2024 |
482 |
Fred, A.L.N., Coenen, F. and Bernardino, J. |
Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery,
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. |
Proceedings IC3K 2024, Volume 1: KDIR, Scitepress. |
481 |
Irlik, K., Aldosari, H., Hendel, M., Kwiendacz, H., Piaśnik, J., Kulpa, J., Ignacy, P., Boczek, S., Herba, M., Kegler, K., Coenen, F., Gumprecht, J., Zheng, Y., Lip, G.Y.H., Alam, U. and Nabrdalik, K. |
Artificial intelligence-enhanced electrocardiogram analysis for identifying cardiac autonomic neuropathy in patients with diabetes. |
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |
480 |
Bingqian, Y., Zeng, Y., Yang, H. Penalva Oscoz, M., Ortiz, M., Coenen, F. and Nguyen, A. |
Spring Back Prediction Using Point Series and Deep Learning. |
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. |
479 |
Elnaggar, O., Paoletti, P., Hopkinson, A. and Coenen, F. |
Sleep posture analysis: State-of-the-art and Opportunities of Wearable Technologies from Clinical,
Sensing and Intelligent Perception Perspectives. |
In Iqbal, F., Gupta, P., Kumar, V. and Pratihar, D.K. (Eds.), Biomedical Robots and Devbices
in Healthcare, Opportunities and Challenges for Future Applications, Academic Press, pp109-127. |
478 |
Al-Dausari, N., Coenen, F., Nguyen, A. and Shantsilla, E. (2024).
| FlowMI-HybridNet - Predicting Post Myocardial Infarction Complication:
A Study Using Dual-Modality, and Imbalanced Flow Cytometry Data. |
Proceedings of KDIR'24, Scitepress, pp81-91.
477 |
Al-Dausari, N., Coenen, F., Nguyen, A. and Shantsilla, E..
| FlowMI-HybridNet (2024). Integrating Data Handling and Neural Network for Enhanced Post-Myocardial
Infarction Complication Prediction. |
Proceedings Information System Design & Intelligent Applications (ISDIA-2025), Springer Nature. |
476 |
Kang, J., Jianu, T., Huang, B., Bhattarai, B., Le, N., Coenen, F. and Nguyen, A.
| Translating Simulation Images to X-Ray Images via Multi-scale Semantic Matching. |
Proc. MICCAI Workshop on Data Engineering in Merdical Imaging, LNCS, 15265. |
475 |
Yuen, K.K.F., Leu, J-S., Ishizaka, A., Tawfik, H. and Coenen, F. |
Editorial for Special Issue on "Expert decision making for data analytics with applications. |
Applied Soft Computing, Science Direct, Volume 155, April 2024. |
2023 |
474 |
Coenen, F., Fred, A., Aveiro, D., Dietz, J. Bernardino, J., Masciari, E. and Filipe, J. |
Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 15th International Joint Conference,
IC3K 2022, Valletta, Malta, October 24–26, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. |
Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science 1842. |
473 |
Fred, A.L.N., Coenen, F. and Bernardino, J. |
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge
Engineering and Knowledge Management. |
Proceedings IC3K 2023, Volume 1: KDIR, Scitepress. |
472 |
Almutairi, A., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
PPNNBP: A Third Party Privacy Preserving Neural Network with Back-Propagation Learning. |
IEEE Access. |
471 |
Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. |
Applying Monte Carlo Dropout to Quantify the Uncertainty of Skip Connection-based Convolutional Neural Networks Optimized by Big Data. |
Online Journal of Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, MDPI. |
470 |
Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Wood, D.A., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. |
Deep Ensemble Learning for High-dimensional Subsurface Fluid Flow Modeling. |
Accepted for publication in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Science Direct
(Link). |
469 |
Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Wood, D.A., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. |
Fourier Neural Operator for Fluid Flow in Small-Shape 2D Simulated Porous Media Dataset. |
Algorithms, Vol 16, No 1, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). |
468 |
Elnaggar, O., Coenen, F., Hopkinson, A. and Paoletti, P. |
An Interpretable Framework for Sleep Posture Change Detection and Postural Inactivity Segmentation Using Wrist Kinematics. |
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature. |
467 |
Elnaggar, O., Arelhi, R., Coenen, F., Hopkinson, A. Mason, L. and Paoletti, P. |
KIDS: kinematics-based (in)activity detection and segmentation in a sleep case study. |
arXiv, doi 10.48550/ARXIV.2301.03469. |
466 |
Hu, H., Ye, R., Thiyagalingam, J., Coenen, F. and Su, J. |
Triple-kernel Gated Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning with Contrastive Learning for Medical Image Analysis. |
Applied Intelligence (Link). |
465 |
Meng, J., Wang,Y., Wei, Z., Su, J., Coenen, F. |
RgbTX: Colocalization analysis of transcriptome elements in the presence of isoform heterogeneity and ambiguity. |
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. |
464 |
Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A., Moung, E.G., Nohuddin, P.N.R, Chua, S. and Coenen, F. |
Social Media Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining in Public Security: Taxonomy, Trend Analysis, Issues and Future Directions. |
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences. |
463 |
Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G.Y.H. and Zheng, Y. |
Electrocardiogram Two-dimensional Motifs: A study Directed at Cardio Vascular Disease Classification. |
Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science series. |
462 |
Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. |
Forecasting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. |
Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science series, Vol 1854. |
461 |
Qi, J., Burnside, G. and Coenen, F. |
Pathology Data Prioritisation: A Study of Using Multi-variate Time Series Without a Ground Truth. |
In Coenen, F., Fred, A., Aveiro, D., Dietz, J. Bernardino, J., Masciari, E. and Filipe, J. (Eds),
Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management,
Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science 1842. |
460 |
Du, C., Coenen, F., Yang, H., Penalva Oscoz, M and Nguyen, A. |
Spring Back Prediction Using Gated Recurrent Unit and Data Augmentation. |
1st International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics 2023 (ICiMR 2023) |
459 |
Song, S., Wang, J., Cheng, F., Cao, Q., Zuo, Y., Lei, Y., Yang, R., Yang, C., Coenen, F., Meng, J., Dang, K. and Su, J. |
A Robust Framework of Chromosome Straightening with VIT-Patch GAN. |
Accepted for publication at the 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI2023), IEEE |
2022 |
458 |
Coenen, F., Fred, A.L.N. and Filipe, J. |
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management |
Proceedings IC3K 2022, Volume 1: KDIR, Scitepress. |
457 |
Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. |
An innovative application of deep learning in multiscale modeling of subsurface fluid flow Reconstructing the basis functions of the mixed Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method (GMsFEM). |
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. |
456 |
Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Coenen, F. and Ma, F. |
A quantitative insight into the role of skip connections in deep neural networks of low complexity: A case study directed at fluid flow modeling. |
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME). |
455 |
Hu, S-Y, Wang, Q-F, Huang, k. Wen, M. and Coenen, F. |
Retrieval-Based Language Model Adaptation for Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
| International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Springer. |
454 |
Huang, D., Chen, K. Song, B., Wei, Z., Su, J., Coenen, F., de Magalhaes, J.P., Rigden, D.J. and Meng, J. |
Geographic encoding of transcripts enabled high-accuracy and isoform-aware deep learning of RNA methylation. |
Journal of Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford Academic. |
453 |
Song, Z., Wang, Y., Qian, P., Song, S., Coenen, F., Jiang, Z. and Su, J. |
From Deterministic to Stochastic: An Interpretable Stochastic Model-free Reinforcement Learning Framework for Portfolio Optimization. |
Journal of Applied Intelligence, Springer. |
452 |
Yao, K., Su, Z., Huang, K., Yang, X., Sun, J., Hussain, A. and Coenen F. |
A Novel 3D Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation. |
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26(10):4976-4986 Oct 2022 DOI |
451 |
Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G.Y.H. and Zheng, Y. |
Two-dimensional motif extraction from images: A study using an Electrocardiogram. |
Proceedings 14th International conference of knowledge discovery and information retrieval (KDIR'22). |
450 |
Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G.Y.H. and Zheng, Y. |
Scanned ECG Arrhythmia Classification Using a Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network as a Feature Extractor. |
Proceedings The British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) AI conference. Springer |
449 |
Muhammad, I., Coenen, F., Gamble, C., Kearney, A. and Williamson, P. |
Query Resolution of Literature Knowledge Graphs using Hybrid Document Embeddings. |
Proceedings The British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) AI conference. Springer |
448 |
Qi, J., Burnside, G. and Coenen, F. |
Data Augmentation for Pathology Prioritisation: An Improved LSTM-Based Approach. |
Proceedings The British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) AI conference. Springer |
447 |
Qi, J., Coenen, F., Burnside, G. |
Pathology Data Prioritisation: A Study Using Multi-Variate Time Series. |
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'22), Springer. |
446 |
Song, S., Dang, K., Yu, Q., Wang, Z., Coenen, F., Su, J. and Ding, X. |
Bilateral-ViT for robust fovea localization. |
Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), IEEE. |
2021 |
445 |
Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. |
Sustainable Development Goal Relational Modelling and Prediction: Introducing The SDG-CAP-EXT Methodology. |
Journal of Data Intelligence.
444 |
Dong, H., Wang, W., Huang, K. and Coenen, F. |
Automated Social Text Annotation with Joint Multi-Label Attention Networks. |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol 32, No 5, pp2224-2238. |
443 |
Tan, C.B., Hijazi, M.H.A, Khamis, N., Nohuddin, P.N.E., Zainol, Z., Coenen, F. and Gani, A. |
A survey on presentation attack detection for automatic speaker verification systems: State-of-the-art, taxonomy, issues and future direction. |
International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Application.
442 |
Wang, W., Chen, Q, Huang, k. and Coenen, F. |
Zero-shot Text Classification via Knowledge Graph Embedding for Social Media Data. |
IEEE Internet of Things Journal. |
441 |
Wang, W, Chen, Q, Huang, k., De, S. and Coenen, F. |
Multi-modal Generative Adversarial Networks for Traffic Event Detection in Smart Cities. |
Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 177. |
440 |
Wang, Y., Chen, K., Wei, Z., Coenen, F., Su, J. and Meng. J. |
MetaTX: deciphering the distribution of mRNA-related features in the presence of isoform ambiguity, with application in epitranscriptome analysis. |
Journal of Bioinformatics, Vol 37, Ni 9, Pages 1285-1291. |
439 |
Choubineh, A., Chen, J., Coenen, F., Ma, F. and Wood, D.A. |
Machine Learning to Improve Natural Gas Reservoir Simulations. |
In Wood, D.A., Cai, J. ( Eds.), Sustainable natural gas reservoir and production engineering, Elsevier, pp55-82. |
438 |
Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G. and Zheng, Y. |
Motif Based Feature Vectors: Towards a Homogeneous Data Representation for Cardiovascular Diseases Classification.. |
Proceedings DaWaK'21. |
437 |
Aldosari, H., Coenen, F., Lip, G. and Zheng, Y. |
Addressing the Challenge of Data Heterogeneity using a Homogeneous Feature Vector Representation: a Study using Time Series and Cardiovascular Disease Classification. |
Proceedings The British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in Artificial Intelligence ( SGAI) AI conference. |
436 |
Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. |
Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring and Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis. |
Proceedings the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning, Theory and Applications (DeLTA'21).
435 |
Alshehri, M., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Motif-Based Classification Using Enhanced Sub-Sequence-Based Dynamic Time Warping. |
Proceedings 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA'21), p184-191.
434 |
Al-Riyami, S., Lisitsa, A. and Coenen, F. |
Cross-datasets evaluation of machine learning models for intrusion detection systems. |
Proceedings 6th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT'21). |
433 |
Huang, D., Song, B., Wei, J., Su, J., Coenen, F. and Meng, J. (2021). |
Weakly supervised learning of RNA modifications from low-resolution epitranscriptome data. |
Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Proc. 29th Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 20th International Society for Computational Biology (ISMB-ISCB) joint conference. |
432 |
Mansfield, M., Tamma, V., Goddard, P. and Coenen, F. |
Capturing Expert Knowledge for Building Enterprise SME Knowledge Graphs. |
Proc. 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (CKAP'21). Best Paper Prize |
431 |
Muhammad, I., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F., Gamble, C., Kearney, A. and Williamson, P. |
Document Ranking for Curated Document Databases using BERT and Knowledge Graph Embeddings: Introducing GRAB-Rank. |
In: Golfarelli M., Wrembel R., Kotsis G., Tjoa A.M. and Khalil I. (Eds), Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, Proc. DaWaK 2021, LNCS 12925, Springer, pp116-127. |
430 |
Qi, J., Burnside, G., Charnley, P. and Coenen, F. |
Event-Based Pathology Data Prioritisation: A Study Using Multi-Variate Time Series Classification. |
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on knowledge discovery and information retrieval (KDIR'13). |
429 |
Qi, J., Burnside, G., Charnley, P. and Coenen, F. |
Ranking Pathology Data in the Absence of a Ground Truth. |
Proceedings of the British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in AI (SGAI) AI conference. |
428 |
Song, S., Huang, D., Hu, Y., Yang, C, Meng, J., Ma, F., Coenen, F., Zhang, J. and Su, J. |
A Novel Application of Image-to-Image Translation: Chromosome Straightening Framework by Learning from a Single Image. |
Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI). |
427 |
Vincent-Paulraj, A., Burnside, G., Coenen, F., Pirmohamed, M. and Walker, L. |
Sequential Association Rule Mining Revisited: A Study Directed at Relational Pattern Mining for Multi-morbidity. |
Proceedings of the British Computer Society (BCS) Specialist Group in AI (SGAI) AI conference. |
2020 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
426 |
Almutairi, N. and Coenen, F. |
Secure Third Party Data Clustering Using SecureCL, Φ-Data and Multi-User Order Preserving Encryption. |
Expert Systems, Vol 38, Issue 7. |
425 |
Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
A Cryptographic Ensemble for Secure Third Party Data Analysis: Collaborative Data Clustering Without Data Owner Participation. |
Knowledge and Data Engineering, Elsevier, Vol 126. |
424 |
Celik, N., O'Brien, F., Brennan, S., Rainbow, R.D., Dart, C., Zheng, Y., Coenen, F. and Barrett-Jolley, R. |
Deep-Channel Uses Deep Neural Networks to Detect Single-Molecule Events from Patch-Clamp Data. |
Journal of Communications Biology, Vol; 3, No 1, Nature Publishing Group, pp1-10. |
423 |
Dong, H., Wang, W., Coenen, F. and Huang, K. |
Knowledge Base Enrichment by Relation Learning from Social Tagging Data. |
Journal of Information Sciences, Vol 526, Elsevier, pp203-220. |
422 |
El-Salhi, S., Saleh, BS. A-H, and Coenen, F. |
Census Estimation Using Histogram Representation of 3D Surfaces: A Case Study Focusing on the Karak Region. |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol 10, N0 11. |
421 |
Leigh, S., Mehta, B., Dummer, L., Aird, H., McSorley S., Oseyenum, V., Cumbers, A., Ryan, M., Edwardson, K., Johnston, P., Robinson, J., Coenen, F., Taylor-Robinson, D., Niessen, L. and Carrol, E. |
Management of non-urgent paediatric emergency department attendances; a retrospective observational study. |
British Journal of General Practice, Vol 71, No 702, e22-e30. |
420 |
Leigh, S., Robinson, J., Yeung, S., Coenen, F., Carrol, E. and Niessen, L. |
What matters when managing childhood fever in the emergency department? A discrete-choice experiment comparing the preferences of parents and healthcare professionals in the UK. |
Archives of Disease in Childhood (ADC), BMJ, pp1-7. |
419 |
Alajlan, S., Coenen, F. and Mandya, A.
| From Semi-Automated to Automated Methods of Ontology Learning from Twitter Data. |
Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science series. |
418 |
Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Secure Outsourced kNN Data Classification Over Encrypted Data Using Secure Chain Distance Matrices. |
In Fred, A., Salgado. A., Aveiro, D.. Dietz, J.L.G., Bernardino and Filipe, J. (Eds.), Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1222, pp3-24. |
417 |
Alharbi, Y., Coenen, F, and Arribas-Bel, D. |
Sustainable Development Goal Relational Modelling: Introducing the SDG-CAP Methodology. |
Proc 22nd Int Conf. on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 20200), Springer LNCS 12393, pp183-196. |
416 |
Alshehri, M., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Candidate Reduction Coupled with Enhanced Sub-Sequence-Based Dynamic Time Warping. |
In Bramer M. and Ellis R. (Eds), Artificial Intelligence XXXVII, proc. SGAI 2020. LNCS 12498 Springer, pp273-1285. |
415 |
Chen, Q., Wang, W., Huang, K., De, S. and Coenen, F. (2020) |
Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Crisis Data Classification on Social Media. |
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2020), pp282-287. |
414 |
Chen, Q., Wang, W., Huang, K. De, S. and Coenen, F. |
Multi-modal Adversarial Training for Crisis-related Data Classification on Social Media. |
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020), pp232-237. |
413 |
Elnaggar, O., Paoletti, P. and Coenen, F. |
In-Bed Human Pose Classification Using Wearable Sensors. |
Proc. 40th International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Springer LNCS, pp331-344. |
412 |
Mandya, A., Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. |
Graph Convolution over Multiple Dependency Sub-graphs for Relation Extraction. |
Proc. 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020). |
411 |
Mandya, A., O'Neill, J., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F., Gamble, C., Kearney, A. and Williamson, P. |
Do not let the history haunt you: Mitigating Compounding Errors in Conversational Question Answering. |
Proc. 12th International Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020). |
410 |
Muhammad, I., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F. and Williamson P. |
Maintaining Curated Document Databases Using a Learning to Rank Model: The ORRCA Experience. |
In Bramer M. and Ellis R. (Eds), Artificial Intelligence XXXVII, proc. SGAI 2020. LNCS 12498 Springer, pp345-357. |
409 |
Shahzad, A. and Coenen, F. |
Automated Generation of Graphs from Relational Sources to Optimise Queries for Collaborative Filtering. |
Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA 2020). |
408 |
Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. |
Sustainable Development Goal Relational Modelling: Introducing the SDG-RMF Methodology. |
Proc of the Harvard Centre for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS) Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Social Good (AI4SG),
online at https://aiforgood2020.github.io/accepted/ and
https://crcs.seas.harvard.edu/publications/sustainable-development-goal-relational-modelling-introducing-sdg-rmf-methodology. |
407 |
Bevan, R. and Coenen, F. |
Experiments in non-personalized future blood glucose level prediction. |
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data, co-located with 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020). |
406 |
Muhammad, I., Kearney, A., Gamble, C., Coenen, F. and Williamson P. |
Open Information extraction for knowledge graph construction. |
Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs (MLKG2020). |
405 |
Shahzad, A. and Coenen, F. |
Efficient Distributed MST Based Clustering for Recommender System. |
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) Workshop on Advanced Neural Algorithms and Theories for Recommender Systems (NeuRec 2020), pp206-210. |
2019 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
404 |
Wiratunga, N, Coenen, F. and Sani, S. |
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data,
co-located with the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019). |
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2429, ISSN 1613-0073.
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2429/. |
403 |
Leigh, S., Grant, A., Murray, N., Faragher, B., Desai, H., Dolan, S., Cabdi, N., Murray, J.B., Rejaei, Y., Stewart S.,
Edwardson, K., Dean J., Mehta, B., Yeung, S., Coenen, F., Niessen, L. and Carrol, E.D. |
The cost of diagnostic uncertainty: A prospective economic analysis of febrile children attending an NHS Emergency Department. |
BMC Medicine, Vol 17, Article Number 43. |
402 |
Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A., Alfred, F. and Coenen, F. |
Modified Framework For Sarcasm Detection and Classification in Sentiment Analysis. |
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol 13, No 3, pp1175-1183. |
401 |
Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. |
Behavioural Biometric Continuous User Authentication Using Multivariate Keystroke Streams in the Spectral Domain. |
In Fred, A., Aveiro, D.. Dietz, J.L.G., Liu, K., Bernardino, J., Salgado. A. and Filipe, J. (Eds.),
Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management,
Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science 976, pp43-66. |
400 |
Aburawi, N., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. |
Querrying Encrypted Data in Graph Databases. |
In Eds. Khalaf, M.I., Al-Jumeily, D. and Lisitsa, A. (Eds.), Proc. 1st International Conference on Applied Computing to Support Industry:
Innovation and Technology (ACRIT'19), Springer Link, revised selected papers, pp367-382. |
399 |
Alajlan, S., Conene, F. Konev, B. and Mandya, A. |
Ontology Learning From Twitter Data. |
Proc 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), Volume 2:
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD'19), pp94-103. |
398 |
Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. |
Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework using Time Series Modelling. |
Proc 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), Volume 1: Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR'19), pp297-304. |
397 |
Alhijailan, H. and Coenen, F. |
Effective Frequent Motif Discovery for Long Time Series Classification: A Study Using Phonocardiogram. |
Proc 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), Volume 1: Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR'19), pp266-273.
(Photo.) |
396 |
Alhijailan, H. and Coenen, F. |
Motif Discovery in Long Time Series: Classifying Phonocardiograms. |
Proc. Thirty-ninth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2019), Springer LNCS, volume 11927), pp198-212. |
395 |
Alshehri, M., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Sub-Sequence-Based Dynamic Time Warping. |
Proc 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), Volume 1: Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR'19), pp274-281. |
394 |
Alshehri, M., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Effective Sub-Sequence-Based Dynamic Time Warping. |
In Bramer M., Petridis M. (Eds) Artificial Intelligence XXXVI, Proc AI 2019, LNCS 11927, Springer, pp293-305. |
393 |
Jiang, Z. and Coenen, F. |
Long Short-Term Memory-based Multi-Period Price Prediction for Portfolio Management. |
Proc. International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM 2019), Volume 1, ibai Publishing, ISBN 978-3-942952-62-0, pp187-200. |
392 |
Mandya, A., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F. and Atkinson, K. |
Combining Long Short Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Network for Cross-Sentence n-ary Relation Extraction. |
Proc. Automated Knowledge Base Construction conference (AKBC'19).
(Photo.) |
391 |
Mandya, A., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F. and Atkinson, K. |
Evaluating Co-reference Chains based Conversation History in Conversational Question Answering. |
Proc. of the 16th International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING). |
390 |
Torrisi, A, Bevan, R. Atkinson, K, Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. |
Automated Bundle Pagination Using Machine Learning. |
Proc 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Law (ICAIL'19), ACM, pp244-248. (Photo). |
389 |
Dong, H., Wang, W., Huang, K. and Coenen, F. |
Joint Multi-Label Attention Networks for Social Text Annotation. |
Proc. 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics -
Human Language Technologies (NAACL'19), Vol 1, pp1348-1354. |
388 |
Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Bel, D. and Coenen, F. |
Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework using Time Series Modelling. |
Proc. IJCAI’19 workshop on Artificial Intelligence and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Knowledge 4 All (K4A) Foundation, online. |
387 |
Bevan, R., Torrisi, A., Bollegala, D., Coenen F. and Atkinson, K. |
Extracting Supporting Evidence from Medical Negligence Claim Texts. |
Proc 4th International IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data (KDH'19), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp5-54
(http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2429/). |
386 |
Pratt, H., Coenen, F. Harding, S.P.,Broadbent, D.M. and Zheng, Y. |
Feature Visualisation of Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Using a Convolutional Neural Network. |
Proc 4th International IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data (KDH'19), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp23-29
(http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2429/). |
385 |
Torrisi, A., Bevan, R., Bollegala, D., Coenen F. and Atkinson, K. |
Combining Textual and Visual Information for Typed and Handwritten Text Separation in Legal Documents. |
Proc. 31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 19), IOS Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vole 322: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, pp223-228. |
2018 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
384 |
Aljuboori, A.S., Coenen, F., Nsaif, M. and Parsons, D.J. |
Performance of Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval Using Classification Based on Associations versus Jcolibri and FreeCBR: A Further Validation Study. |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing Ltd., Online. |
383 |
Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. |
Iterative Time Keystroke Continuous Authentication: A Time Series Based Approach. |
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Vol 32, Issue 4, pp231-243. (WOS:000449297000002) |
382 |
Cui, X., Al-Bazzaz, N., Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. |
A Comparative Study of Pivot Selection Strategies for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. |
Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol 33, Cambridge University Press. |
381 |
Guan, C., Yuen, K.K.F. and Coenen, F. |
Particle Swarm Optimized Density-Based Clustering and Classification: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning. |
Journal of Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 44, February 2019, pp876-896. |
380 |
Pratt, H., Williams, B., Zheng, Y., Coenen, F., Ku, J.Y.,Vas, C., McCann, E., Al-Bander, B. and Zhao, Y. |
Automatic Detection and Identification of Retinal Vessel Junctions in Colour Fundus Photography. |
Journal of Imaging, Vol 4, Num 4, 14 pages. (WOS:000424412600004) |
379 |
Coenen, F. and Dittakan, K. (2018) |
Image Representation for Image Mining: A Study Focusing on Mining Satellite Images for Census Data Collection. |
In Fred, A., Dietz, J., Aveiro, D., Liu, K., Bernardino, J. and Filipe, J. (Eds.), Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management,
Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science 914, pp3-27. |
378 |
Aburawi, N., Lisitsa, A. and Coenen, F. |
Querying Encrypted Graph Databases. |
Proc. the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP'18), Scitepress, pages 447-451. |
377 |
Aburawi, N., Lisitsa, A. and Coenen, F. |
Traversal-aware Encryption Adjustment for Graph Databases. |
Proc. 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA'18), pp381-387. |
376 |
Alhijailan, H., Coenen, F., Dukes-Mcewan J. and Thiyagalingam, J. |
Segmenting Sound Waves to Support Phonocardiogram Analysis: The PCGseg Approach. |
Proc 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI'18), Springer LNCS 11013, pp100-112.
Photo.) |
375 |
Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Data Clustering using Homomorphic Encryption and Secure Chain Distance Matrices. |
Proc. 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K'18),
Volume 1, Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR), pp41-50.
(Slides.) |
374 |
Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Third Party Data Clustering over Encrypted Data Without Data Owner Participation: Introducing The Encrypted Distance Matrix. |
Proc. 20th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge discovery (DaWaK'18),
Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, Spinger LNCS 11031, pp163-173.
(Slides.) |
373 |
Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures,K. |
Secure Third Party Data Clustering Using Φ Data:
Multi-User Order Preserving Encryption and Super Secure Chain Distance Matrices. |
In: Bramer M. and Petridis M. (Eds), Artificial Intelligence XXXV, Proc. AI'2018, Springer, pp3-17. (Best Technical Paper Prize) |
372 |
Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. |
Spectral Analysis of Keystroke Streams: Towards Effective Real-Time Continuous User Authentication. |
Proc. 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP'18), Scitepress, pages 62-73. |
371 |
Dong, H., Wang, W. and Coenen, F. |
Learning Relations from Social Tagging Data. |
Proc 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI'18), Springer LNCS 11013, pp29-41.
(Photo.) (WOS:000449872000038) |
370 |
Dong, H., Wang, W. and Coenen, F. |
Rules for inducing hierarchies from social tagging data. |
Proc. International Conference on Information, Springer LNCS 10766, pp345-355. |
369 |
Hu H., Coenen, F., Ma F., Thiyagalingam, J. and Su, J. |
Location-aware convolutional neural networks based breast tumor detection |
Proc. IET Doctoral Forum on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence 2018 (BRAIN 2018), seven Pages |
368 |
Mandya, A., Atkinson, K., Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. |
A Dataset for Inter-sentence Relation Extraction using Distant Supervision. |
Proc. 11th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), European Language Resources Association (ELRA). |
367 |
Abdullahi, F. and Coenen, F. |
Multi-Dimensional Banded Pattern Mining. |
Proc. Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (PKAW 2018), Springer LNCS 11016, pp154-169.
(Slides.) |
366 |
Aljuboori, A.S., Coenen, F., Nsaif, M. and Parsons, D.J. |
Performance of Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval Using Classification Based on Associations versus Jcolibri and FreeCBR: A Further Validation Study. |
Proc. Ibn Al-Haitham First International Scientific Conference, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1003, No 012130. (WOS:000446794800130) |
365 |
Al-Riyami, S., Lisitsa A. and Coenen, F. (2018). |
A Re-evaluation of intrusion detection accuracy: an alternative evaluation strategy. |
Proc. 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2018), ACM SIGSAC, pp2195-2197. |
364 |
Bevan, R. Torrisi, A, Atkinson, K, Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. |
Efficient and Effective Case Reject-Accept Filtering: A Study Using Machine Learning. |
Proc. 31st International Conference on Legal Knoweledge and Information Systems (JURIX), pp171-175
(Photo) |
363 |
Pratt, H., Zheng, Y., Harding, S.P., Williams, B., Coenen, F. and Broadbent, D. |
Automated Diagnosis of Fundus Camera Images for Diabetic Retinopathy for Treatment Referral. |
European Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol 28, pp7-7, Abstract only, Supplement 1. (WOS:000432966300014) |
362 |
Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A., Alfred, R. and Coenen, F. |
A Framework for Sarcasm Detection and Classification to Support Sentiment Analysis. |
Proc. Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering,
Computing and Applied Sciences (RAECAS2018). |
2017 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
361 |
Albarrak, A., Coenen, F. and Zheng Y. |
Volumetric Image Classification using Homogeneous Decomposition and Dictionary Learning:
A Study Using Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography for Detecting Age-related Macular Degeneration. |
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, special issue on Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis, Vol 55, January 2017, pp113-123.
Online Version. (WOS:000392685900012) |
360 |
Alshdaifat, E., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Ensemble Classification Model: An Alternative Architecture for Hierarchical Classification. |
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, Web Intelligence. Vol1 3, Num 3, IGI Global, pp73-90. (WOS:000407858600004) |
359 |
Alshukri, A. and Coenen, F. |
Mining the Information Architecture of the WWW using Automated Website Boundary Detection. |
Journal of Web Intelligence, IOS Press, Vol 15, No 4, pp269-290.
IOS Press Content Library. (WOS:000415899000001) |
358 |
Tufail, M., Coenen, F. and Mu, T. |
Extracting Movement Patterns from Video Data to Drive Multi-Agent Based Simulations. |
In Nardin, L.G. and Antunes, L. (Eds.), Multi-Agent Based Simulation XVII, Springer LNCS 10399, pp128-140. |
357 |
Almutairi, N., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
K-Means Clustering Using Homomorphic Encryption and an Updatable Distance Matrix: Secure Third Party Data Clustering with Limited Data Owner Interaction. |
Proc 19th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2017), Springer LNCS 10440, pp274-285. (WOS:000433245700020) |
356 |
Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. |
Accurate Continuous and Non-intrusive User Authentication with Multivariate Keystroke Streaming. |
Proc 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR'18), Volume 1, pp61-70.
(long paper) (Short listed for KDIR 2017 best student paper prize.) |
355 |
Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. |
On The Mining and Usage of Movement Patterns in Large Traffic Networks. |
Proc. International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (Bigcomp 2017), IEEE, pp135-142. (WOS:000403390900022) |
354 |
Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. |
User-to-User Recommendation Using The Concept of Movement Patterns: A Study Using a Dating Social Network. |
Proc 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR'18), Volume 1, pp173-180.
DOI: 10.5220/0006494601730180. |
353 |
Cui, X, Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. |
TSP: Learning Task-Specific Pivots for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. |
Proc. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD'17), Springer LNAI 10535, pp754-771, long paper.
(Slides, Poster.)
(WOS:000443110500046) |
352 |
Garcia-Constantino, M.F.; Atkinson, K., Bollegala, D., Chapman, K., Coenen, F., Roberts, C. and Robson, K. |
CLIEL: Context-Based Information Extraction from Commercial Law Documents. |
Proc. 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL'17), ACM, pp79-87. |
351 |
Mandya, A., Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. |
Classifier-based Pattern Selection Approach for Relation Instance Extraction. |
Proc. 18th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing'17), Springer LNCS 10761, pp418-433.
(Front cover of proceedings) |
350 |
Mandya, A., Bollegala, D., Coenen, F. and Atkinson, K. |
Frame-based Semantic Patterns for Relation Extraction. |
Proc 15th International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2017), Springer, pp51-62. |
349 |
Pratt H., Williams B.M., Ku J., Coenen F. and Zheng Y. |
Automatic determination of retinal vessel junctions and crossings in colour fundus photography. |
Proc Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA), Springer, pp27-37.
(Front cover of proceedings) |
348 |
Pratt H., Coenen F. and Zheng Y. |
FCNNs: Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks. |
Proc. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD'17), Springer LNAI 10535, pp786-798.
(WOS:000443109900047) (Slides, ) |
347 |
Qian, R., Zhang, B., Coenen, F, and Yue, Y. |
Multilingual and Skew License Plate Detection Based on Extremal Regions. |
Proc. 13th International conference on the natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD'17), pp804-808. (WOS:000437355300136) |
346 |
Sedeeq, I., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. |
A Prediction Model Based Approach to Open Space Steganography Detection in HTML Webpages. |
Proc. 16th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2017), Springer LNCS 10431, pp235-247. (WOS:000441374300018) |
345 |
Sedeeq, I., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. |
Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection Using Attribute Position Changes Count. |
Proc. 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP'17), Citepress, pp95-100.
(Winner of Best Student Paper Prize) (WOS:000413241700008). |
344 |
Xia, Y, Chen, B., Lu, W., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. |
Attributes-oriented Clothing Description and Retrieval with Multi-task Convolutional Neural Network. |
Proc. 13th International conference on the natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD'17), pp804-808. (WOS:000437355300128) |
343 |
Algamdi, A., Coenen F. and Lisitsa, A. |
A trust evaluation method based on the distributed Cloud Trust Protocol (CTP) and opinion sharing. |
Proc. International Conference on Computer Applications & Technology (ICCAT'17).
(Slides.) |
342 |
Algamdi, A., Coenen F. and Lisitsa, A. |
Reputation System Aggregation and Ageing Factor Selection using Subjective Opinions Classification. |
Proc. Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology (GSCIT'17).
Conferences proceedings will be indexed in IEEE CPS (Conference Publishing System).
(Slides.) |
341 |
Alshehri, A., Coenen F. and Bollegala, D. |
Spectral Keyboard Streams: Towards Effective and Continuous Authentication |
Proc IEEE 16th International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining
in International Conference ob Data Mining Workshops, IEEE, pp242-249. (WOS:000425845700033) |
340 |
Cui, X, Bollegala, D. and Coenen, F. |
Effect of Data Imbalance on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Part-of-Speech Tagging and Pivot Selection Strategies. |
Proc 1st International Workshop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications (LIDTA'17), ECML-PKDD 2017 Workshop,
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) 74, pp103-115.
(Slides.) |
339 |
Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A, Alfred, R. and Coenen, F. |
Natural Language Processing Based Features for Sarcasm Detection: An Investigation Using Bilingual Social Media Texts. |
Proc. 8th International Conference on Information Technology (available from IEEEExplore by IEEE). |
2016 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
338 |
Nohuddin, P., Coenen, F. and Christley, R. |
Application of Social Network Mining to Cattle Movement Analysis: Introducing the Predictive Trend Mining Framework. |
Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Vol 6, Issue 1, doi:10.1007/s13278-016-0353-x. (WOS:000381220500045) |
337 |
Vo, B., Le,T., Coenen, F. and Hong, T.P. |
Mining Frequent Itemsets Using The N-list and Subsume Concepts. |
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol 7, No 2, Springer, pp253-265. (WOS:000372288100008) |
336 |
Xia, Y., Zhang, B. and Coenen, F. |
Face Occlusion Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks |
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 30, No. 9, World Scientific, 24 pages.
(see also .pdf.) (WOS:000389251700011) |
335 |
Yan, C., Coenen, F., Yue, Y., Yang, X. and Zhang, B. |
Video-Based Classification of Driving Behavior Using a Hierarchical Classification System with Multiple Features |
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 30, No. 5, World Scientific, 33 pages. (WOS:000375089800002) |
334 |
Abdullahi, F.B., Coenen, E. and Martin, R. |
Banded Pattern Mining Algorithms in Multi-Dimensional Zero-one Data. |
In Hameurlain, A., Kung, J. and Wagner, R. (Eds),
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVI, Sringer-Verlag, LNCS 9670, pp1-31. |
333 |
Atkinson, K., Coenen, F., Goddard, P., Payne, T. and Riley, L. |
nDrites: Enabling Laboratory Resource Multi-Agent Systems. |
In Baldoni, M., Muller, J.P., Nunes, I., Zalila-Wenkstern, R. (Eds.),
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, Revised, Selected, and Invited Papers from 4th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2016),
co-located with AAMAS 2016. pp1-21. |
332 |
Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. |
Mining Frequent Movement Patterns in Large Networks: A Parallel Approach Using Shapes. |
In: Bramer M. and Petridis M. (Eds), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXIII, Proc. AI'2016, Springer, pp53-67. |
331 |
Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. |
Towards Keystroke Continuous Authentication Using Time Series Analytics. |
In: Bramer M. and Petridis M. (Eds), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXIII, Proc. AI'2016, Springer, pp325-339.
(winner of Best Application Stream Student Paper Prize.) |
330 |
Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bollegala, D. |
Keyboard Usage Authentication using Multi-variant Time Series Analysis. |
Proc. International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'16),
Springer LNCS, pp239-252. |
329 |
Dittakan K. and Coenen, F. |
Early Detection of Osteoarthritis Using Local Binary Patterns: A Study Directed at Human Joint Imagery. |
Proc. 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2016),
Springer LNCS 9810, pp93-105. (WOS:000389086000008) |
328 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Libin, L., Alfred R. and Coenen, F. |
Bias Aware Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis of Malay Dialect on Social Media Data: A Study on The Sabah Language. |
Proc 2nd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech), IEEE, pp356-361. (WOS:000401505300063) |
327 |
Namtirtha, A., Gupta, S., Dutta, A, Dutta, B. and Coenen, F. |
A Novel Approach for Finding Rank of the User based on User's Information Diffusion Region. |
Proc. IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON'16),. |
326 |
Paul, A., Dutta, A. and Coenen, F. |
Clustering of Tweet Users Based on Optimal Sets. |
Proc. IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON'16), pp286-290. (WOS:000400378900063) |
325 |
Pratt, H., Coenen, F., Broadbent, D.M., Harding, S.P. and Zheng, Y. |
Convolutional Neural Networks for Diabetic Retinopathy. |
Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'16), Procedia Computer Science, Volume 90, pp200–205 (Winner of Best Poster Prize). |
324 |
Qian R-Q., Liu, Q., Coenen F. and Zhang, B. |
Road Surface Traffic Sign Detection with Hybrid Region Proposal and Fast R-CNN. |
Proc 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), IEEE, pp555-559. (WOS:000386658300093) |
323 |
Qian R-Q., Yue Y., Coenen F. and Zhang, B. |
Traffic Sign Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network Based on Max Pooling Positions. |
Proc 12th International Conference on Natural Computation and 13th Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), IEEE, 578-582. (WOS:000386658300097) |
322 |
Sedeeq, I., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A. |
A Statistical Approach to The Detection of HTML Attribute Permutation. |
Proc. 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP'16), pp522-527. |
321 |
Udomchaiporn, A., Coenen, F., Garcia-Finana, M. and Sluming, V. |
3-D Volume of Interest Based Image Classification. |
Proc. 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2016),
Springer LNCS 9810, pp543-555. (WOS:000389086000045) |
320 |
Alshehri, A., Coenen, F. and Bellegala, D. |
Keystroke Dynamics: Towards Realtime Keyboard Usage Monitoring. |
Proc. Ninth Annual Saudi Student Conference (SSC9). |
319 |
Dong, H., Wang, W. and Coenen, F. |
Deriving Dynamic Knowledge from Academic Social Tagging Data: A Novel Research Direction. |
Proc. iConference 2017 (poster paper). |
318 |
Namtirtha, A., Gupta, S., Dutta, A, Dutta, B. and Coenen, F. |
Algorithm for Finding Influential User: Based on User's Information Diffusion Region. |
Proc. IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON'16), pp2734-2738. (WOS:000400378902190). |
317 |
Qian, R., Yue, Y., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. |
Traffic sign recognition using visual attribute learning and convolutional neural network. |
Proc. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, IEEE, pp386-391. |
316 |
Suhaimin, M.S.M., Hijazi, M.H.A, Alfred, R. and Coenen, F. |
Mechanism for Sarcasm Detection and Classification in Malay Social Media. |
Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computational Science and Technology,
Advanced Science Letters, Vol 24, Issue 2, pp1388-1392. (WOS:000432368000129) |
315 |
Coenen, F. |
Mining Satellite Images for Census Data Collection: A Study Using the Google Static Maps Service. |
Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Technology Research (ICITR'16), two pages. Summary of keynote address given at ICITR'16, Colombo, Sri-Lanka. |
2015 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
314 |
Yan, C., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. |
Driving posture recognition by convolutional neural networks. |
Computer Vision, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Vol 10, Issue 2, pp103-114, DOI:10.1049/iet-cvi.2015.0175. (WOS:000371642100001) |
313 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen F. and Zheng, Y. |
Data Mining for AMD Screening: A Classification Based Approach. |
International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science and Technology (IJSSST), Volume 15, Number 2, pp64-68. |
312 |
Abdullahi, F., Coenen, F. and Martin, R. |
Finding Banded Patterns in Data: The Banded Pattern Mining Algorithm. |
Proc. Data Warehousing and KDD (DaWaK 2015), Eds. Madria, E. and Hara, T.,
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, Springer LNCS, pp95-107 |
311 |
Alshdaifat, E., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Directed Acyclic Graph for Multi-Class Classification. |
Proc AI 2015, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII, Springer, pp43-57. |
310 |
Coenen, F., Atkinson, K., Goddard, P., Payne, T and Riley, L. |
Data Stream Mining with Limited Validation Opportunity: Towards Instrument Failure Prediction. |
Proc. Data Warehousing and KDD (DaWaK 2015), Eds. Madria, E. and Hara, T.,
Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, Springer LNCS, pp283-295.
(Slides.) |
309 |
Nohuddin, P.N.E., Coenen, F., Christley, R. anbd Sunayama, W. |
Visualisation of Trend Pattern Migrations in Network Data. |
Proc. 4th International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIXC'14), Springer LNCS, pp77-88. |
308 |
Qian, R., Yue, Y., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. |
Visual Attribute Classification Using Feature Selection and Convolutional Neural Network. |
Proc. 13th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2016), IEEE, pp649-653. (WOS:000406056300128) |
307 |
Qian, R., Zhang, B., Yue, Y. and Coenen, F. |
Traffic Sign Detection by Template Matching based on Multi-Level Chain Code Histogram. |
Proc. 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), IEEE, pp2400-2404. |
306 |
Qian, R., Zhang, B., Yue, Y., Wang, Z. and Coenen, F. |
Robust Chinese Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Network. |
Proc. 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), IEEE, pp791-796. |
305 |
Tufail, M., Coenen, F., Hurst, J. and Mu, T. |
Multi Agent Based Simulation using Movement Patterns Mined from Video Data. |
Proc. AI 2015, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII, Springer, pp275-287. |
304 |
Williams, R., Konev, B. and Coenen,F. |
Scalable Distributed Collaborative Tracking and Mapping withMicro Aerial Vehicles. |
Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015), Springer LNCS, pp3092-3097 |
303 |
Guan, C., Yuen, K.K.F. and Coenen, F. |
Towards An Intuitionistic Agglomerative Fuzzy Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Music Recommendation in Folksonomy. |
Proc. Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2015), IEEE, pp2039-2042. (WOS:000368940202022) |
302 |
Abdullahi, F., Coenen, F. and Martin, R. |
Finding Banded Patterns in Big Data Using Sampling. |
Proc. Advances in High Dimensional Big Data (AHDBD'15) workshop, IEEE Big Data conference, pp2233-2242. |
301 |
Yan, C., Coenen, F., Zhang, B. |
Multi-attributes Gait Identification by Convolutional Neural Networks. |
Proc 8th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP’15). pp642-647. (WOS:000380502000118) |
300 |
Yan, C., Jinag, H., Coenen, F. and Zhang, B. (2015). |
Recognizing driver inattention by convolutional neural networks. |
Proc. 8th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP’15). |
2014 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
299 |
Cao, L. Zeng, Y., An, B., Symeonidis, A.L., Gorodetsky, V., Coenen, F. and Yu, P.S. (Eds.) |
Proc. 10th International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction (ADMI 2014). |
Springer, LNCS 9145. |
298 |
Khan, M., Coenen, F. Dixon, C., El Salhi, S., Penalva, M. and Rivero, A. |
An Intelligent Process Model: Predicting Springback in Single Point Incremental Forming. |
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp1-12. (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6431-1) |
297 |
El Salhi, S., Coenen, F., Dixon C. and Khan, M. |
Predicting Springback Using 3D Surface Representation Techniques: A Case Study in Sheet Metal Forming. |
Journal of Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp79–93. |
296 |
Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Coenen, F., Xiao, J. and lu, W. |
One-Class Kernel Subspace Ensemble for Medical Image Classification. |
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol 2014:17, Article Number 88. (WOS:000363843900001) |
295 |
Yan, C., Coenen F. and Zhang, B. |
Driving Posture Recognition by Joint Application of Motion History Image and Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradients.. |
Int. Jo. of Vehicular Technology, vol. 2014, Article ID 719413, 11 pages. |
294 |
Abdullahi, F., Coenen, F. and Martin, R. |
A Novel Approach for Identifying Banded Patterns In Zero-One Data Using Column and Row Banding Scores. |
Proc. MLDM'14, Springer LNCS 8556, pp58-72. |
293 |
Abdullahi, F., Coenen, F. and Martin, R. |
A Scalable Algorithm for Banded Pattern Mining In Multi-Dimensional Zero-One Data. |
Proc. DaWaK'14, Springer LNCS 8646, pp345-356. |
292 |
Albarrak, A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Dictionary Learning-based Volumetric Image Classification for The Diagnosis of Age-related Macular Degeneration. |
Proc. MLDM'14, Springer LNCS 8556, pp272-284. (Nominated for best paper award.) |
291 |
Alshdaifat, E., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
A Multi-Path Strategy for Hierarchical Ensemble Classification. |
Proc. MLDM'14, Springer LNCS 8556, pp198-212. |
290 |
Alshukri, A. and Coenen, F. |
A Dynamic Approach To The Website Boundary Detection Problem Using Random Walks. |
Proc. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI'14), pp10–14.
('Photo) |
289 |
Alshukri, A., Coenen, F., Li, Y., Redfern A. and Wong P.W.H. |
A Framework for Brand Reputation Mining and Visualisation. |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems, Proc. AI 2014, Springer, pp301-315 |
288 |
Tongtep, N., Coenen, F. and Theeramunkong, T. |
Content-Based Readability Assessment: A Study Using A Syllabic Alphabetic Language (Thai). |
Proc. PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer LNCS 8862, pp863-870. |
287 |
Udomchaiporn, A., Coenen, F. García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. |
3-D MRI Brain Scan Classification of Epilepsy Versus Non-epilepsy. |
Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'14), London (9-11 July 2014), pp253-258. |
286 |
Udomchaiporn, A., Coenen, F. García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. |
3D MRI Brain Scan Classification Using A Point Series Based Representation. |
Proc. 16th International Conference of Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'14), pp.300-307. |
285 |
Williams, R., Konev, B. and Coenen, F. |
Multi-agent environment exploration with AR.Drones. |
Proc. 15th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems conference (TAROS'15), Springer LNCS 8717, pp60-71. |
284 |
Yan, C., Zhang, B. and Coenen, F. |
Driving Posture Recognition by a Hierarchal Classification System with Multiple Features. |
Proc. International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP), Dalian, China, pp83-88. |
283 |
Wen, Y. Coenen, F., Zitto, M. and Dittakan, K. |
Classification of 3D Surface Data Using The Concept of Vertex Unique Labelled Subgraphs. |
Proc. 9th International Workshop on Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining Submission,
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop. |
282 |
Tufall, M., Coenen F. and Mu, T. |
Mining Movement Patterns from Video Data to Inform Multi Agent Based Simulation. |
Proc. 10th International Workshop on Agents and
Data Mining Interaction (ADMI-14) hosted as part of the International Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2014). |
281 |
Salah, Z., Coenen F. and Grossi, D. |
Network Analysis of Parliamentary Debates: A Case Study on the UK House of Commons. |
First European Social Networks (EUSN) Conference, Barcelona, 1-4 July 2014.
(slides.) |
2013 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
280 |
Jiang, C., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. |
A Survey of Frequent Subgraph Mining Algorithms. |
Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol 28, Number 1, pp75-105. |
279 |
Vo, B., Coenen, F. and Le, B. |
A New Method for Mining Frequent Weighted Itemsets Based on WIT-trees. |
Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 40, No 4, pp1256-1264 |
278 |
Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Coenen, F. and Lu, W. |
Breast Cancer Diagnosis from Biopsy Images with Highly Reliable Random Subspace Classifier Ensembles. |
Machine Vision and Applications, Vol 24, pp1405-1420. (WOS:000324499000008) |
277 |
Albarrak, A., Coenen, F.and Zheng, Y. |
Classification of Volumetric Retinal Images Using Overlapping
Decomposition and Tree Analysis. |
Proc. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'13), pp11-16 (DOI: 10.1109/CBMS.2013.6627757). |
276 |
Albarrak, A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Age-related Macular Degeneration Identification In
Volumetric Optical Coherence Tomography Using Decomposition and Local Feature Extraction. |
Proc. Meduical Image, Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'13), pp59-64. |
275 |
Alshdaifat, E., Coenen, F. and Dures, K. |
Hierarchical Single Label classification: An Alternative Approach. |
Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, Proc. AI2013, Springer, pp39-52. |
274 |
Alshdaifat, E., Coenen F. and Dures, K. |
Hierarchical Classification for Solving Multi-class Problems: A New Approach Using Naive Bayesian Classification. |
Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.)
Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp493-504. |
273 |
Chua, S. and Coenen, F. |
An Inductive Rule Learning Technique for Text Mining in Questionnaires. |
Proc. 4th International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI'13), pp321-326. |
272 |
Dittakan, K., Coenen, F. and Christley, R. |
Satellite Image Mining for Census Collection: A Comparative Study With Respect to the Ethiopian Hinterland. |
Proc. Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM'13), Springer LNAI 7988, pp260-274. |
271 |
Dittakan, K., Coenen, F., Christley R. and Wardeh, M. |
Population Estimation Mining Using Satellite Imagery. |
Proc. Int. Conf. Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'13), Springer LNCS 8057, pp285-326 |
270 |
Dittakan, K., Coenen, F., Christley R. and Wardeh, M. |
A Comparative Study of Three Image Representations for Population Estimation Mining Using Remote Sensing Imagery. |
Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.)
Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp253-264. |
269 |
El Salhi, S., Coenen, F., Dixon C. and Khan, M. |
Predicting Features in Complex 3D Surfaces Using a Point Series Representation: A Case Study in Sheet Metal Forming. |
Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.)
Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp505-515.
(Slides.) |
268 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Age-related Macular Degeneration Screening Using Data Mining Approaches. |
Proc. 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation (AIMS'13), IEEE, pp299-303 |
267 |
Le, T., Vo, B. and Coenen, F, |
An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Erasable Itemsets Using the Difference of NC-Sets. |
Proc. of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'13), IEEE, pp2270-2274. |
266 |
Salah, Z., Coenen, F., Grossi, M. |
Extracting Debate Graphs from Parliamentary Transcripts: A Study Directed at UK House of Commons Debates. |
Proc. Int. Conf. on AI and Law (ICAIL'13), ACM Press, pp121-130. |
265 |
Salah, Z., Coenen, F. and Grossi, D. |
Generating Domain-Specific Sentiment Lexicons for Opinion Mining. |
Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.)
Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp13-24. |
264 |
Udomchaiporn, A., Coenen, F. García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. |
3-D MRI Brain Scan Feature Classification Using an Oct-tree Representation. |
Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.)
Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp229-240. |
263 |
Vo, B., Le, T., Coenen, F. and Hong, T-P. |
A Hybrid Approach for Mining Frequent Itemsets. |
Proc. of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'13), IEEE, pp4647-4651. |
262 |
Wang, Y.J., Di, G., Yu, J., Lei, J. and Coenen, F. |
Feature Preparation for Customer Attrition Risk Prediction in Retail Banking. |
Proc. Int. Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM'13), Springer LNAI 7987, pp229-238. |
261 |
Yu, W., Coenen, F., Zito, M and Salhi, S. |
Minimal Vertex Unique Labelled Subgraph Mining. |
Proc. Int. Conf. Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'13), Springer LNCS 8057, pp317-326. (Slides) |
260 |
Yu, W., Coenen, F., Zito, M and Salhi, S. |
Vertex Unique Labelled Subgraph Mining. |
Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, Proc. AI2013, Springer, pp21-38. (Slides.) |
259 |
Yu, W., Coenen F. and Zito, M. |
Vertex Unique Labelled Subgraph Mining for Vertex Label Classification. |
Motoda, H., Wu, Z., Cao L., Zaiane, O., Yao, M. and Wang, W. (Eds.)
Proc. 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'13), Part 1, Springer, LNAI 8346, pp542-553.
(Slides.) |
258 |
Agiriga, E., Coenen, F., Hurst J., and Kowalsk, D. |
A Multiagent Based Framework for the Simulation of Mammalian Behaviour |
Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, Proc. AI2013, Springer, pp435-442 (short paper). |
257 |
Salah, Z., Coenen, F., Grossi, M. |
A Data Mining Approach to Extracting Debate graphs. |
In Atkinson, K., Prakken, H. and Wyner, A. (Eds.), From Knowledge Representation to Argumentation in AI,
Law and Policy Making: A Festschrift in Honour of Trevor Bench-Capon on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, pp79-96.
(Slides) |
2012 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
256 |
Zheng, Y., Hijazi, M.H.A. and Coenen, F. |
Automated "Disease/No Disease" Grading of Age-Related Macular Degeneration by an Image Mining Approach. |
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, December 2012, Volume 53, Issue 13, pp8310-8318. (WOS:000313056000054) |
255 |
Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. |
A Framework for Multi-Agent Based Clustering. |
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol 25, No 3, pp425-446. |
254 |
Garcia-Constantino, M., Coenen, F., Noble, P-J., Radford, A. |
A Semi-Automated Approach to Building Text Summarisation Classifiers. |
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol 6, No 4, pp7-23. |
253 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Data Mining Techniques for The Screening of Age-Related
Macular Degeneration. |
Journal of Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 29, May, pp83-92. (Extended version of AI'2010 paper.) ( WOS:000302820800010) |
252 |
Khan, M.S., Coenen, F., Dixon, C. and El-Salhi, S.
| Classification Based 3-D Surface Analysis: Predicting Springback in Sheet Metal Forming. |
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol 6, No 2, pp45-59. |
251 |
Nohuddin, P.N.E., Christley, R., Coenen, F., Patel, Y., Setzkorn, C., Williams, S. |
Finding "Interesting" Trends in Social Networks Using Frequent Pattern Mining and Self
Organizing Maps. |
Journal of Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 29, May, pp104-113. (Extended version of AI'2010 paper.) |
250 |
Nohuddin, P.N.E., Sunayama, W., Christley, R., Coenen, F. and Setzkorn, C. |
Trend Mining in Social Networks: From Trend Identification to Visualisation. |
Expert Systems: Special issue on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol 31, No 5, pp457-468.
(Extended version of AI'2011 paper.) |
249 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F. |
Multi-agent Based Classification Using Argumentation From Experience |
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol 25, No 3, pp447-474. |
248 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F. |
PISA: A Framework for Multiagent Classification Using Argumentation. |
Journal of Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol 75, May, 34-57. |
247 |
Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. |
Region Of Interest Based Image Classification: A Study in MRI Brain Scan Categorization. |
In Karahoca, A. (Ed.), Data Mining Applications in Engineering and Medicine, InTech - Open Science, Slavka Krautzeka, Croatia, pp225-248. |
246 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Image Mining Approaches for The Screening of Age-Related Macular Degeneration. |
In Wahler C, Wilkinson L (Eds.), Retinopathy: New research, Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge, N.Y. |
245 |
Albarrak, A., Coenen, F., Zheng, Y, and Yu, W. |
Volumetric Image Mining Based on Decomposition and
Graph Analysis: An Application to Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography. |
Proc. 13th International Symposium onComputational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI'12), IEEE, Budapest, Hungary, pp263-268. |
244 |
Dittakan, K., Coenen, F. and Christley, R. |
Towards The Collection of Census Data From Satellite Imagery Using Data Mining: A Syudy With Respect to the Ethiopian Hinterland. |
Proc. AI 2012. Springer, pp405-418. |
243 |
Garcia-Constantino, M., Coenen, F., Noble, P-J., Radford, A. and Setzkorn, C. |
A Semi-Automated Approach to Building Text Summarisation Classifiers. |
Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM'12), Springer LNAI 7376, pp495-509. |
242 |
Garcia-Constantino, M., Coenen, F., Noble, P-J., Radford, A. and Setzkorn, C. |
Questionnaire Free Text Summarisation Using Hierarchical Classification. |
Proc. AI 2012. Springer, pp35-48. |
241 |
Khan, M.S., Coenen, F., Dixon, C. and El-Salhi, S. |
Finding Correlations Between 3-D Surfaces: A Study In Asymmetric Incremental Sheet Forming. |
Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM'12), Springer LNAI 7376, pp366-379. |
240 |
Salhi, S., Coenen, F., Dixon, C., Khan, M. |
Identification of correlations between 3D surfaces using Data mining techniques: Predicting Springback in Sheet Metal Forming. |
Proc. AI 2012. Springer, Cambridge, pp391-404. |
239 |
Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Coenen F. and Lu, W. |
Highly Reliable Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Cascaded Ensemble Classifiers. |
Proc. International Joint Conference Neural Networks (IJCNN’12), IEEE, pp1-8 (ISSN: 2161-4393). |
238 |
Nohuddin, P.N.E, Coenen, F., Christley, R. and Sunayama, W. |
Identification and Visualisation of Pattern Migrations in Big Network Data. |
Proc. Trends in Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2012), Springer, LNCS 7458, pp883-886. |
2011 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
237 |
Elsayed, A., Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M., Sluming, V.
and Zheng, Y. |
Classification of MRI Brain Scan Data Using Shape Criteria |
Annals of the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA), Vol 2011, No 6, pp1-14. |
236 |
Coenen, F. |
Data Mining: Past, Present and
Future. |
Knowledge Engineering Review, 26(1), pp25-29.
(Most full-text views across all KER papers published in 2010 and 2011:
1080 full-text views in the 24 months to 31-12-2011, next most viewed paper had only
235 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F. |
Arguing from Experience Using Multiple Groups of Agents. |
Argument and Computation, Vol 2, No 1, pp51-76. |
234 |
Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M., Coenen, F., Reid, D. and Tawfik, H. |
Finding Associations in Composite Data
Sets: The CFARM Algorithm. |
Int. Jo. of Data Warehousing and Mining, 7(3), pp1-29. |
233 |
Wang. W., Wang Y, Bañares-Alcántara, R., Cui, Z and Coenen, F. |
A Comparative Study of Using CARM
Approaches in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Analysis. |
In Senthil Kumar, A.V. (Ed.), Knowledge Discovery Practices and Emerging Applications
of Data Mining:
Trends and New Domains, IGI Global, Hershey (PA), USA, pp223-243. |
232 |
Agiriga,E., Coenen, F. Hurst, J., Beynon, R. and Kowlaski, D. |
Towards Large-Scale Multi-Agent Based Rodent Simulation: The ``Mice In A Box'' Scenario. |
In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. and Nolle, L. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII
(Proc. of AI'2011), Springer, pp369-384. |
231 |
Alshukri, A., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. |
Incremental Web-Site Boundary Detection Using Random Walks. |
Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM'11), Springer LNCS, pp414-427. |
230 |
Alshukri, A., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. |
Web-Site Boundary Detection Using Incremental Random Walk Clustering. |
In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. and Nolle, L. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII
(Proc. of AI'2011), Springer, pp255-268. |
229 |
Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. |
A Multi-Agent Based Approach To Clustering: Harnessing The
Power of Agents. |
Proc. 7th int. workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction, Springer LNCS 5980, pp103-114. |
228 |
Chua, S. Coenen, F. and Malcolm, G. |
Using Negation and Phrases in Inducing Rules for Text Classification. |
In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. and Nolle, L. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII
(Proc. of AI'2011), Springer, pp153-166. |
227 |
Elsayed, A., Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M., Sluming, V.
and Zheng, Y. |
Time Series Case Based Reasoning for Image Categorisation. |
Proc. ICCBR'11, Springer LNCS, pp423-436. |
226 |
Garcia-Constantino, M., Coenen, F., Noble, P-J., Radford, A., Setzkorn, C. and Tierney, A. |
An Investigation Concerning the Generation of Text
Summarisation Classifiers using Secondary Data. |
Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM'11), Springer LNCS 6871, pp387-398. |
225 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Image Classification for Age-related Macular Degeneration Screening using Hierarchical
Image Decompositions and Graph Mining. |
Proc. ECML PKDD 2011,Springer LNAI6912, pp65-80 (Slides).
224 |
Nohuddin, P.N.E., Sunayama, W., Christley, R., Coenen, F. and Setzkorn, C. |
Trend Mining and Visualisation in Social Networks. |
In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. and Nolle, L. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII,
(Proc. of AI'2011), Springer, pp269-282.
Winner of The 2011 British Computer Society Specialist Group on AI (BCS-SGAI) Prize for Best
Paper with Student as the First Author. |
223 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T., Coenen, F. and Wyner, A. |
Multiagent Based Classification
Using Argumentation From Experience. |
Proc. PAKDD 2011, Springer LNCS 6635, pp357-369. |
222 |
Chua, S., Coenen, F. and Malcom, G. |
Rule Learning with Negation for Text
Classification. |
In Poster Proceedings, MLDM'11, ibai-publisging, pp1-14. |
221 |
Zheng, Y.Hijazi, M.H.A. and Coenen, F. |
Automated Grading of Age-Related Macular
Degeneration by an Image Mining Approach. |
Proc. ARVO 2011. |
220 |
Zheng, Y., Hijazi, M.H.A. and Coenen, F. |
Automated Grading of Age-Related Macular
Degeneration by an Image Mining Approach. |
Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Vol 52, pp6568 (Abstract of ARVO paper). |
219 |
Dixon, C., Coenen, F. and Khan, M. |
The Application of AI Techniques to Deformation in Metal Manufacturing. |
In Miller, A. and Kirwan, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Automated Reasoning,
University of Glasgow, Department of Computing Science Tech Report, pp17-18. |
218 |
Albarrak A, Coenen F and Zheng, Y. |
Identifying Age-related Macular Degeneration In Volumetric Retinal Images. |
Proc. Ophthalmic Image Analysis Workshop, University of , pp53-58. |
2010 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
217 |
Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., Jiang, C., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. |
Corpus Callosum MR Image Classification. |
Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 23(4), Oct. 2010, pp330-336. (reprint of AI'2009 paper.) |
216 |
Jiang, C., Coenen, F., Sanderson, R. and Zito, M. |
Text Classification using Graph Mining-Based Feature
Extraction. |
Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 23(4), Oct. 2010, pp302-308. (reprint of AI'2009 paper). |
215 |
Khan, M.S., Coenen, F., Reid, D., Tawfik, H., Patel, R. and Lawson, A. |
A Sliding Windows based Dual Support Framework for Discovering Emerging Trends from
Temporal Data. |
Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 23(4), Oct. 2010, pp316-322. (reprint of AI'2009 paper). |
214 |
Alshukri, A., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. |
WWW Site Boundary Detection. |
Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp529-543.
(Pics.) |
213 |
Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. |
Best Clustering Configuration Metrics: Towards
Multiagent Based Clustering. |
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'10), Part 1, Springer
LNAI, pp48-59.
(Slides.) |
212 |
Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. |
Clustering in a Multi-Agent Data Mining
Environment. |
Proc. Int. Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction
(ADMI'2010), colocated with AMAS'10, Springer LNCS 5980, pp103-114. |
211 |
Chaimontree, S., Atkinson, K. and Coenen, F. |
Multi-Agent Based Clustering: Towards Generic
Multi-Agent Data Mining. |
Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp115-127.
(Pics.) |
210 |
Chua, S., Coenen, F. and Malcom, G. |
Classification Inductive Rule Learning with Negated
Features. |
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'10), Part 1, Springer LNAI,
(Slides.) |
209 |
Chua, S., Coenen, F. and Malcom, G. |
Rule Learning With Negation: Issues Regarding
Effectiveness. |
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP'10), IFIP, pp193-202. |
208 |
Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. |
Region of Interest Based Image Categorization |
Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'10), Springer
LNCS 6263, pp239-250.
(Includes a copuple of very minor corrections to the original published verssion.) |
207 |
Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. |
Region Of Interest Based Image Classification Using Time
Series Analysis. |
Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Network (Special Session on Soft Computing in Medical
part of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'10), pp3465-3470.
(Includes a copuple of very minor corrections to the original published verssion.) |
206 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Retinal Image Classification using a Histogram Based
Approach. |
Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Network (Special Session on Soft Computing
in Medical Imaging),
part of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'10), pp3501-3507. |
205 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Image Classification using Histograms and Time Series
A Study of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Screening in Retina Image Data. |
Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp197-209.
(Pics.) |
204 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
Retinal Image Classification for the
Screening of Age-related Macular Degeneration. |
Proc AI-2010, The 30th BCS-SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and
Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
Springer, London, pp325-338. |
203 |
Jiang, C., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. |
Finding Frequent Subgraphs in Longitudinal Social Network Data Using A Weighted Graph
Mining Approach. |
Proc 6th Int. Conf. Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'10), Part 1, Springer LNAI, pp405-416.
(Pics.) |
202 |
Jiang, C., Coenen, F. and Zito, M. |
Frequent Sub-graph Mining on Edge Weighted Graphs. |
Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'10), Springer LNCS 6263, pp77-88. |
201 |
Nohuddin, P.N.E, Christley, R., Coenen, F., Patel, Y., Setzkorn, C. and Williams, S. |
Frequent Pattern Trend Analysis in Social Networks. |
Proc 6th Int. Conf. Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'10), Part 1, Springer LNAI, pp358-369.
(Slides.) |
200 |
Nohuddin, P.N.E., Coenen, F., Christley, R. and Setzkorn, C. |
Trend Mining in Social Networks: A Study Using A Large
Cattle Movement Database. |
Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp464-475.
(Pics.) |
199 |
Nohuddin, P., Christley, B., Coenen, F. and Setzkorn, C |
Deteccting Temporal Pattern and Cluster Changes in Social Networks:
A study focusing UK Cattle Movement Database. |
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Processing (IIP'10), IFIP, pp163-172. |
198 |
Nohuddin, P.N.E., Christley, R., Coenen, F., Patel, Y., Setzkorn, C., Williams, S. |
Social Network Trend Analysis Using Frequent Pattern Mining and
Self Organizing Maps. |
Proc. AI'2010. Springer London, pp311-324. |
197 |
Somaraki, V., Broadbent, D., Coenen, F. and Harding, S. |
Finding Temporal Patterns in Noisy Longitudinal Data:
A Study in Diabetic Retinopathy. |
Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp418-431.
(Pics.) |
196 |
Wang, W., Bañares-Alcántara, R., Cui, Z., Wang, Y.J. and Coenen, F. |
An Association Rule-based CLIPS Program for Interactive
Prediction of MSC Differentiation in vitro. |
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010), Vol 2, pp406-410. |
195 |
Wang, Y.J., Li, F. Coenen, F. Sanderson, R. and Xin, Q. |
Hybrid DIAAF/RS: Statistical Textual Feature Selection
for Language-independent Text Classification. |
Proc. 10th Ind. Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNAI 6171, pp222-236.
(Slides.) |
194 |
Wardeh, M., Coenen, F. and Bench-Capon, T. |
Arguing in Groups. |
In Computational Models of Argument, Proc. COMMA'10, IOS Press, pp475-486.
Pics.) |
193 |
Somaraki, V., Broadbent, D., Coenen, F. and Harding, S. |
SOMA: A Proposed Framework for Tend Mining in Large UK
Diabetic Retinopathy Temporal Databases. |
Proc. AI'2010. Springer London, pp285-290 (Poster). |
192 |
Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M. and Sluming, V. |
MRI Brain Scan Classification According to The Nature of The Corpus Callosum. |
Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'10), pp19-23. |
191 |
Elsayed, A., Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F., García-Fiñana, M., Sluming, V. and Zheng, Y. |
Image Categorisation Using Time Series Case
Based Reasoning. |
Proc. of 15th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, pp2-11, BCS-SGAI. |
2009 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
190 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F. |
PADUA: A Protocol for Argumentation Dialogue Using
Association Rules. |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer, pp183-215. |
189 |
Wang. W., Wang Y, Bañares-Alcántara, R., Coenen, F. and Cui, Z. |
Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation InVitro Using Classification
Assocuation Rule ining.
| Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB),
Imperial College Press, Vol 7, No 6, pp905-930. |
188 |
Albashiri, K.A., Coenen, F. and Leng, P. |
EMADS: An Extendible Multi-Agent Data Miner. |
Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 22(7), Oct. 2009, pp523-528. (reprint of AI'2008 paper.)
Winner of The 2008 British Computer Society Specialist Group on AI
(BCS-SGAI) Prize for Best Paper with Student as the First Author. |
187 |
Coenen, F., Leng, P., Pagourtzis A., Rytter, W. and Souliou, D. |
Improved Methods for
Extracting Frequent Itemsets from Interim-Support Trees. |
Journal of Software: Practice and Experience, 39(6), pp551-571. |
186 |
Albashiri, K.A. and Coenen, F.P. |
The EMADS Extendible Multi-Agent Data Mining Framework. |
In Cao, Longbing (Ed.), Data Mining and Multiagent Integration, Springer,
ISBN: 978-1-4419-0521-5, pp189-200. |
185 |
Muyeba, M., Khan, M.S. and Coenen, F.P. (2009) |
Effective Mining of Weighted Fuzzy
Association Rules. |
In Koh, Y.S. and Rountree, N. (Eds.), Rare Association Rule Mining and
Knowledge Discovery: Technologies for Infrequent and Critical Event
Detection, Data Mining and Multiagent Integration, IGI Global, Hershey (PA), USA. ISBN: 978-1-60566-754-6. |
184 |
Albashiri, K.A. and Coenen, F.P. |
An investigation into the issues of Multi-Agent Data Mining. |
In Bouça, D. and Gafagnão, A. (Eds.), Agent Based Comnputing, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge,
NY, USA, Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-60876-684-0. |
183 |
Wang, Y.J., Coenen, F. and Sanderson, R. |
A Hybrid Statistical Data Pre-processing Approach for
Language-independent Text Classification. |
In R. Huang, Q. Yang, J. Pei, J. Gama, X. Meng, and X. Li (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2009), Springer
Springer LNCS 5678, ISBN: 978-3-642-03347-6, pp338-349.
(Slides.) |
182 |
Wardeh, M., Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T. |
Arguing From Experience Approach to Classifying
Noisy Data. |
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK'09), Springer LNCS 5691,
ISSN 0302-9743, pp354-365. (Slides.) |
181 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. |
Multi-Party Argument from Experience. |
Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on ARGumentation in
Multi-AgentSystems (ARGMAS'09), colocated with AMAS'09, pp207-224. |
180 |
Albashiri, K.A. and Coenen, F.P. |
Agent-Enriched Data Mining Using
an Extendable Framework. |
Proc. Int Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction
(ADMI'2009), colocated with AMAS'09, pp89-106. |
179 |
Albashiri, K.A. and Coenen, F.P. |
A Generic and Extendable
Multi-Agent Data-Mining Framework. |
Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems
(HAIS'2009), Springer LNAI 5572, pp203-210. |
178 |
Baqueiro, O., Wang, Y.J., McBurney, P. and Coenen, F. |
Integrating Data Mining and
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation. |
Proc. ibia Industrial Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNCS 5633, ISBN 978-3-642-03066-6,
pp220-231. |
177 |
Wang, W., Wang, Y.J., Bañares-Alcántara, R., Cui, Z. and Coenen, F. |
Application of
Classification Association Rule Mining for Mammalian Mesenchymal Stem
Cell Differentiation. |
Proc. ibia Industrial Conf. on Data Mining, Springer LNCS 5633, ISBN 978-3-642-03066-6,
pp51-61. (Slides.) |
176 |
Muyeba, M., Khan, M.S. and Coenen, F.P. |
Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule
Mining with Weighted Support and Confidence Framework. |
In Chawla et al (Eds.), New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining,
Springer LNAI5433, pp49-61. (Revised and updated version of Information
Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2008) workshop paper,
colocated with PAKDD 2008. |
175 |
Muyeba, M., Khan, M.S. and Coenen, F.P. |
A Framework for Mining Fuzzy
Association Rules from Composite Items. |
In Chawla et al (Eds.), New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining,
Springer LNAI5433, pp62-74. (Revised and updated version of Information
Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2008) workshop paper,
colocated with PAKDD 2008. |
174 |
Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., Jiang, C., García-Fiñana, M. ana Sluming, V. |
Corpus Callosum MR Image Classification. |
Proc. AI'2009. Springer London, pp333-348. Winner of the Best Application Paper Prize. |
173 |
Jiang, C., Coenen, F., Sanderson, R. and Zito, M. |
Text Classification using Graph Mining-Based Feature Extraction. |
Proc. AI'2009. Springer London, pp21-34. |
172 |
Khan, M.S., Coenen, F., Reid, D., Patel, R. and Lawson, A. |
A Sliding Windows based Dual Support Framework for Discovering Emerging Trends from
Temporal Data . |
Proc. AI'2009. Springer London, pp35-48. (Slides.) |
171 |
Hijazi, M.H.A., Coenen, F. and Zheng, Y. |
A Histogram Based Approach to Screening of Age-related Macular
Degeneration. |
Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA'09), pp154-158. (Poster.) |
170 |
Wang. W., Bañares-Alcántara, R., Cui, Z., Wang Y. and Coenen, F. |
Construction and Application of a
Public-Domain Mesenchymal Stem Cell Database. |
Proc. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, p78 (abstract only). |
169 |
Elsayed, A., Coenen, F., Jiang, C., García-Fiñana, M. ana Sluming, V. |
Segmentation for Medical Image Mining: A Technical
Report. |
University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science
Tech. Rep. ULCS-09-016. |
2008 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
168 |
Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Petridis, M. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXV. |
Springer, London. |
167 |
Wang, Y.J., Xin, Q., Coenen, F.P. |
Hybrid Rule Ordering in
Classification Association Rule Mining. |
Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining in
Pattern Recognition, ibai-Publisbhing, pp1-16. |
166 |
Wang, Y.J., Xin, Q., Coenen, F.P. |
Efficiently Mining Significant
Classification Association Rules. |
In Lin T.Y., Wasilewska A., Petry F., Xie Y (Eds.), Data Mining:
Foundations and Practice, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-78487-6,
pp443-468. |
165 |
Wang, Y.J., Zheng, X., Coenen, F.P. |
Mining Allocating Patterns in
Investment Portfolios. |
In Rahman, H. (Ed.), Data Mining Applications for Empowering Knowledge
Societies, ICI Global (Information Science Reference),
ISBN 978-1-59904-657-0, pp110-135. |
164 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. |
Arguments from Experience: The PADUA
Protocol. |
Proc. COMputational Models of Argument, COMMA'2008, IOS press, pp
405-416. |
163 |
Albashiri, K.A., Coenen, F. and Leng, P. |
Agent Based Frequent Set
Meta Mining: Introducing EMADS. |
Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II, Proc. IFIP'2008,
Springer, pp23-32 (Slides).
162 |
Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F. |
Mining Fuzzy Association Rules from
Composite Items. |
Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II, Proc. IFIP'2008,
Springer, pp67-76 (Slides). |
161 |
Albashiri, K.A., Coenen, F. and Leng, P. |
EMADS: An Extendible Multi-Agent Data Miner. |
Proc. AI'2008, Springer, London, pp263-276. Winner of The 2008 British Computer Society Specialist Group on AI
(BCS-SGAI) Prize for "Best Paper with Student as the First Author".
160 |
Jiang, C. and Coenen, F. |
Graph-based Image Classification by Weighting Scheme. |
Proc. AI'2008, Springe, London, pp63-76. |
159 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. |
PISA - Pooling Information from
Several Agents: Multiplayer Argumentation From Experience. |
Proc. AI'2008, Springer, London, pp133-146. |
158 |
Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F. |
Weightesd Association Rule Mining
with Binary and Fuzzy Data. |
In Advances in Data Mining. Medical Applications, E-Commerce,
Marketing, and Theoretical Aspects, proc. Ind. Conf. on Data Mining
(Leipzig), LNCS 5077, pp200-212. |
157 |
Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F. |
A Weighted Utility Framework for
Mining Association Rules. |
Computer Modelling and Simulation. IEEE, pp87-92
(slides). |
156 |
Wang, Y.J. Coenen, F.P. et al. |
Document-base Extraction
for Single-label Text Classification. |
Proc. DaWaK'08, 10th Int. Conf. on Data Ware Housing
and Knowledge Discovery, LNCS 5182, pp357-367
(Slides). |
155 |
Wang, Y,J., Zheng, X., Coenen, F. and Li, C.Y. |
Mining Allocating Patterns in
One-sum Weighted Items. |
ICDM Foundations of DataMining Workshop. IEEE, pp592-598. (Slides.) |
154 |
Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F.P. |
A Framework for Mining
Fuzzy Association Rules from Composite Items. |
Proc. 1st Int Workshop on Algorithms for Large-Scale
Information Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2008), held in
conjunction with PAKDD 2008 (Japan), pp65-77.
(Slides). |
153 |
Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F.P. |
Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule
Mining with Weighted Support and Confidence Framework. |
Proc. 1st Int Workshop on Algorithms for Large-Scale
Information Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2008), held in
conjunction with PAKDD 2008 (Japan), pp52-64.
slides. |
152 |
Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M. and Coenen, F.P. |
On Extraction of Nutritional
Patterns (NPs) Using Fuzzy Association Rule Mining. |
Proc. International Conference on Health
Informatics (healthInf 2008), Vol. 1. INSTICC press, pp34-42. |
151 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. |
Argument Based Moderation of Benefit Assessment. |
Proc. JURIX'08 (21st International Conference
on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems), IOS press, pp128-137. |
2007 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
150 |
Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Petridis, M. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIV. |
Springer, London. |
149 |
Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
The Effect of Threshold Values
on Association Rule Based Classification Accuracy. |
Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering.
Vol. 60, Num. 2 (February 2007), pp345-360. |
148 |
Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Sanderson, R. and Wang, Y.J. |
Statistical Identification
of Key Phrases for Text Classification. |
Proc. MLDM'2007, LNAI 4571, Springer, pp.838-853.
(Pics.) |
147 |
Wang, Y.J., Xin, Q. and Coenen, F.P. |
A Novel Rule Ordering
Approach in Classification Association Rule Mining. |
Proc. MLDM'2007, LNAI 4571, Springer, pp339-348.
(Pics.) |
146 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. |
PADUA Protocol: Strategies and
Tactics. |
Proc. ECSQARU 2007, 9th European Conf. on Symbolic and
Quantitative Approaches to Reasonong with Uncertainty, LNAI 4724,
(Pics.) |
145 |
Albashiri, K.A., Coenen, F.P., Sanderson, R. and Leng. P. |
Frequent Set Meta Mining: Towards Multi-Agent Data
Mining. |
In Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII., Springer, London,
(proc. AI'2007), pp139-151.
(Pics.) |
144 |
Wardeh, M., Bench-Capon, T. and Coenen, F.P. |
Dynamic Rule Mining for Argumentation Based Systems. |
In Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Petridis, M. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII., Springer, London,
(proc. AI'2007), pp65-78.
(Pics.) |
143 |
Wang J., Xin Q. and Coenen, F.P. |
A Novel Rule Weighting Approach in
Classification Association Rule Mining. |
In: Tung, A.K.H., Zhu, Q., Ramakrishnan, N., Zaiane, O.R., Shi, Y.,
Clifton, C.W., and Wu, X. (Eds.): Workshops Proceedings of the 7th IEEE
Int. Conf. on Data Minining, pp. 271-276. (Presented at ICSM'07
Workshop on "Optimization-based Data Mining Techniques with
Applications"), (Extended version available as University
of , Department of Computer Science
Tech. Rep. ULCS-07-020). |
142 |
Coenen, F.P. |
Association Rule Mining in The
Wider Context of Text, Images and Graphs. |
Proc. 3rd UK Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Symosium
(UKKDD'7), pp1-6.
(Slides) |
141 |
Khan, M.S., Muyeba, M., Tjortjis, C. and Coenen, F.P. |
An effective fuzzy health rule
mining algorithm. |
Proc. 7thAnnual Workshop on Computational Intelligence,
University of Aberdeen. |
140 |
Patel, R., Coenen, F.P., Martin, R. and Archer, L. |
Reverse Engineering of
Web Applications: A Technical Review. |
University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science
Tech. Rep. ULCS-07-017. |
139 |
Coenen, F.P. |
Association Rule Mining in The Wider Context of Text, Images
and Graphs. |
Expert Update, Vol 9, No3, pp5-9. (Reprint of UKKDD-07 paper) |
2006 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
138 |
Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Tuson, A. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII. |
Springer, London. |
137 |
Ahmed, S., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Tree-based Partitioning of Data for
Association Rule Mining. |
Knowledge and Information Systems Journal, Vol 10, Num. 3
(October, 2006), pp315-331. |
136 |
Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Partitioning Strategies for
Association Rule Mining. |
The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 21, Issue 1 (March 2006),
pp25-47. |
135 |
Craker, B. and Coenen, F.P. |
The Knowledge
Bazaar. |
Journal of Knowldge Based Systems, Vol. 19, Issue 5 (September 2006),
pp341-347. (Reprint of
AI2005 paper). |
134 |
Zhang, L., Coenen, F.P., Huang, W., Leng, P. |
Towards an Agent-Based
Framework for Online After-Sale Services. |
Proc. IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems. IEEE E-proceedings:
06EX1304C. ISBN: 1-4244-0196-8. |
133 |
Wang, Y.J., Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Sanderson R. |
Text Classification using
Language Independent Pre-processing. |
In Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Tuson, A. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII., Springer, London,
pp393-397. (AI'2006 poster paper). |
2005 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
132 |
Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Allen, T. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXII. |
Springer, London. |
131 |
Coenen, F.P. (Ed.) |
Proceedings of the first UK
Knowledge Discovery in Data Symposium. |
Department of Computer Science, The University of Liverpool. |
130 |
Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Zhang, L. |
Threshold Tuning for
Improved Classification Association Rule Mining. |
Proceeding PAKDD 2005, LNAI3158, Springer, pp216-225.
(Slides.) |
129 |
Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Obtaining Best
Parameter Values for Accurate Classification |
Proc. ICDM'2005, IEEE, pp597-600. (Long Version,
Slides.) |
128 |
Coenen, F.P. Leng, P., Pagourtzis, A., Rytter, W. and Souliou, D. |
Improved Methods for Extracting
Frequent Itemsets from Interim Support Trees. |
Proc. AI'2005, Springer, London, pp263-276. |
127 |
Craker, B. and Coenen, F.P. |
The Knowledge
Bazaar. |
Proc. AI'2005, Springer, London, pp37-49. |
126 |
Wang, Y.J., Qin, X. and Coenen, F.P. |
Selection of Significant Rules in Classification Association
Rule Mining. |
Proc. of ICDM workshop on Foundations of Semantic Oriented Data and
Web Mining, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada, pp106-108. |
2004 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
125 |
Coenen, F.P., Preece, A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI. |
Springer, London. |
123 |
Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Ahmed, S. |
Structures for association Rule Mining: T-trees and P-trees. |
IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 16, No 6,
pp774-778. |
124 |
Coenen, F.P. Leng, P., and Goulbourne, G. |
Tree Structures for Mining Association Rules. |
Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol 8, No 1, pp25-51. |
122 |
Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
An Evaluation of Approaches to
Classification Rule Selection. |
In Rastogi, R., Morik, K., Bramer, B. and Wu, X (Eds.), Proc
4th IEEE Int Conf on
Data Mining (ICDM 2004), IEEE Press, pp359-362.
Long version. |
121 |
Ahmed, S., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
A Tree Partitioning Method for Memory Management in Association Rule
Mining. |
In Kambayashi, Y., Mohania, M. and Woll, W. (Eds.) Data Warehousing and Knowledge
Discovery, (Proc DAWAK 2004 conference, Zaragosa), September 2004:
LNCS 3181, Springer, pp331-340. |
2003 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
120 |
Bramer, M., Preece, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XX. |
Springer, London. |
119 |
Macintosh, A., Ellis, R. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) |
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XI. |
Springer, London. |
118 |
Zhang, L, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Setting Attribute Weights for k-NN Based Binary Classification via
Quadratic Programming. |
Journal of Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol 7, No 5, pp427-441. |
117 |
Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Ahmed, S. |
T-Trees, Vertical Partitioning
and Distributed Association Rule Mining.
| Proc. ICDM-2003, pp513-516. (Slides). |
116 |
Ahmed, S., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Strategies for Partitioning
Data in Association Rule Mining. |
In Coenen, F.P., Preece, A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Intelligent Systems XXI, Springer, London, pp127-140. |
115 |
Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Using Domain Knowledge to Boost Case-Based Diagnosis: An
Experimental Study in a Domain with Very Poor Data Quality. |
In Bramer, M., Ellis, R. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.), Applications and
Innovations in Intelligent Systems X1, Springer, London, pp137-152. |
114 |
Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Can Domain Knowledge Help Case Based Diagnosis? |
Expert Update 6(2), p14-20. (Reprint of refereed paper presented at
UK-CBR Workshop 2002). |
113 |
Coenen, F.P. |
BCS-SGAI Workshop Report: State-of-the-Art Natural language
Processing (NLP) Systems. |
Expert Update, Vol 6, No 3. |
2002 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
112 |
Bramer, M., Preece, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XIX. |
Springer, London. |
111 |
Macintosh, A., Ellis, R. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) |
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems X. |
Springer, London. |
110 |
Zhang, L., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Optimal Feature Weight Setting in Case Based Diagnosis as Linear
Programming Problems. |
Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 15(7) Sept. 2002. pp391-398. |
109 |
Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
An attribute Weight
Setting Method for K-NN Based Binary Classification using Quadratic
Programming. |
In van Harmelen, F. (Ed.), Proceedings ECAI 2002, Lyon. France (July 2002).
pp325-329. |
108 |
Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Association Rules With Some Very Frequent Attributes. |
In "Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge discovery", eds Elomaa, T.,
Mannila, H. and Toivonen, H., Proc PKDD 2002 Conference, Helsinki,
August 2002: Lecture Notes in AI 2431, Springer-Verlag: 99-111. |
107 |
Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
An Experimental
Study of Increasing Diversity for Case-Based Diagnosis. |
In Craw, S. and Preece, A.D. (Eds.), Advances in Case-Based Reasoning,
6tht European Conference (ECCBR 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2416. Springer 2002, pp448-459. |
106 |
Devlin, M., Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. |
Teaching Java in an On-line
Degree Programme: A Case Study. |
Presented at the 6tht Annual Java and the Internet in the Computing
Curriculum Conference, University of North London, January 2002 (7 pages). |
105 |
Zhang, Lu, Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Can Domain
Knowledge help Case-based diagnosis? |
In Proc 7tht UK CBR Workshop, Cambridge, December 2002, (6 pages). |
104 |
Coenen, F.P. |
ES2001 --- Conference Report. |
Expert Update Vol 5, No1, pp8-2. |
103 |
Coenen, F.P. |
5tht European Conference on principles of knowledge discovery in
databases. (Conference Report: PKDD 2001). |
Knowledge Engineering Review Vol 17, No 2, pp197-203 (Revised version of Expert Update report). |
2001 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
102 |
Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Preece, A. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVIII. |
Springer, London. |
101 |
Coenen, F.P., Eaglestone, B. and Ridley, M. |
Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues
in Expert and Database Systems: Two Perspectives. |
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol 16, No 3, pp425-447. |
100 |
Coenen, F.P., Goulbourne, G. and Leng, P. |
Computing Association Rules Using
Partial Totals. |
In de Raedt, L. and Siebes, A. (Eds.), Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery, Proc PKDD 2001, Spring Verlag LNAI 2168,
pp54-66. |
99 |
Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
association rule algorithms using itemset ordering. |
In Bramer, M., Coenen, F.P. and Preece, A. (Eds.), Research
and Development in Intelligent Systems XVIII, Springer, London,
pp53-66. (Slides). |
98 |
Coenen, F.P., Leng, P.H., Weaver, B. and Zhang, L. |
Flexible Field Service Support Using Multiple Diagnostic Tools. |
In Patkai, B. and Rudas, I.J. (Eds.), Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering Systems, IEEE, pp225-229. |
97 |
Zhang, W. Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
An Architecture for Web-based Post-sales Service in a Flexible
Manufacturing Environment. |
In Proc 1st IFIP Conference on e-commerce, e-business and e-government,
Zurich, Switzerland. |
96 |
Zhang, L., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P.H. |
A Case Based Diagnostic Tool in A Flexible Manufacturing Context. |
In Lees, B. (Ed.), Proceedings 6tht UK CBR Workshop, pp61-69. |
95 |
Zhang, W., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P.H. |
Intelligent Systems
Support for Field Service Engineers in a
Flexible Manufacturing Environment: The Stoves Project. |
Expert Update, Vol 4, No 1, ISSN 1465-4091, pp45-51.
(Reprint of ISKDE-2000 Workshop paper). |
94 |
Coenen, F.P., Eaglestone, B. and Ridley, M. |
Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues in Expert and Database Systems: Two Perspectives. |
Expert Update, Vol 13, No 3, pp26-42 (First draft of paper to be
published in International Journal of Intelligent Systems). |
93 |
Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T., Boswell, R., Dibie-Barthelemy, J.,
Eaglestone, B., Gerrits, R., Gregoire, E., Ligeza, A. Laita, L., Owoc, M.,
Sellini, F., Spreeuwenberg, S., Vanthienen, J., Vermesan, A. and
Wiratunga, N. |
Validation and Verification of Knowledge-based
Systems: report on EUROVAV99. |
Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol 5, No 2. pp187-196. |
92 |
Coenen, F.P. |
Conference Report: PKDD 2001. |
Expert Update, Vol 4, No 3, pp42-49. |
2000 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
91 |
Bramer, M., Preece, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVII. |
Springer, London. |
90 |
Macintosh, A., Moulton, M. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) |
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems VIII. |
Springer, London. |
89 |
Coenen, F.P. |
Tesseral Spatio-Temporal Reasoning for
Multi-dimensional Data. |
Journal of the Pattern Recognition Society, Vol 33, p9-23. |
88 |
Goulbourne, G., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Algorithms for Computing Association Rules
Using a Partial-Support Tree. |
Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol (13), pp141-149.
(Reprint of ES'99 paper). |
87 |
Coenen, F.P., Leng, P.H., Weaver, B. and Zhang, W. |
Towards Integrated Online Support for Field Service Engineers in a Flexible Manufacturing Environment. |
In Macintosh, A., Moulton, M. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.), Applications and
Innovations in Intelligent Systems VIII, Springer, London, pp141-152. |
86 |
Coenen, F.P., Leng, P.H. and Zhang, W. |
On-line Support for Field Service Engineers in a Flexible
Manufacturing Environment: The Stoves Project. |
Proceedings IeC2000, UMIST, Manchester, pp31-40. |
85 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M. Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Experiment in Discovering Association Rules in the Legal
Domain. |
In Database and Expert Systems Applications, Workshop
proceedings DEXA'2000 (London), IEEE, pp1056-1060. |
84 |
Zhang, W., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P.H. |
Intelligent Systems Support for Field Service Engineers in a
Flexible Manufacturing Environment: The Stoves Project. |
Proceedings ISKDE-2000 Workshop, BCS-SGES. |
1999 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
83 |
Coenen, F.P., Shave, M.J.R, Brown, A. and Lewis J. |
Multi-dimensional Spatial Reasoning for Noise Pollution Modelling. |
Advances in Engineering Software, Vol 30, pp479-488. |
82 |
Vermesan, A. and Coenen F. (Eds.) |
Validation and Verification of KBS: Theory Practice and Techniques. |
Kluwer Academic Publishing. (proceedings EUROVAV'99). |
81 |
Bramer, M., Macintosh, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVI. |
Springer, London. |
80 |
Ellis, R., Moulton, M. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds.) |
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems VII. |
Springer, London. |
79 |
Goulbourne, G., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
Algorithms for Computing Association
Rules Using A Partial-Support Tree. |
Proceedings ES99, Springer, London, pp132-147. |
78 |
Antonacopoulos, A. and Coenen, F.P. |
Region Description and Comparative Analysis Using a Tesseral Representation. |
Proceedings 5tht International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition (ICDAR'99), IEEE-CS Press, pp451-454. |
77 |
Coenen, F.P., Eaglestone, B. and Ridley, M. |
Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues in Knowledge and Database Systems: Future Directions. |
In Vermesan, A. and Coenen, F.P. (Eds), Validation and Verification of
Knowledge Based Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Proc, Eurovav 1999.
pp297-312. |
76 |
Brown, A.G.P., Coenen, F.P. and Knight, M.W. (1999). |
Visualisation of an AI Solution. |
In Paton, R. and Neilson, I. (Eds.), Visual Representations and
Interpretations, Springer, London, pp367-374. |
75 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Castelli, D., Coenen F.P., Devendeville-Brisoux, L.,
Eaglestone, B., Fiddian, N., Gray, A., Ligeza, A. and Vermesan, A. |
Validation, Verification and Integrity Issues in Expert and
Database Systems. |
Expert Update, Vol 2. No 1. pp31-35. |
74 |
Coenen, F.P. |
ES'98 --- Special Report. |
Expert Update, Vol. 2, No 1. pp8-17. |
73 |
Coenen, F.P. |
The Great Debate: "Intelligent agents are just the latest in a
series of popular and short lived fads that have plagued AI since its
inception" --- Special Report. |
Expert Update, Vol. 2, No 1. pp18-19 |
1998 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
72 |
Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Shave, M.J.R, Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and
Diaz, B.M. |
Spatial Reasoning Using The Quad-Tesseral
Representation. |
Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol 12, pp321-343. |
71 |
Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Diaz, B.M. and Shave. M.J.R. |
Spatio-Temporal Reasoning Using A Multi-Dimensional Tesseral Representation. |
Proceedings ECAI'98, John Wiley & Sons, pp140-144. |
70 |
Goulbourne, G., Coenen, F.P. and Leng, P. |
KDD in FM:
Knowledge Discovery in Facilities Management Databases. |
In Quirchmayer, G., Schweighofer, E. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M.
(Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications, proceedings DEXA'98
(Vienna), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1460, Springer Verlag,
pp806-815. |
69 |
Coenen, F.P. |
Rulebase Checking Using a Spatial
Representation. |
In Quirchmayer, G., Schweighofer, E. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. (Eds.),
Database and Expert Systems Applications, proceedings DEXA'98 (Vienna),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1460, Springer Verlag, pp166-175. |
68 |
Goulbourne, G., Coenen, F.P., Leng, P. and Murphy, D. |
Developing Association Rules in Facilities Management
| Proceedings ES98, Springer, London. pp230-244. |
67 |
Coenen, F.P. and Visser, P. |
A General Ontology for Spatial
Reasoning. |
In Miles, R., Moulton, M. and Bramer, M. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Expert Systems XV, proceedings of ES'98, Springer,
London, pp44-57. |
66 |
Brown, A.G.P., Coenen, F.P., Shave, M.J. and Knight, M.W. |
An AI Approach to Noise Prediction. |
Journal of Building Acoustics. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp137-150. |
65 |
Coenen, F.P. |
Verification and Validation Issues in
Expert and Database Systems: The Expert Systems Perspective. |
In Wagner, R.R. (Ed.), Database and Expert Systems Applications.
Workshop proceedings DEXA'98 (Vienna), IEEE, pp16-21. |
64 |
Coenen, F.P. |
DEXA (Database and Expert Systems
Applications), Vienna, 24-28 August 1998. |
Conference report, Expert Update, Vol. 1, No 2. pp50-51. |
1997 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
63 |
Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Diaz, B.M. and Shave. M.J.R. |
A tesseral Approach to N-Dimensional Spatial Reasoning. |
In Hameurlain, A. and Tjoa, A.M. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems
Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'97), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1308, Springer Verlag, pp633-642. |
62 |
Coenen, F.P., Diaz, B.M., Shave. M.J.R., Beattie, B. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. |
N-Dimensional Reasoning Using a Tesseral Representation. |
In Hunt, J. and Miles, R. (Eds.), Research and Development in Expert
Systems XIV, proceedings of ES'97, SGES publications, pp97-108. |
61 |
Coenen, F.P. and Dunne, P.E. |
Verification and Validation of Rulebases using a Binary Encoded
Incidence Matrix Technique. |
Proceedings EUROVAV'97, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, pp43-53. Belgium. |
60 |
Coenen, F.P., Diaz, B.M., Shave. M.J.R., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Beattie, B. |
A Tesseral Approach to Multi-Dimensional Reasoning. |
Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference
(IMVIP-97), University of Ulster, Magee College, N. Ireland, pp88-95. |
59 |
Brown, A.G.P., Knight, M.W., Coenen, F.P. and Geraghty, P.J. |
Representation and Reasoning in Architectural space: a Linear
Tesseral Approach. |
Proceedings ECAADE'97, Osterreichischer Kunst-und Kulturverlag, CD |
1996 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
58 |
Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., and Shave, M.J.R. |
Coordinating Human and Software Agents through Electronic
Mail. |
In Kirn, S and O'Hare, G.M.P. (Eds.), Cooperative Knowledge
Processing, Springer Publishers, London (revised version ofpaper
presented at DTI CSCW Anglo/German SIG Meeting, London, 6 December
1993). |
57 |
Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Diaz, B.M., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and
Shave, M.J.R |
Temporal Reasoning using Tesseral Addressing:
Towards an Intelligent Environmental Impact Assessment System. |
Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 9, No 5, pp287-300. |
56 |
Beattie, B., Coenen, F.P., Hough, A., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Diaz, B. and Shave, M.J.R. |
Spatial Reasoning for Environmental Impact Assessment. |
Third International Conference on GIS and Environmental Modelling, Santa Barbara: National
Centre for Geographic Information and Analysis, WWW and CD. |
55 |
Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R and Diaz, B. |
An Ontology for Linear Spatial Reasoning. |
In Wagner, R.R. and Thoma, H. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems
Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'96), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1134, Springer Verlag, pp718-727. |
54 |
Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Diaz, B. and Shave, M.J.R. |
Spatial Reasoning for Geographic Information Systems. |
Proceeding GEOCOMP'96 (1st International Conference on GeoComputation),
School of Geography, University of Leeds, Vol 1, pp121-131. |
53 |
Diaz B.M., Beattie B.J.H., Coenen F.C., Shave M.J.R., and Bench-Capon T.J. |
Spatial and temporal linearisation: issues in optimising dGKBIS
(dynamic Geographic Knowledge Based Information Systems). |
Presented at the INFORMS-96 (Institute of Operations Research and
Management Science) International Conference, Washington DC, May 5-8 1996. |
1995 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
52 |
Coenen, F.P. |
An Advanced Binary Encoded Matrix
Representation for Rulebase Verification. |
Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol 8, No 4, pp201-210. |
51 |
Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Shave, M.J.R and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. |
Developing Distributed Database applications using TSL. |
In Revell, N. and Tjoa, A.M. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems
Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'95), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
978, Springer Verlag, pp58-67. |
50 |
Beattie, B., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Diaz, B. and Shave, M.J.R. |
Spatial Reasoning for GIS using a Tesseral Data Representation. |
In Revell, N. and Tjoa, A.M. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems
Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'95), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 978, Springer Verlag, pp207-216. |
49 |
Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R and Diaz, B. |
Spatial Reasoning for Timetabling: The TIMETABLER system. |
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Practice and
Theory of Automated Timetabling (ICPTAT'95), Napier University, Edinburgh,
pp57-68. |
48 |
Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Shave, M.J.R. |
Using Cooperating Knowledge-Based Systems to Reduce Information
Overload. |
Colloquium on Information Overload, IEE Digest 95/223, pp8/1-83. |
1994 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
47 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. |
The Maintenance of Legal Knowledge Based Systems. . |
In Carr, I. and Williams, K. (Eds.), Computers and Law, Intellect
Books, Oxford, pp209-224. |
46 |
Coenen, F.P. |
A Binary Encoded Incidence Matrix Representation for KBS Verification. |
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (special issue on Expert Systems),
Vol 11, No 3, pp221-232. |
45 |
Coenen, F.P., Beattie, B., Diaz, B., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Shave, M.J.R. |
Temporal Calculus for GIS using Tesseral Addressing. |
In Bramer, M.A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.), Research and Development in
Expert Systems XI, Proceedings of ES'94, pp261-273. |
44 |
Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Shave, M.J.R |
A Knowledge based Advisor's Assistant. |
In Milne, R. and Montgomery, A. (Eds.), Applications and Innovations
in Expert Systems II, Proceedings of ES'94, pp71-85. |
43 |
Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M and Kent A. |
Advanced Binary Encoded Incidence Matrix representation to Support KBS Verification |
Working notes AAAI'94 workshop on KBS Verification and Validation,
Seattle, August 1994, pp84-97. |
42 |
Diaz, B.M., Beattie, B.J.H, Coenen, F.P., Shave, M,J.R and Bench-Capon, T.J.M |
Expert Systems Within EIA. |
EIA Newsletter, No 9, EIA Centre, Dept. of Planning and Landscape,
University of Manchester, p 21. |
1993 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
41 |
Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. |
Maintenance of Knowledge Based Systems: Theory, Tools and Techniques. |
Academic Press, London, 322 pages. |
40 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Coenen, F.P., Paton, R, Nwana, H. and Shave, M.J.R. |
Two Aspects of the validation and verification of Knowledge based Systems. |
IEEE Expert, Vol 8, No 3, pp76-81 (revised version of paper with same title presented at EUROVAV'91). |
39 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Coenen, F.P. and Orton, P. |
Argument Based Explanations of The British Nationality Act
as a Logic Program. |
Law, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 2, No 1, p53-66
(revised version of paper presented at ICAIL'92). |
38 |
Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Smeaton, G.P. |
Representing Visual Conditions in a Legal Knowledge Based
System. |
Proc. ICAIL'93, Amsterdam, ACM Press, New York, pp264-271. |
37 |
Coenen, F.P., Finch,I., Bench-Capon,T.J.M. and Shave,M.J.R. |
Autonomous Support for Group Working: The Aide de Camp
Project. |
In Alty, J., Diaper, D. and Guest, S. (Eds.), People and Computers
VIII, (Proc. HCI'93), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
pp367-382. |
36 |
Coenen, F.P. and Forster, R. |
Matrix Techniques for Rulebase Verification. |
In Bramer, M.A. and Macintosh, A.L. (Eds.), Research and
Development in Expert Systems X, Proceedings of ES'93, pp235-247. |
35 |
Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R. and
Barlow, J.A. |
Autonomous Communications Using Aide de Camp. |
JFIT Technical Conference Digest (Proceedings JFIT'93), Department
of Trade and Industry, London, pp297-305. |
34 |
Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., and Shave, M.J.R. |
Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems in Aide de Camp. |
In Nwana, H.S. and Martelli, T. (Eds.), EXPERSYS-93 Expert Systems
Applications and Artificial Intelligence IITT-International, Gournay
sur Marne, France, pp33-38. |
33 |
Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Finch, I. and Shave M.J.R. |
Expert System Support for Teams of Mobile Distributed
Engineers. |
In Rzevski, G., Pastor, J. and Adey, R.A. (Eds.), Applications of
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol 1: Design, Methods and
Techniques (Proc AIENG'93), Computational Mechanics Publications &
Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp491-504. |
32 |
Coenen, F.P., Taleb-Bendiab, A. and Forster, R. |
Verification of Rule-bases Using Incidence Matrices: The IMVER
System. |
In Rzevski, G., Pastor, J. and Adey, R.A. (Eds.), Applications of
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol 1: Design, Methods and
Techniques (Proceedings AIENG'93), Computational Mechanics Publications &
Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp248-260. |
31 |
Threadgold, R. and Coenen, F.P. (1993). |
Using ALLSPEAK to Reverse Engineer KBS Specifications. |
In Rzevski, G., Pastor, J. and Adey, R.A. (Eds.), Applications of
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIII, Vol 2: Applications and Techniques (Proceedings AIENG'93), Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp61-76. |
30 |
Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., and Shave, M.J.R. |
Coordinating Human and Software Agents through Electronic
Mail. |
In O'Hare, G.M.P. and Kirn, S. (Eds.), Towards the Intelligent
Organisation: The Coordination Perspective. Proc. of DTI CSCW
Anglo/German SIG Meeting, London. |
29 |
Finch, I., Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave, M.J.R. and
Barlow, J.A. |
Applying CKBS Techniques to Electronic Mail. |
In Deen, S.M. (Ed.), Proc. of the Special Interest Group on
Cooperative Knowledge Based Systems Workshop, The University of Keele,
pp101-118. |
1992 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
28 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Coenen, F.P. and Dunne, P.E.S. |
Integrating Legal Support Systems Through Document Models. |
Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 4, pp355-362. |
27 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. |
The Maintenance of Legal Knowledge Based Systems. |
Artificial Intelligence Review 6, pp129-143. |
26 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. |
Isomorphism and Legal Knowledge Based Systems. |
Artificial Intelligence and Law, Vol 1, No 1, pp65-86. |
25 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. |
Maintenance Tools for Knowledge Based Systems: The MAKE Project. |
Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 5, pp267-273. |
24 |
Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave M.J.R. and
Barlow, J.A. |
Building Intelligence into the Aide de Camp System. |
Proceedings ES'92, British Computer Society, London. |
23 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Coenen, F.P. and Orton, P. |
Argument Based Explanations of The British Nationality Act as a
Logic Program. |
Proc. ICAIL 92, The University College of Wales
(Aberystwyth), pp21-25. |
22 |
Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. |
Maintenance and Maintainability in Regulation Based KBS. |
In Tjoa, A.M. and Ramos, I. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems
Applications (Proceedings DEXA'92), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, pp415-420. |
21 |
Coenen, F.P., Fawcett, S.P.M., Smeaton, G.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. |
Electronic Chart Representation and Interaction. |
In Tjoa, A.M. and Ramos, I. (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems
Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'92), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, p543. |
20 |
Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. |
Maintenance and Maintainability in Regulation Based KBS. |
ICL Technical Journal, Vol 9, No 3, May, pp67-84. |
19 |
Coenen, F.P., Finch, I., Bench-Capon, T.J.M., Shave,
M.J.R. and Barlow, J.A. |
Task Scripting for An Intelligent Aide de Camp System. |
In Niku-Lari (Ed.), EXPERSYS-92 (Proceedings), IITT-International,
Gournay sur Marne, France, pp191-196. |
18 |
Coenen, F.P. |
A Methodology for the Maintenance of
Knowledge based Systems. |
In Niku-Lari, A. (Ed.), EXPERSYS-92 (Proceedings), IITT-International,
Gournay sur Marne, France, pp171-176. |
17 |
Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. |
KBS Maintenance Validation Using
Simulation. |
In Grierson, D.E., Rzevski, G. and Adey, R.A. (Eds.), Application of
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VII (proceedings AIENG'92),
Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London,
pp215-228. |
16 |
Smeaton, G.P., Fawcett, S.P.M., Dineley, W.O.D. and Coenen, F.P. |
The Use of Interactive Video and Spatial Data in a marine GIS/Electronic Chart. |
In Digital Mapping and Navigation, Proceedings International
Conference of the Royal Institute of Navigation, The Royal Institute of
Navigation, London. |
15 |
Coenen, F.P. |
The Aide de Camp Project. |
JFIT NEWS, June 1992, No 34, p4. |
1991 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
14 |
Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. |
Rule Based Algorithms for Geographic Constraints in a Marine KBS. |
Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 4, No 3, pp157-164. |
13 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. |
Exploiting Isomorphism: Development of a KBS to Support British Coal Insurance Claims. |
Proceedings Third International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL'91), ACM Press, New York, pp62-68. |
12 |
Coenen, F.P. and Bench-Capon, T.B.C |
A Graphical Interactive Tool for KBS
Maintenance. |
In Karagiannis, D. (Ed.), Database and Expert Systems Applications
(proceedings DEXA'91), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, pp166-171. |
11 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Coenen, F.P. |
The Make Project: Maintenance Tools For Knowledge Based
Systems. |
Proceedings World Congress on Expert Systems (WCES'91), Pergamon Press,
New York, pp1030-1036. |
10 |
Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. |
A KBS for Marine Collision Avoidance. |
Proceedings World Congress on Expert Systems (WCES'91), Pergamon Press,
New York, pp2574-2581. |
9 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Coenen, F.P., Paton, R, Nwana, H. and Shave, M.J.R. |
Two Aspects of the Validation and Verification of Knowledge based
Systems. |
Proceedings EUROVAV'91, Logica, Cambridge, pp125-132 (revised version
published in IEEE Expert). |
8 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M, Soper, P. and Coenen, F.P. |
Animation of Advice Leaflets Using Hypertext and Knowledge
based Systems Techniques. |
In Breuker, J.A., De Mulder, R.V. and Hage, J.C. (Eds.),
Legal Knowledge Based Systems: Model-Based Legal Reasoning (Proc JURIX'91),
Koninklijke Vermande BV, Lelystadt, Netherlands, pp53-59. |
7 |
Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Smith. M.J. |
KBS Development Using X Windows: The Made Development
methodology. |
Proceedings of the UK Unix User Group Summer Conference (UKUUG'91), The
University of Liverpool, pp64-72. |
1990 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
6 |
Smeaton, G.P. and Coenen, F.P. |
Developing an Intelligent Marine Navigation System. |
IEE, Computing and Control Engineering Journal, March 1990, Vol. 1,
No. 2, pp95-103. |
5 |
Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. |
A Real Time KBS in Marine Navigation. |
In Addis, T.R. and Muir, R.M. (Eds.), Research and Development in
Expert Systems VII, (proceedings ES'90), British Computer Society,
London, pp92 -103. |
4 |
Bench-Capon, T.J.M and Coenen, F.P. |
Practical Application of KBS to Law: The Crucial Role of Maintenance. |
In van Noortwijk, C., Schmidt, A.H.J. and Winkels, R.G.F. (Eds.), Legal
Knowledge Based Systems, Aims for Research and Development,(proceedings
JURIX'90), Koninklijke Vermande BV, Lelystadt, Netherlands, pp5-17. |
1989 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
3 |
Coenen, F.P., Smeaton, G.P. and Bole, A.G. |
Knowledge-Based Collision Avoidance. |
Journal of Navigation, Vol 42, Jan 1989, pp107-116. |
2 |
Smeaton, G.P. and Coenen, F.P. |
Information Processing in Navigation. |
IEE, Colloquium on Marine Communications, Control and Safety, IEE, London. |
1988 |
Num. |
Authors |
Title |
Publication Details |
1 |
Smeaton, G.P., Bole, A.G. and Coenen, F.P. |
A Rule Based System for Collision Avoidance. |
Proceedings, International Conference on Maritime Communications and
Control, Institute of Marine Engineers, London. |