case Based Diagnostic Tool in A Flexible Manufacturing Context. In Lees, B. (Ed.), Proceedings 6tht UK CBR Workshop, pp61-69.
95 Zhang, W., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P.H. Intelligent Systems Support for Field Service Engineers in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment: The Stoves Project. Expert Update, Vol 4, No 1, ISSN 1465-4091, pp45-51. (Reprint of ISKDE-2000 Workshop paper).
94 Coenen, F.P., Eaglestone, B. and Ridley, M. Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues in Expert and Database Systems: Two Perspectives. Expert Update, Vol 13, No 3, pp26-42 (First draft of paper to be published in International Journal of Intelligent Systems).
93 Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T., Boswell, R., Dibie-Barthelemy, J., Eaglestone, B., Gerrits, R., Gregoire, E., Ligeza, A. Laita, L., Owoc, M., Sellini, F., Spreeuwenberg, S., Vanthienen, J., Vermesan, A. and Wiratunga, N. Validation and Verification of Knowledge-based Systems: report on EUROVAV99. Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol 5, No 2. pp187-196.
92 Coenen, F.P. Conference Report: PKDD 2001. Expert Update, Vol 4, No 3, pp42-49.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
91 Bramer, M., Preece, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVII. Springer, London.
90 Macintosh, A., Moulton, M. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems VIII. Springer, London.
89 Coenen, F.P. Tesseral Spatio-Temporal Reasoning for Multi-dimensional Data. Journal of the Pattern Recognition Society, Vol 33, p9-23.
88 Goulbourne, G., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Algorithms for Computing Association Rules Using a Partial-Support Tree. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol (13), pp141-149. (Reprint of ES'99 paper).
87 Coenen, F.P., Leng, P.H., Weaver, B. and Zhang, W. Towards Integrated Online Support for Field Service Engineers in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment. In Macintosh, A., Moulton, M. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.), Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems VIII, Springer, London, pp141-152.
86 Coenen, F.P., Leng, P.H. and Zhang, W. On-line Support for Field Service Engineers in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment: The Stoves Project. Proceedings IeC2000, UMIST, Manchester, pp31-40.
85 Bench-Capon, T.J.M. Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. An Experiment in Discovering Association Rules in the Legal Domain. In Database and Expert Systems Applications, Workshop proceedings DEXA'2000 (London), IEEE, pp1056-1060.
84 Zhang, W., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P.H. Intelligent Systems Support for Field Service Engineers in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment: The Stoves Project. Proceedings ISKDE-2000 Workshop, BCS-SGES.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
83 Coenen, F.P., Shave, M.J.R, Brown, A. and Lewis J. Multi-dimensional Spatial Reasoning for Noise Pollution Modelling. Advances in Engineering Software, Vol 30, pp479-488.
82 Vermesan, A. and Coenen F. (Eds.) Validation and Verification of KBS: Theory Practice and Techniques. Kluwer Academic Publishing. (proceedings EUROVAV'99).
81 Bramer, M., Macintosh, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVI. Springer, London.
80 Ellis, R., Moulton, M. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems VII. Springer, London.
79 Goulbourne, G., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. Algorithms for Computing Association Rules Using A Partial-Support Tree. Proceedings ES99, Springer, London, pp132-147.
78 Antonacopoulos, A. and Coenen, F.P. Region Description and Comparative Analysis Using a Tesseral Representation. Proceedings 5tht International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'99), IEEE-CS Press, pp451-454.
77 Coenen, F.P., Eaglestone, B. and Ridley, M. Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues in Knowledge and Database Systems: Future Directions. In Vermesan, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds), Validation and Verification of Knowledge Based Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Proc, Eurovav 1999. pp297-312.
76 Brown, A.G.P., Coenen, F.P. and Knight, M.W. (1999). Visualisation of an AI Solution. In Paton, R. and Neilson, I. (Eds.), Visual Representations and Interpretations, Springer, London, pp367-374.
75 Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Castelli, D., Coenen F.P., Devendeville-Brisoux, L., Eaglestone, B., Fiddian, N., Gray, A., Ligeza, A. and Vermesan, A. Validation, Verification and Integrity Issues in Expert and Database Systems. Expert Update, Vol 2. No 1. pp31-35.
74 Coenen, F.P. ES'98 --- Special Report. Expert Update, Vol. 2, No 1. pp8-17.
73 Coenen, F.P. The Great Debate: "Intelligent agents are just the latest in a series of popular and short lived fads that have plagued AI since its inception" --- Special Report. Expert Update, Vol. 2, No 1. pp18-19
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
72 Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Shave, M.J.R, Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Diaz, B.M. Spatial Reasoning Using The Quad-Tesseral Representation. Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol 12, pp321-343.
71 Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Diaz, B.M. and Shave. M.J.R. Spatio-Temporal Reasoning Using A Multi-Dimensional Tesseral Representation. Proceedings ECAI'98, John Wiley & Sons, pp140-144.
70 Goulbourne, G., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. KDD in FM: Knowledge Discovery in Facilities Management Databases. In Quirchmayer, G., Schweighofer, E. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, proceedings DEXA'98 (Vienna), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1460, Springer Verlag, pp806-815.
69 Coenen, F.P. Rulebase Checking Using a Spatial Representation. In Quirchmayer, G., Schweighofer, E. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, proceedings DEXA'98 (Vienna), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1460, Springer Verlag, pp166-175.
68 Goulbourne, G., Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Murphy, D. Developing Association Rules in Facilities Management Database. Proceedings ES98, Springer, London. pp230-244.
67 Coenen, F.P. and Visser, P. A General Ontology for Spatial Reasoning. In Miles, R., Moulton, M. and Bramer, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Expert Systems XV, proceedings of ES'98, Springer, London, pp44-57.
66 Brown, A.G.P., Coenen, F.P., Shave, M.J. and Knight, M.W. An AI Approach to Noise Prediction. Journal of Building Acoustics. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp137-150.
65 Coenen, F.P. Verification and Validation Issues in Expert and Database Systems: The Expert Systems Perspective. In Wagner, R.R. (Ed.), Database and Expert Systems Applications. Workshop proceedings DEXA'98 (Vienna), IEEE, pp16-21.
64 Coenen, F.P. DEXA (Database and Expert Systems Applications), Vienna, 24-28 August 1998. Conference report, Expert Update, Vol. 1, No 2. pp50-51.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
63 Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Diaz, B.M. and Shave. M.J.R. A tesseral Approach to N-Dimensional Spatial Reasoning. In Hameurlain, A. and Tjoa, A.M. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'97), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1308, Springer Verlag, pp633-642.
62 Coenen, F.P., Diaz, B.M., Shave. M.J.R., Beattie, B. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. N-Dimensional Reasoning Using a Tesseral Representation. In Hunt, J. and Miles, R. (Eds.), Research and Development in Expert Systems XIV, proceedings of ES'97, SGES publications, pp97-108.
61 Coenen, F.P. and Dunne, P.E. Verification and Validation of Rulebases using a Binary Encoded Incidence Matrix Technique. Proceedings EUROVAV'97, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, pp43-53. Belgium.
60 Coenen, F.P., Diaz, B.M., Shave. M.J.R., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Beattie, B. A Tesseral Approach to Multi-Dimensional Reasoning. Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP-97), University of Ulster, Magee College, N. Ireland, pp88-95.
59 Brown, A.G.P., Knight, M.W., Coenen, F.P. and Geraghty, P.J. Representation and Reasoning in Architectural space: a Linear Tesseral Approach. Proceedings ECAADE'97, Osterreichischer Kunst-und Kulturverlag, CD
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
58 Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., and Shave, M.J.R. Coordinating Human and Software Agents through Electronic Mail. In Kirn, S and O'Hare, G.M.P. (Eds.), Cooperative Knowledge Processing, Springer Publishers, London (revised version ofpaper presented at DTI CSCW Anglo/German SIG Meeting, London, 6 December 1993).
57 Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Diaz, B.M., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Shave, M.J.R Temporal Reasoning using Tesseral Addressing: Towards an Intelligent Environmental Impact Assessment System. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 9, No 5, pp287-300.
56 Beattie, B., Coenen, F.P., Hough, A., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Diaz, B. and Shave, M.J.R. Spatial Reasoning for Environmental Impact Assessment. Third International Conference on GIS and Environmental Modelling, Santa Barbara: National Centre for Geographic Information and Analysis, WWW and CD.
55 Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R and Diaz, B. An Ontology for Linear Spatial Reasoning. In Wagner, R.R. and Thoma, H. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'96), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1134, Springer Verlag, pp718-727.
54 Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Diaz, B. and Shave, M.J.R. Spatial Reasoning for Geographic Information Systems. Proceeding GEOCOMP'96 (1st International Conference on GeoComputation), School of Geography, University of Leeds, Vol 1, pp121-131.
53 Diaz B.M., Beattie B.J.H., Coenen F.C., Shave M.J.R., and Bench-Capon T.J. Spatial and temporal linearisation: issues in optimising dGKBIS (dynamic Geographic Knowledge Based Information Systems). Presented at the INFORMS-96 (Institute of Operations Research and Management Science) International Conference, Washington DC, May 5-8 1996.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
52 Coenen, F.P. An Advanced Binary Encoded Matrix Representation for Rulebase Verification. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 8, No 4, pp201-210.
51 Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Shave, M.J.R and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. Developing Distributed Database applications using TSL. In Revell, N. and Tjoa, A.M. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'95), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 978, Springer Verlag, pp58-67.
50 Beattie, B., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Diaz, B. and Shave, M.J.R. Spatial Reasoning for GIS using a Tesseral Data Representation. In Revell, N. and Tjoa, A.M. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'95), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 978, Springer Verlag, pp207-216.
49 Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R and Diaz, B. Spatial Reasoning for Timetabling: The TIMETABLER system. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (ICPTAT'95), Napier University, Edinburgh, pp57-68.
48 Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Shave, M.J.R. Using Cooperating Knowledge-Based Systems to Reduce Information Overload. Colloquium on Information Overload, IEE Digest 95/223, pp8/1-83.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
47 Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. The Maintenance of Legal Knowledge Based Systems. . In Carr, I. and Williams, K. (Eds.), Computers and Law, Intellect Books, Oxford, pp209-224.
46 Coenen, F.P. A Binary Encoded Incidence Matrix Representation for KBS Verification. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (special issue on Expert Systems), Vol 11, No 3, pp221-232.
45 Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Diaz, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Shave, M.J.R. Temporal Calculus for GIS using Tesseral Addressing. In Bramer, M.A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.), Research and Development in Expert Systems XI, Proceedings of ES'94, pp261-273.
44 Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Shave, M.J.R A Knowledge based Advisor's Assistant. In Milne, R. and Montgomery, A. (Eds.), Applications and Innovations in Expert Systems II, Proceedings of ES'94, pp71-85.
43 Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M and Kent A. Advanced Binary Encoded Incidence Matrix representation to Support KBS Verification Working notes AAAI'94 workshop on KBS Verification and Validation, Seattle, August 1994, pp84-97.
42 Diaz, B.M., Beattie, B.J.H, Coenen, F.P., Shave, M,J.R and Bench-Capon, T.J.M Expert Systems Within EIA. EIA Newsletter, No 9, EIA Centre, Dept. of Planning and Landscape, University of Manchester, p 21.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
41 Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. Maintenance of Knowledge Based Systems: Theory, Tools and Techniques. Academic Press, London, 322 pages.
40 Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Coenen, F.P., Paton, R, Nwana, H. and Shave, M.J.R. Two Aspects of the validation and verification of Knowledge based Systems. IEEE Expert, Vol 8, No 3, pp76-81 (revised version of paper with same title presented at EUROVAV'91).
39 Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Coenen, F.P. and Orton, P. Argument Based Explanations of The British Nationality Act as a Logic Program. Law, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 2, No 1, p53-66 (revised version of paper presented at ICAIL'92).
38 Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Smeaton, G.P. Representing Visual Conditions in a Legal Knowledge Based System. Proc. ICAIL'93, Amsterdam, ACM Press, New York, pp264-271.
37 Coenen, F.P., Finch,I., Bench-Capon,T.J.M. and Shave,M.J.R. Autonomous Support for Group Working: The Aide de Camp Project. In Alty, J., Diaper, D. and Guest, S. (Eds.), People and Computers VIII, (Proc. HCI'93), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp367-382.
36 Coenen, F.P. and Forster, R. Matrix Techniques for Rulebase Verification. In Bramer, M.A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.), Research and Development in Expert Systems X, Proceedings of ES'93, pp235-247.
35 Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R. and Barlow, J.A. Autonomous Communications Using Aide de Camp. JFIT Technical Conference Digest (Proceedings JFIT'93), Department of Trade and Industry, London, pp297-305.
34 Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., and Shave, M.J.R. Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems in Aide de Camp. In Nwana, H.S. and Martelli, T. (Eds.), EXPERSYS-93 Expert Systems Applications and Artificial Intelligence IITT-International, Gournay sur Marne, France, pp33-38.
33 Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Finch, I. and Shave M.J.R. Expert System Support for Teams of Mobile Distributed Engineers. In Rzevski, G., Pastor, J. and Adey, R.A. (Eds.), Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol 1: Design, Methods and Techniques (Proc AIENG'93), Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp491-504.
32 Coenen, F.P., Taleb-Bendiab, A. and Forster, R. Verification of Rule-bases Using Incidence Matrices: The IMVER System. In Rzevski, G., Pastor, J. and Adey, R.A. (Eds.), Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol 1: Design, Methods and Techniques (Proceedings AIENG'93), Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp248-260.
31 Threadgold, R. and Coenen, F.P. (1993). Using ALLSPEAK to Reverse Engineer KBS Specifications. In Rzevski, G., Pastor, J. and Adey, R.A. (Eds.), Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol 2: Applications and Techniques (Proceedings AIENG'93), Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp61-76.
30 Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., and Shave, M.J.R. Coordinating Human and Software Agents through Electronic Mail. In O'Hare, G.M.P. and Kirn, S. (Eds.), Towards the Intelligent Organisation: The Coordination Perspective. Proc. of DTI CSCW Anglo/German SIG Meeting, London.
29 Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R. and Barlow, J.A. Applying CKBS Techniques to Electronic Mail. In Deen, S.M. (Ed.), Proc. of the Special Interest Group on Cooperative Knowledge Based Systems Workshop, The University of Keele, pp101-118.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
28 Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Coenen, F.P. and Dunne, P.E.S. Integrating Legal Support Systems Through Document Models. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 4, pp355-362.
27 Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. The Maintenance of Legal Knowledge Based Systems. Artificial Intelligence Review 6, pp129-143.
26 Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. Isomorphism and Legal Knowledge Based Systems. Artificial Intelligence and Law, Vol 1, No 1, pp65-86.
25 Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. Maintenance Tools for Knowledge Based Systems: The MAKE Project. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 5, pp267-273.
24 Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave M.J.R. and Barlow, J.A. Building Intelligence into the Aide de Camp System. Proceedings ES'92, British Computer Society, London.
23 Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Coenen, F.P. and Orton, P. Argument Based Explanations of The British Nationality Act as a Logic Program. Proc. ICAIL 92, The University College of Wales (Aberystwyth), pp21-25.
22 Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. Maintenance and Maintainability in Regulation Based KBS. In Tjoa, A.M. and Ramos, I. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications (Proceedings DEXA'92), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, pp415-420.
21 Coenen, F.P., Fawcett, S.P.M., Smeaton, G.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. Electronic Chart Representation and Interaction. In Tjoa, A.M. and Ramos, I. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'92), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, p543.
20 Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. Maintenance and Maintainability in Regulation Based KBS. ICL Technical Journal, Vol 9, No 3, May, pp67-84.
19 Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R. and Barlow, J.A. Task Scripting for An Intelligent Aide de Camp System. In Niku-Lari (Ed.), EXPERSYS-92 (Proceedings), IITT-International, Gournay sur Marne, France, pp191-196.
18 Coenen, F.P. A Methodology for the Maintenance of Knowledge based Systems. In Niku-Lari, A. (Ed.), EXPERSYS-92 (Proceedings), IITT-International, Gournay sur Marne, France, pp171-176.
17 Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. KBS Maintenance Validation Using Simulation. In Grierson, D.E., Rzevski, G. and Adey, R.A. (Eds.), Application of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VII (proceedings AIENG'92), Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp215-228.
16 Smeaton, G.P., Fawcett, S.P.M., Dineley, W.O.D. and Coenen, F.P. The Use of Interactive Video and Spatial Data in a marine GIS/Electronic Chart. In Digital Mapping and Navigation, Proceedings International Conference of the Royal Institute of Navigation, The Royal Institute of Navigation, London.
15 Coenen, F.P. The Aide de Camp Project. JFIT NEWS, June 1992, No 34, p4.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
14 Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. Rule Based Algorithms for Geographic Constraints in a Marine KBS. Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 4, No 3, pp157-164.
13 Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. Exploiting Isomorphism: Development of a KBS to Support British Coal Insurance Claims. Proceedings Third International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL'91), ACM Press, New York, pp62-68.
12 Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.B.C A Graphical Interactive Tool for KBS Maintenance. In Karagiannis, D. (Ed.), Database and Expert Systems Applications (proceedings DEXA'91), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, pp166-171.
11 Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. The Make Project: Maintenance Tools For Knowledge Based Systems. Proceedings World Congress on Expert Systems (WCES'91), Pergamon Press, New York, pp1030-1036.
10 Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. A KBS for Marine Collision Avoidance. Proceedings World Congress on Expert Systems (WCES'91), Pergamon Press, New York, pp2574-2581.
9 Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Coenen, F.P., Paton, R, Nwana, H. and Shave, M.J.R. Two Aspects of the Validation and Verification of Knowledge based Systems. Proceedings EUROVAV'91, Logica, Cambridge, pp125-132 (revised version published in IEEE Expert).
8 Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Soper, P. and Coenen, F.P. Animation of Advice Leaflets Using Hypertext and Knowledge based Systems Techniques. In Breuker, J.A., De Mulder, R.V. and Hage, J.C. (Eds.), Legal Knowledge Based Systems: Model-Based Legal Reasoning (Proc JURIX'91), Koninklijke Vermande BV, Lelystadt, Netherlands, pp53-59.
7 Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Smith. M.J. KBS Development Using X Windows: The Made Development methodology. Proceedings of the UK Unix User Group Summer Conference (UKUUG'91), The University of Liverpool, pp64-72.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
6 Smeaton, G.P. and Coenen, F.P. Developing an Intelligent Marine Navigation System. IEE, Computing and Control Engineering Journal, March 1990, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp95-103.
5 Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. A Real Time KBS in Marine Navigation. In Addis, T.R. and Muir, R.M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Expert Systems VII, (proceedings ES'90), British Computer Society, London, pp92 -103.
4 Bench-Capon, T.J.M and Coenen, F.P. Practical Application of KBS to Law: The Crucial Role of Maintenance. In van Noortwijk, C., Schmidt, A.H.J. and Winkels, R.G.F. (Eds.), Legal Knowledge Based Systems, Aims for Research and Development,(proceedings JURIX'90), Koninklijke Vermande BV, Lelystadt, Netherlands, pp5-17.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
3 Coenen, F.P., Smeaton, G.P. and Bole, A.G. Knowledge-Based Collision Avoidance. Journal of Navigation, Vol 42, Jan 1989, pp107-116.
2 Smeaton, G.P. and Coenen, F.P. Information Processing in Navigation. IEE, Colloquium on Marine Communications, Control and Safety, IEE, London.
Num. Authors Title Publication Details
1 Smeaton, G.P., Bole, A.G. and Coenen, F.P. A Rule Based System for Collision Avoidance. Proceedings, International Conference on Maritime Communications and Control, Institute of Marine Engineers, London.